The Red Army

At a Glance

The Red Army is a secretive communistic political group bent on world domination. It aspires to see the four legions united under a single rule, bringing peace and equality to all. Headed by the infamous Red Leader, the group is structured like an army. Though their primary tactic is destruction from within, they are prepared to take the thrones by force.


44326052_6v3K8IZQzOBRmli.png The Red Army recruits loners, rogues, the poor, the discouraged, and the lost: any and all who will join the cause. Comrades must sever all ties to the legions and commit themselves to the Army's rules and goals. Admitted as Adjutrix, a cadet is carefully studied to find where their strengths lie, and are formally inducted into a rank - Gladiatrix, Aviatrix, Curatrix, or Agitatrix - when it becomes clear that rank is where their path lies. Some never progress beyond Adjutrix. Some rise further to become Executrix, or perhaps even Rectrix. Each comrade is treated with absolute equality, and, paradoxically, each case is monitored on a personal basis. As long as a comrade follows the rules without question and shows a strong drive to further themselves and their Army, no matter who they are or where they come from, they will excel within the Red Army.


The Army is structured with ranks, not unlike the government of most legions. All members within a rank have equal opportunities.

Red Leader - Supreme leader of the group

Rectrix - Major commanders of the Army who answer to Red Leader directly

Executrix - Commanders who head regiments comprising of the lower ranks

Agitatrix - Commandos or assassins with heavily specialized skills

Curatrix - Medics and scientists that tend to the mental and physical needs of the group

Aviatrix - The air force, concentrating on strategy from the skies

Gladiatrix - The ground force, foot soldiers and the bulk of the group

Adjutrix - Aids assigned to prominent individuals, or cadets not yet placed within a soldier rank

Notable Members

Base of Operations

The Red Army headquarters, most typically referred to among members as simply 'the base', is an elaborate structure built on the inside of a mountain beside an abandoned watchtower. The base features a myriad of hidden entrances, two large hangars, and the housing of Red Leader. The group has operated from this location completely undetected for the duration of its active time.

Comprised of three distinct floors, the base has everything the Army could need: living quarters, a med bay, dungeons, training spaces, an armory, even an arena. The abandoned watchtower has also been integrated into the base, and can either be wholly functional or serve as the perfect decoy. Dragons rarely leave the base, aside from Gladiatrix gathering food for the group from the nearby forest and river. The base was only ever located and broken into once, by a solo operative who was quickly inducted into the group. All others have been unable to track the Army back to the well-hidden base.

The structure was built with the aid of enchantments. It is largely comprised of red bricks and lit by skylights or enchanted beams. Some areas, such as the hangars and training space, are very spacious, while others can be rather tight. Completed first were the upper levels which house the Leader and Rectrix. Later expansions include the secondary hangar, dungeons, and additional living spaces set on lower levels. As time went on, additional enchantments were employed to make the base easier to navigate. Some say the base has a soul of its own, while others worry what its fate would be should Red Leader be decomissioned.

Later, once the Army grew to a significant size, the concept of satellite bases was approved. Each headed by a Rectrix, the satellite bases are positioned on opposite ends of the realm, giving the Army a presence everywhere and enabling it to keep a closer eye on some of its long-term operations. Though they had to maintain all the rules and regulations of the main base and the Army at large, the leading Rectrix had control over what their base looked like and its makeup. Communication between the bases is light, and each is sovereign to a great degree. Some find it easier to work from these satellite bases due to their looser rules or more familiar locations. Others quickly move up the ranks and find their talents would better serve the headquarters. It isn't uncommon for Agitatrix to visit satellites while on missions. Due to the unique role of the Rectrix at these locations, some refer to them as Kommissars.


Many Curatrix take up roles greater than that of simple healers: many see themselves as part time medics, part time scientists. The Red Army Curatrix have made significant advancements in science and the intuitive usage of magic long before the Legions did.

The Curatrix devised new combat tools, healing agents, devices, and alloys, among other things. Some of the greatest minds of the Forest Legion defected to the Army citing an overly restricting government, often bringing with them valuable information and resources the Forest Legion was unwise to give up. All projects must be ran by a Rectrix or Red Leader before commencing, but very rarely would the Red Army turn down an opportunity, no matter how expensive or dangerous it may be. Red Leader himself has been known to preach that the best science comes from madness.

However, the Curatrix are not the only members interested in ingenuity. Dragons of all ranks are encouraged to think outside the box, experiment, and propose ideas to those capable of making them happen. Some noteworthy comrades are dubbed with sub-ranks by their peers, including Head Scientist and Head Mechanic, which aren't formally recognized but signify an individual's commitment to the cause. With the abundance of soulbound individuals within the Army, access to magic is an advantage the group has over the legions. Though soulbounds must make a formal request before they perform enchantments, again, very rarely would such requests be denied. The collaboration of Curatrix with soulbounds have spawned inventions such as prosthetic limbs that are indistinguishable in function to their organic counterparts. Most creations are produced to enhance and aid the group at large, but some are confined to usage by Red Leader only. Despite the significant progress the Army has made, stigma from the legions about the limits of enchantments still remains a barrier to advancement.

Easily the most notable of all Red Army inventions is that of a remote communication system. Each operative is equipped with a communicator that is linked to the central station and also capable of single or group connections. The communicators give battalions a significant advantage while on missions, allow commandos to report findings in real time, and enable instantanious messaging from anywhere in the region. The devices have both a speaker and an earpiece, used exclusively from each other, enabling use while on stealth missions. An individual stationed at the main base given the role of operator is tasked with constantly monitoring the channels and reporting anything notable or suspicious. The operator is also in charge of getting comrades in contact.


Every comrade receives both group and personal combat training from a designated Executrix. All are expected to become capable fighters, able to defend themselves, their Army, and their beliefs. The group's name and structure heavily suggest the goal of a violent takeover of the entire region, but in actuality this is a part of Red Leader's vision to eliminate weakness and create a faction worthy of holding power.

All comrades are trained in the elaborate and flexible combat style developed for the Army. It can be very deadly if used skillfully, but also covers enough basics for those who aren't cut out to be fighters. Included in the system are methods for tooth and claw, bladed weaponry, projectile weaponry, and basics in poison and stealth. Gladiatrix and Aviatrix are also trained in the styles of each Legion regardless of the one they hail from. The clandestine nature of the Army is paramount, so all comrades are well versed in protocols that keep that secrecy.

The training of Agitatrix occurs a bit differently. They do not receive group training, and are instead taught to be solo, unseen, and unstoppable. The most controversial Red Army protocol is the mental training given to Agitatrix that enables them to intake sensitive information, pass it on, and then completely forget it - granting the Army access to some of the legions' closely guarded secrets while keeping individual Agitatrix disposable.

Aside from group training, Curatrix study from other Curatrix. They must learn to defend themselves, but their priority isn't fighting. Agitatrix tend to briefly train under a Curatrix to learn basic healing in case they end up injured on the job.


Upon recruitment, each cadet is given a pair of gold stud earrings engraved with the Red Army insignia. Comrades are expected to always wear the insignia on their person from this point on. Renouncing the insiginia is seen as an act of treason. When a comrade completes the Red Army training program, they are presented with the opportunity to have another item engraved with the insignia, this item being officially recognized, allowing them to switch between this item and the earring(s) at will.

In addition, all comrades must carry a sidearm at all times. Most opt to keep a small daggar or poison vial, but it can range from a syringe to a war fan. The type of sidearm carried typically relates to the dragon's rank so it can serve multiple purposes.

Agitatrix and some Executrix will carry a significant amount of gear so that they are prepared for anything at all times.