Diary Entry 39

When others say they felt 'enchanted', or 'spellbound'- I never really knew what they meant until I met her.
Don't get me wrong, I've been under the effects of magic before; weren't we all, under the reign of the last Ice King. But to feel so completely submissive, in a way that completely overrides reason- I learned that feeling the instant I laid eyes on her.
I don't consider myself a pushover. Before I would've sworn that there was nothing that could happen to make me break. I'm a strong individual. I'd make a great grandmaster if I had the chance. I'm stronger than anyone I've faced before. But do try to believe me when I tell you how easily it all crumbled down. It's like Stockholm Syndrome; those who haven't experienced it believe they'd never give in. I guess I can't really define it. I was so completely engulfed in the feeling, all the logic in the world couldn't change my mind.
She asked something of me, and without a second thought all I could say was 'yes, my lord'. I, out of everyone, I who wanted most to be told that by my own subjects, it was me who so bluntly admitted defeat without ever taking a stand.
I will never meet anyone else with such elegance, wisdom, and true power eminating from them. Nobody else can strike me in such a way.
I envy the foolish souls who face her. Their resolve must be greater than the strongest of forces. If my will is strong as platinum, theirs must be hard as diamond.