Frost Legion

At a Glance

The Frost Legion is defined by its history of being the most prideful, powerful, and tyrranical of any faction of the realm. Until recent aeons, the legion was controlled by a dictatorship regime that had the power to make anyone bow before them. Now, following bouts of poor leadership and even worse interlegional relationships, the ideals of beauty and might have fell out of fashion, paving the way for a new budding government.



Universal Physical Characteristics - Straight horns, three rows of sharp, overlapping scales along body, long sharp spines which are longer on the neck, dark sclera

Possible Genetics - Silvery reflective detail scales on specific body parts (32%), varying length of neck spines, long spines on tail tip (4%)

Coloration - Bright whites with a slight hue, typically biasing towards blues. Main and secondary scales are never grayscale. Deep Frost Legion have much darker scales, though never black, and are almost always cool colors (93%)

Nomenclature - Words relating to the beauty of ice/snow, hibernal weather, or those that invoke cold

Soul of Frost - Instafreezing; the legionnaire can telekinetically freeze water in the air, creating a fine coating of ice or snow on any nearby object with an intensity of their choice

Dragons of the Frost Legion have evolved an extreme tolerance to the cold and a prickly attitude to match. Surviving in such a place is said to naturally chill their hearts.


Historically a dictatorship with a singular figurehead in absolute control, since the abolition of the royal bloodline with the death of Rex Niveal, the legion has restructured into an oligarchy. As an attempt to decentralize power for the first time in the legion's history, the Frost Legion is headed by a group of 21 convocators which share soulbound power with the archmaster. Bloodline no longer has any role in deciding leadership, instead, the convocation and archmaster work together to appoint new convocators when the positions open. The roles have no terms and any purebred Frost legionnaire is eligible for the role.

The growing influence of religion has many wondering if a religious figurehead will soon assume a leadership position.

Despite the recent shakeup in legion government, the structure of the Frost Legion's [city] presence has not changed in aeons. A singular archmaster rules the quadrant with a hefty crew of Executrix at their disposal. Historically the archmaster has been incredibly subserviant to the grandmaster, but since the restructuring they have been held in much higher regard.

The legion polices itself through the heavy amount of enchantments that automatically report any false actions to the Executrix.

Current Leadership



Archmaster - Niphados still?


Notable Figures

Societal Structure

good q actually what do normal people do in a fascist society

There is remarkably little social organization here. Most Night Legionnaires fly solo, doing little more than simply surviving. Settlements are rarely occupied by more than one or two families. Those who are better off are not above preying on the less fortunate. In recent aeons, measures have been taken to protect and enhance wellfare in addition to encouraging the creation of communities, but it took many more aeons of disparity and depravity to get to this point.

The informally recognized Night Slums district features the most well known center of Night Legion society. Populated by the poor, crooks, and exiles from other regions, it is a dog eat dog life in the Slums. Compared to the controlled environment of Excelsius, the lack of policing in the Slums has created a notably free society where anyone can do anything, so long as they are capable of it. One needs to be strong to survive the Slums, but one who is powerful, truly or artificially, who understands the system and how to play it, can thrive.

Deep Frost Legion

A sect of the Frost Legion that was banished many aeons ago to the underground caverns of the region, the Deep Frost Legion is a self sustaining faction hidden away from the world at large. The greater Frost Legion holds two contradictory views on them: They are still Frost Legion and are thus entirely under their control, yet they are not true Frost Legion and are not representative of their superiority. The Frost Legion would rather bury their existence than suggest they make them impure.

The Deep Frost Legion harkens back to a more primal time for dragons. They stalk the caves like how fearsome beasts haunt the deep sea. Families stick together, and certain leadership figures, or Wardens, tend to emerge should conflicts need settling, but there is no government to speak of. The dragons live in mutual harmony and survive without any interaction with the surface. They have particularly adapted to diving for prey in the underground lakes, using their dark features and shiny scales as intimidation tactics.

These dragons are long ago rejects of the Frost Legion: those with darker colors, rougher sensibilities, and those with the rare detail scales, before they were seen as desirable. Though the latter traits have assimilated back into the greater Frost Legion, no surface legionnaire has a darker coloration.

Geography and Districts

The Frost Legion has reign over the tundra of the realm. The region does not naturally snow every season, but has been enchanted to maintain snowy weather at all times. The mountainous geography contains sprawling underground caverns. Frozen lakes and ponds dapple the desolate landscape. Frost legionnaires do not mind the climate, but other less adapted individuals will find it hard to live in this region.

A number of districts surround the old [Palace of Ice], a now vacant building and symbol of the past. Each district is self sustaining and each has its own specialties. The Frost Legion cares little for goods of other cultures, so the districts provide each other with everything they need as opposed to trading with the outside.

Since the restructuring, the convocation lives and meets within the Silver Spear, a tall spire over the most populous district. Previously, the [Palace of Ice] was home to the might and terror of the Frost royalty. Heavily fortified and surrounded by an enchanted lake, the location was abandoned in favor of one more representitive of the new direction for the legion.

The Frost Legion lays claim to the Disputed Zone in the autumnal and hibernal seasons. By making peace with the Sky Legion, the Frost Legion controls more land at its most useful time.

Fighting Force

Joining the Night Legion's regiments is one of the most stable choices of lifestyle available. In stark contrast to the perceived weakness of the greater legion, the Night Legion boats a powerful fighting force that can hold its own against the more organized legions.

The legion's primary offensive tactic is mystery; they strike silently in the night, either finishing the job without a trace or wreaking havoc at a magnitude other legions are poorly equipped to defend against.

The Night Legion is only ever targeted for its territory or in political response. Attackers are often surprised to find they have sorely underestimated the tenacity of the legion's defense. Raids on the Alcazar are rather common, but are typically repelled with ease thanks to the enchantments on the edifice.