The Qī Jiè Realms

2 years, 11 months ago
2 years, 11 months ago
8 2058

Chapter 8
Published 2 years, 11 months ago

Each realm is connected by a system of portals.

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The Fire Realm

The Fire Realm


This realm takes two of the three layers of the Underworld, separated by a higher and lower section.

Higher Flaris

This is the closest to the Overworld (other realms), consisting of magma rivers and inactive volcanoes. Creatures who dwell in such a state can be located there such as fire drakes, tieflings, devils, and magma elementals. There are towns and cities of towering obsidian buildings and a fierce feeling of excitement buzzes through the air.

Lower Flaris

This section is darker and consists of more evil things than that of Higher Flaris. Here dwell the prisons, assassins, bounty hunters, and other places of fear. The streets are dim only the light from the lava gutters illuminating the paths. The pathways are made from dark marble. Shifty characters are seen lurking at each corner, ready to commit some heinous crime. This is essentially the physical version of the dark web. Banished weapons, clothing, and other items are sold and traded here. Riots are often and usually starting with hte guards of the prisons and the prisoners themselves.