Bad Batch Episode summaries but with Jessper

3 years, 17 days ago
2 years, 11 months ago
11 16841

Chapter 5
Published 3 years, 11 days ago

Here are some episode summaries for the Bad Batch with Jessper! (btw these won't be very well written. It'll just be things like 'then this happened, then this, then this!').

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Episode 5 - Rampage

Episode 5 time! Enjoy.

So the ship is travelling through hyperspace (I'm starting to realise that majority of the episodes start this way lol), and Tech sets up Omega with Crosshair's former commlink. Omega plays with it, speaking into it, but Echo reminds her that it isn't a toy.

She asks why they're going to Ord Mantell, since they're supposed to stay low, but Hunter tells her they need to find out about that bounty hunter. Echo mentions he knows someone by the name of Cid who might be able to help.

Jess moves uncomfortably upon hearing that name, but no one seems to pick up on it. Echo says that the Jedi trusted Cid, but Tech counters that the Jedi are dead. Echo asks if anyone has a better option, Omega backing him up through her commlink before apologizing for playing with it again (god I love her).

The ship lands on Ord Mantell and travel through the streets, Omega repeating back to the group her orders if she got in trouble again. Echo leads them down a rundown alley and into a barren cantina, two aliens playing on a few arcades in the corner. Echo ends up mentioning that he's never met Cid before, only heard of them. Tech tells him that he should have mentioned that before (He's just trying his best, Tech. Give him a break).

Hunter approaches a green Trandoshan, telling her that he is looking for Cid (Just looked up what a Trandoshan was and didn't realise that it's the same species as Bossk lol. The more you know). She evades the question, making Hunter ask about the two aliens in the corner. The Trandoshan reiterates that he is in the wrong place and that they should leave unless he is here to spend money.

Jess moves closer to the others, eyes remaining on the Trandoshan, telling them that they should leave and that she doesn't trust the alien. They argue about it for a moment before Jess suggest that the Trandoshan might in fact be Cid. But, the others brush it off.

Omega pipes up, mentioning that she found Cid and pointed to the Trandoshan bartender. Jess mutters a quick, 'told you' to the others.

Cid leads the clones and Jess to a secret storeroom filled with different kinds of devices. Jess chooses to stick to the back of the group, hiding from Cid.

The group talk before Cid gets into business with them all. Echo sticks his cybernetic tool arm into Cid's terminal, showing a hologram of the mysterious bounty hunter they encountered. Cid doesn't know who it is, but concludes that she is definitely a bounty hunter. But, in return for the information they want, she asks them to do a task for her.

She explains that she needs them to rescue a kid named Muchi who was taken by Zygerrian slaver who are on the other side of the planet (Zygerrians look so precious tho. Big cat people owo). Cid tells them to bring the kid to her for their information.

They have a deal and Cid throws Hunter an intel stick before leaving for the mission. Cid watches on, but pays closer attention to Jess.

So the gang finally get to the other side of Ord Mantell. Wrecker gets another wave of pain through his head which he brushes off (oh god).

Tech mentions that the Zygerrian slave traders are hiding the ruins of an old city. Omega asks what a slave trader is and Tech and Echo explain it to her. After, she vows to rescue Muchi (goalz).

The ship lands near a mountain range overlooking the ruined city (smart move number 1: land right near the place where you need to sneak into), then the group stand near the mountain ledge overlooking the ruins (smart move number 2: stand right out in the open where they can easily see your black armour against the almost white mountains). They observe through Macrobinoculars and spot a Falleen child under armed guard, who is assumed to be Muchi. Tech spots multiple entry points where they can run in and rescue the child. Omega is excited to go on the mission, but Hunter orders her to stay on the ship. Jess lingers behind, reminding that if she gets frightened, she can contact her with her new commlink. Omega nods, still sad though as Jess follows the others.

The group move over the rocky terrain towards where Muchi is. Hunter tasks Echo with acting as the eyes in the sky and tasks Wrecker with drawing the Zygerrian forces out. He tells Tech to follow him and get the kid and Jess sticks near Echo on the ground.

Echo spots two speeders and informs the rest of the group before sensing movement just as the group are attacked by a large serpentine brezak. Jess hides quickly before the Zygerrians can find her, and she spots the two speeders racing up to their ship. Jess follows.

When she finally gets to the ship, she spots Omega sneaking out of the ship and catches up to her. They hide behind a boulder and watch as the two guards leave, notifying their boss that the ship is empty.

Both try contacting the others through their commlinks, but no answer. Jess calms her before moving towards the edge of the settlement. Using a pair of macrobinoculars, Omega spots the clones who have now been chained in electromagnetic restraints.

The two spot Tech looking up at them and Omega waves down at them, before Jess lowers the kid's hand quickly so the guards don't spot them. Jess points towards a cable then to the group's items, signalling for her to grab them and give it to the clones (she's smol, she can sneak past them). Jessper while she does that, decides to distract the guards while Omega goes to do her mission.

Omega, while climbing down a pillar, knocks her foot into a rock, creating noise and causing the guards to look in her direction. However Wrecker distracts them by kicking a stone of his own. Jess jumps down, causing everyone to look towards her. She tells the guards to not hurt her friends and a fight almost begins before she hears Omega cry out.

A bunch of guards caught her, but she managed to get a cage open, causing a Rancor to burst from inside. The Rancor lifts up a boulder and throws it at the slavers.

Jess takes down a few guards around her and runs to Hunter's side. Omega makes her way over to the Falleen girl and tells her that they here to take her home. But her father, speaking in Falleen, tells her that... well... the Rancor is actually Muchi (oh boi).

Hunter tells the group that they need to capture Muchi in order to get their intel from Cid. Echo gets Jess and Omega to follow him and help the slaves while the rest go and catch Muchi.

Echo, Omega and Jessper take shelter behind rocks from the guards. Echo and Jess take out the guards with their blasters and lead the slaves towards the speeders. Omega finds a discarded Zygerrian Energy Bow and picks it up (easily the coolest weapon in the entire Star Wars franchise along with the lightsaber and the Slave 1's seismic charges).

So while that's happening, the Brezak and Muchi have an epic fight and she ends up defeating the Brezak, causing it to fly off. So now Tech and Wrecker have to figure out how to stop her. Tech explains that Rancors adhere to social hierarchies and that they'll have to challenge the alpha for authority which Wrecker is real freakin happy about and charges at the Rancor (he finally gets to punch something!!).

The Falleen slaves depart on a pair of speeder bikes to safety and Echo, Jess and Omega return to the others. The group watch as a tired Wrecker and Muchi still fight (but very sloppily, which made me cackle, honestly), but Muchi drops from exhaustion and Wrecker pats the head of the sleeping Rancor. Jessper laughs as Omega comments about how cute Muchi is.

Back at Cid's, a familiar face visits to retrieve Muchi. And this familiar face is Bib Fortuna, Jabba the Hutt's majordomo and chief of staff (*cue me crying*). Muchi is heard roaring and they see the group approaching Cid and Fortuna, Omega riding on Muchi's back. Fortuna rushes to Muchi, happy to see her and they lead Muchi away. Jess smiles as she watches Omega and Wrecker wave her goodbye.

Cid guides Hunter to her office and reveals to Hunter that the bounty hunter is called Fennec Shand. Cid adds that she's new to the scene, but has already proven to be ruthless and cunning. He tries asking who hired her, but Cid doesn't know and that whoever did, doesn't want to be found out.

Before Hunter can leave, Cid mentions that he should keep an eye on Jessper. He laughs, ignoring Cid's speculation about Jess, saying that she's just a medic.

So, that's episode 5! I guess for the peeps who haven't watched the og Star Wars movies want an explanation about Muchi. Basically Muchi is the Rancor that Jabba has underneath his palace that... Luke ends up killing when he gets dropped into the pit.

Now that Muchi has a name and a backstory I shall never watch Return of the Jedi the same way again :(