

  • aestival - relating to the season of summer
  • (Night) Alcazar - the massive castle-like structure housing the Night Legion's reigning district
  • archmaster - the individual in charge of a legion's presence in the city [city], largely autonomous but subservient to the grandmaster
  • autumnal - relating to the season of autumn


  • centicycle - a week; 10 cycles
  • cycle - a day; 20 hours


  • district - a division or section of a legion's territory, either officially declaired or unofficially recognized


  • grandmaster - the singular figurehead of a legion; the power of a grandmaster varies depending on the regime


  • hibernal - relating to the season of winter


  • iterance - a year; 400 cycles


  • legion - a division of dragons based on shared ancestry and biology and the respective society formed by such division
  • legionnaire - a member of a legion; an individual with no other title
  • lunar cycle (lunacycle) - a month; one complete revolution of the moon, from new moon to new moon


  • realm - the collective territory occupied by the legions; no dragon ventures outside the realm
  • Rectrix - a rank title equivalent to a king/queen/grandmaster
  • reigning district - the area where all or most of a legion's governing body is located
  • Regina - a grandmaster title invoking royalty; queen
  • regime - the government (structure) of a legion
  • region - the area of territory controlled by a legion
  • Rex - a grandmaster title invoking royalty; king


  • sage - a Forest soulbound following a traditional lifestyle; or the title of such an individual (capitalized)
  • Silver Spear - a tall tower housing the Frost Legion's convocation
  • soul of (Night, Sky, Forest, Frost) - the innate ability every legionnaire has according to their ancestry; foresight, fire breathing, camoflague, or uh what ???
  • soulbound - an individual bestowed with the ability to perform enchantments and telekinesis; or of/relating to this power


  • vernal - relating to the season of spring