The Qī Jiè Realms

2 years, 11 months ago
2 years, 11 months ago
8 2058

Chapter 4
Published 2 years, 11 months ago

Each realm is connected by a system of portals.

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The Forest Realm

The Forest Realm


A realm of many natural biomes: forests, plains, jungles, mountain ranges, and deserts. It is the biggest of all the realms and the most commonly known and inhabited. The whole realm is overseen and policed by the Rangers, a tribe of forest dwelling druids, whose duty has been passed down through many generations. Many air breathing and land dwelling beings wander this realm. Depending on the biome, the cities and towns have different appearances, though most cities are made from clay or wood. This realm is the only known realm to have integrated tribes and clans into their modern culture. Common animals you'd see in the non-magic realm live here as well, such as deer, foxes, wolves, squirrels, etc. This realm is also famous for its agriculture and supplies all of the other realms with food and ingredients, delivering them to each.