Sunny's Bio

3 years, 5 months ago
3 years, 5 months ago
18 6916

Chapter 14
Published 3 years, 5 months ago

Character Bio template by Squirrelette on deviantART - While I worked on this on dA, I had to remove some sections of the template due to character limit. Some sections of the template were repetitive or not relevant to the character in question which is why I also removed them for those reasons.

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Elementary/middle school (K-8)

-Name: Blue Meadow Elementary School

-Location: Laguna Beach, CA

-Age Completed: 14

-Year Completed: 2007

-Social Status: Class Clown

-Typical Grades: As and Bs (one C in math)

-Favorite Classes: Science, English

-Least Favorite Classes: Math

-Favorite Activities: Field Day

-Least Favorite Activities: None

-School Friends: Keani Mahelona (5th-8th grade)

-School Crushes: Monica (6th grade)

-Best Memory: Meeting Keani over summer break; pranking a mean substitute teacher who made Monica cry

-Worst Memory: Being rejected by Monica

High school

-Name: Eastbrook High School

-Location: Saffron Hills, Wesmos

-Age Completed: 18

-Year Completed: 2011

-Social Status: Jock (swim team), Class Clown

-Typical Grades: As and Bs (one C in French)

-Favorite Classes: Earth science, PE, English

-Least Favorite Classes: French

-Favorite Activities: Swim + dive team

-Least Favorite Activities: None

-School Friends: Kian Prescott (formerly), Marco Alberti, Blaze Taylor, Kyra Alberti, Keani Mahelona

-School Crushes: Cat

-Best Memory: Swim team winning championships

-Worst Memory: His sister getting in trouble with Tina and her cronies plus Cat's toxic one-sided relationship with Kian, disbanding the Four Aces


-Name: Saffron Hills University

-Location: Saffron Hills, Wesmos

-Age Completed: 23 (Bachelor's)

-Year Completed: 2016

-Social Status: Fairly popular among swim team

-Typical Grades: As and Bs

-Favorite Classes: Marine biology (current major)

-Least Favorite Classes: Whatever didn't apply to his major

-Favorite Activities: Internship at Sirena Palms aquarium, SHU pep band (bass), swim team

-Least Favorite Activities: None

-School Friends: Atti Wyndham, Rochelle Reynolds, Marco Alberti, Blaze Taylor, Keani Mahelona

-School Crushes: Cat

-Best Memory: Outdoor movie date with Cat, becoming best friends with Atti

-Worst Memory: Kian's attempted rape on Cat

Degrees: Bachelor’s in Marine Biology, Associate’s in Marine biology
(Masters currently in progress)