Bad Batch Episode summaries but with Jessper

3 years, 17 days ago
2 years, 11 months ago
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Chapter 9
Published 2 years, 11 months ago

Here are some episode summaries for the Bad Batch with Jessper! (btw these won't be very well written. It'll just be things like 'then this happened, then this, then this!').

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Episode 9 - Bounty Lost

EPISODE 9!!!!!! this episode focuses a lot on Omega and Cad Bane, but this will allow me to focus on some Jessper angst >:3

The Havoc Marauder is pursued above Bracca by Crosshair. Tech wants to jump to hyperspace, but Hunter disagrees, not wanting to abandon Omega. Jessper says that if they keep this up, Crosshair will gun them down. Echo adds that Omega is long gone and they'll have no chance of finding her if they are shot down. Hunter finally allows Tech to make the jump to hyperspace,

Hunter leaves the cockpit, clearly upset. Jessper follows, watching as he sits on his bunk looking deppressotm. Jessper approaches him and asks what's wrong. He's clearly upset about Omega's capture and Jess reassures him that they'll find her. She swears on her life that they'll get her back. She tells him to get some rest before leaving.

Later, Echo consults the old Republic database and he finds that the bounty hunter that kidnapped Omega is Cad Bane, who had multiple run-ins with the Jedi. Wrecker asks why the bounty hunter on Pantora and Bane want the kid. Walking into the room, Tech says that Omega is actually more valuable than they realized.

After analysing her genetic structure, he discovered that she has pure first-generation DNA. Basically, he's saying that Omega is a pure genetic replication of Jango Fett, the original donor for the clones (b-but she's white? ok I'm not gunna get into that). Tech adds that there's only one other like Omega. Boba Fett. Seeing that Boba disappeared during the Clone Wars, Omega is extremely valuable to the Kaminoans. Meaning that they want her back.

Jessper panics, remembering Cad Bane from her days before being a medic and flees the room. Hunter notices her leaving and follows her, asking what's wrong.

She basically tells him that she's heard of Bane, and that her old friends had plenty of run-ins with him and that didn't go very well. She panics, saying that they may not get Omega back but Hunter fires back with what she told him earlier that day. He swears on his life that they'll get her back. Hunter gives her a big ol' hug and he leaves, letting Jessper pull herself together a bit.

Later on again, Echo says that Cid doesn't know about Bane's whereabouts, telling them that they're on their own. They suddenly get a real glitchy transmission from Omega. Hunter boosts the signal. She tells them that she doesn't know where she is. Wrecker calls out to her, telling her that they're coming, but Echo says that the signal is too weak to find a direct connection trace.

Hunter tells Omega to relay her position by creating a power surge and asks her to find a panel. Omega finds a door panel and mentions that it's similar to the one on Tipoca City (which is the main cloning facility on Kamino).

Tech tells Omega to activate it, and she does, causing the door to open. He then tells her to reroute the circuit in order to overload the main grid, however, the transmission stops with a crack. Jessper panics slightly but Hunter gives her a reasuring look, which helps Jessper calm down slightly.

A little bit later, Echo picks up her signal and finds that she is in the Lido system. Wrecker asks where that is and Echo searches for the exact coordinates. He gets it and they zoom off into space.

The Marauder spots a flight pod falling from the sky once they reach her location and they catch the pod. The manhole opens and Wrecker greets the terrified Omega inside. Omega is helped up by Wrecker and the two embrace. The group all gather around, happy to see the kid. Omega rushes to Jessper and she scoops her up into a hug.

Omega tells her that she missed Jess, and Jessper says the same before putting her down. She then rushes to Hunter and hugs him (HUG HER BACK PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD HUG HER BACK SHE NEEEEEDS IT!!!!). Obviously taking from Cut's advice, he kneels down to her level and ask if she's ok and if she's hurt.

Omega asks why this stuff is happening to her. Echo tells Hunter to tell Omega the truth. He tells Omega that she is more valuable to them than all of the other clones. Including them. He mentions that she's different, and she asks how (THEY JUST LEAVE IT THERE!!! THEY JUST CUT AWAY! pLeAsE!!).

Hard cut to Jessper having a little alone time with Omega. She's checking over her in case she was hurt in anyway. They have a little chat, Jessper is all like 'I'm so glade you're ok' and Omega's all like 'I'm happy to be back!'. So they have a lil talk and Jess finishes up and she scurries off.

Tech appears, a box in hand. He explains that he and Hunter had been working on something for her. She looks at him and asks what it is. He puts it down and shows her a new set of armour for her. She looks at each piece, a huge smile on her face.

Tech explains that Hunter wanted her to have her own set of armour since she was hurt back on Bracca. He'd been worried for her since. Jessper asks 'he worries for me?'. Tech smiles, turning to leave saying, 'he cares about you more than you think'.

She smiles before peering over to her own box of items. She approaches it before opening it. She rummaged through the items before pulling out two sheathed vibro-swords.

This episode H U R T me! Also, Cad and Fennec having an epic bounty hunter stand off. Y E S. This episode both hurt me and hyped me uppppp!!! Can't wait to see what happens next hnnnnng.