Red Army Members

Red Leader 


Supreme Leader ✧ Night/Sky  

Eclipse was closest to Battalia before her disappearance, and he believes he was the main cause of it. In his mind, it's his responsibility to find her and bring her back to her senses.

Eclipse's resolve is greater than it's ever been. Though Battalia is primarily a threat to the entire multiverse, Eclipse is more concerned about Battlewinner herself. This is a very personal endeavor for him, and he isn't messing around anymore.

Eclipse called upon the other Crusaders to help find Battlewinner upon her disappearance, but it was their choice to continue alongside him after the truth was revealed.

Born to Dream

Red Leader was born and raised to be the sole leader of an ultimate army or something

Eclipse was recruited by the Red Army after a brief period of living on his own. He trained mostly under Battlewinner, who he regarded as a mother figure as well as a mentor. Eclipse wanted to become the best soldier he could be, his only goal being to squash his fears; he has no interest in big ideals like world domination or going down in history.

Battalia - For being two cold, ruthless and independant leaders, Red Leader and Battalia get along surprisingly well. She is unofficially regarded as his second in command.

Tarn - The most direct enemy to Red Leader and his army, Tarn is said to be an old friend of Red Leader's. Any feelings of friendship between them, however, are now long gone.

Platinum and Pollution - These two Gladiatrix are said to have been the first members of the Red Army. They are the closest thing Red Leader now has to friends.


Ex-Grandmaster Battalia 


Rectrix ✧ Night Legion  

New recruits are often met with great surprise upon learning that the great Grandmaster Battalia is not only alive, but also one of the highest ranking individuals among the Red Army.

Battalia is perhaps the most well-respected comrade other than Red Leader himself, whether that be out of respect or fear. She's horrifically intimidating, ruthlessly skillful, and incedibly foreboding, thanks in no small part to her age and experience, which all members respect to some degree.

Comrades know not to get on her bad side. It's well known that she retains her former elevated grandmaster's soulbound power, and some have come to expect that she has found out how to control and weaponize her curse. It's thought that she could even take on Red Leader and come out without a scratch.

Battalia was one of the most well-known, well-liked grandmasters of the Night Legion in recent history, known for her rationality and efficiency. She was crowned at a young age and ruled for many years, surviving with a cold curse, until her murder while on a diplomatic mission to the heart of the Frost Legion.

There were always rumors that she was never really gone; whispers amongst the Frost Legion and confusion among Night soulbounds brought her fate into question. Ultimately, no one really knows what happened to the grandmaster, nor where she might be now.

Eclipse - Battalia has virtually acted as a mother figure for Eclipse, though she'd never admit it. Of her subjects, he is the one she spends the most time around.

Red Leader - In the beginning it was uncertain if Battalia would challenge Red Leader for his title, but now they seem to be in a state of mutual understanding. Their combined strategy is as effective as it is deadly.

[Tide replacement] & Pronghorn - Battalia has difficulties with any and all who share her rank. Whether or not she hates them or is merely competitive in her role is unknown.

Vector - Battalia sees through Vector's wacky exterior and knows of the potential beneath. She's careful to not cause conflict with an invaluable ally.




Curatrix ✧ Forest Legion  


revolver ocelot

Born to Dream

Eclipse is the long-lost prince of the SandWings, whose egg was unearthed not by Dune but by a cutthroat group of outlaws. Eclipse hatched with animus magic and kept it hidden from his superiors, eventually using it to escape and to remove all traces of his existence from theirs.

Eclipse was recruited by the Red Army after a brief period of living on his own. He trained mostly under Battlewinner, who he regarded as a mother figure as well as a mentor. Eclipse wanted to become the best soldier he could be, his only goal being to squash his fears; he has no interest in big ideals like world domination or going down in history.

Vector - Ocelot enjoys the company of anyone who shares his curiosity and will reciprocate his quips.

who - ae

what - h

e - who does ocelot even hang out with


Curatrix ✧ Sky Legion  

hehe hi

Writing this stuff later lol

le boi

Freedom from False Fortune

Myth's abandoned egg was found in the rainforest by a crook who hoped the silver egg would hatch a seer to aid her in her fake prediction scheme. Myth was born a seer, but over time their powers faded until they could no longer use them on demand. Myth and her abusive guardian crossed paths with the Red Army while the former were fighting and the latter was tracking down an escapee. This encounter ended with Myth's guardian assumed dead, prompting the soldiers to take in the orphaned Myth.

Myth spent most of their time with the Army working as a mechanic, and the rest of the time dodging Eclipse and Archetto. Despite having no real reason to stay with the Army, Myth stays because it allows them to forge their own path alongside their friends.

Vector - Luminosity's significant other and forever partner.

Rectrix - Luminosity is terrified of the Army's authority. The fact that they're already crazy intimidating doesn't help.




Aviatrix ✧ Dragonet of Mystery  

Conflicted Determination

Eclipse was closest to Battalia before her disappearance, and he believes he was the main cause of it. In his mind, it's his responsibility to find her and bring her back to her senses.

Eclipse's resolve is greater than it's ever been. Though Battalia is primarily a threat to the entire multiverse, Eclipse is more concerned about Battlewinner herself. This is a very personal endeavor for him, and he isn't messing around anymore.

Eclipse called upon the other Crusaders to help find Battlewinner upon her disappearance, but it was their choice to continue alongside him after the truth was revealed.

Born to Dream

Eclipse is the long-lost prince of the SandWings, whose egg was unearthed not by Dune but by a cutthroat group of outlaws. Eclipse hatched with animus magic and kept it hidden from his superiors, eventually using it to escape and to remove all traces of his existence from theirs.

Eclipse was recruited by the Red Army after a brief period of living on his own. He trained mostly under Battlewinner, who he regarded as a mother figure as well as a mentor. Eclipse wanted to become the best soldier he could be, his only goal being to squash his fears; he has no interest in big ideals like world domination or going down in history.


Eclipse has feelings for Myth, though she does not share them. With more pressing matters at hand, Eclipse has put these feelings aside and is merely close friends with Myth at the time of Battalia's rising.


Archetto also has feelings for Myth, so naturally he is a rival of Eclipse. Though willing to accept when he has good ideas, Eclipse tends to look down on Archetto's headstrong nature.


Eclipse appreciates Ocelot's bluntness and attention to detail. He views him more as a senior soldier than as a friend.


Dahlia is a good friend of Eclipse. The two like training together and hanging out on occasion. Eclipse feels he can be himself around Dahlia.

Battalia - Eclipse has always looked up to Battalia. Their strong bond allows him to trust her with his life and magic.

Myth - Myth is Eclipse's closest friend and companion.

Ocelot - Greatest work partner in the world

Red Leader - They literally don't know each other but Vector is indispensable to RL


As soon as he met her and even in her disappearance, Eclipse has always looked up to Battlewinner. Though she never showed any sort of warming up to him, Eclipse knew there was a part of her that cared for him as something more than a pupil. She taught Eclipse nearly everything he knew, and he would surprise her with a different take on her teachings. He trusted her with his life and his magic.

Red Leader

Since Battlewinner was extremely close to Red Leader, Eclipse found himself in his presence much more than the other soldiers. Eclipse saw a sense of fondness coming from Red Leader, figuring that he also cared for him as more than a pupil. Eclipse never questioned his leadership because all actions his leader made felt righteous to Eclipse.


Aviatrix ✧ Night/Forest  

hehe hi

Writing this stuff later lol

Eclipse's resolve is greater than it's ever been. Though Battalia is primarily a threat to the entire multiverse, Eclipse is more concerned about Battlewinner herself. This is a very personal endeavor for him, and he isn't messing around.

Eclipse called upon the other Crusaders to help find Battlewinner upon her disappearance, but it was their choice to continue alongside him after the truth was revealed.

Freedom from False Fortune

Myth's abandoned egg was found in the rainforest by a crook who hoped the silver egg would hatch a seer to aid her in her fake prediction scheme. Myth was born a seer, but over time their powers faded until they could no longer use them on demand. Myth and her abusive guardian crossed paths with the Red Army while the former were fighting and the latter was tracking down an escapee. This encounter ended with Myth's guardian assumed dead, prompting the soldiers to take in the orphaned Myth.

Myth spent most of their time with the Army working as a mechanic, and the rest of the time dodging Eclipse and Archetto. Despite having no real reason to stay with the Army, Myth stays because it allows them to forge their own path alongside their friends.


Eclipse has feelings for Myth, though she does not share them. With more pressing matters at hand, Eclipse has put these feelings aside and is merely close friends with Myth at the time of Battalia's rising.


Archetto also has feelings for Myth, so naturally he is a rival of Eclipse. Though willing to accept when he has good ideas, Eclipse tends to look down on Arrow's headstrong nature.


Eclipse appreciates Ocelot's bluntness and attention to detail. He views him more as a senior soldier than as a friend.


Dahlia is a good friend of Eclipse. The two like training together and hanging out on occasion. Eclipse feels he can be himself around Dahlia.


As soon as he met her and even in her disappearance, Eclipse has always looked up to Battlewinner. Though she never showed any sort of warming up to him, Eclipse knew there was a part of her that cared for him as something more than a pupil. She taught Eclipse nearly everything he knew, and he would surprise her with a different take on her teachings. He trusted her with his life and his magic.

Red Leader

Since Battlewinner was extremely close to Red Leader, Eclipse found himself in his presence much more than the other soldiers. Eclipse saw a sense of fondness coming from Red Leader, figuring that he also cared for him as more than a pupil. Eclipse never questioned his leadership because all actions his leader made felt righteous to Eclipse.




Gladiatrix ✧ Sky Legion  

thing go boom

*spawns nukes*

Born to Dream

Eclipse is the long-lost prince of the SandWings, whose egg was unearthed not by Dune but by a cutthroat group of outlaws. Eclipse hatched with animus magic and kept it hidden from his superiors, eventually using it to escape and to remove all traces of his existence from theirs.

Eclipse was recruited by the Red Army after a brief period of living on his own. He trained mostly under Battlewinner, who he regarded as a mother figure as well as a mentor. Eclipse wanted to become the best soldier he could be, his only goal being to squash his fears; he has no interest in big ideals like world domination or going down in history.


Eclipse has feelings for Myth, though she does not share them. With more pressing matters at hand, Eclipse has put these feelings aside and is merely close friends with Myth at the time of Battalia's rising.


Archetto also has feelings for Myth, so naturally he is a rival of Eclipse. Though willing to accept when he has good ideas, Eclipse tends to look down on Archetto's headstrong nature.


Eclipse appreciates Ocelot's bluntness and attention to detail. He views him more as a senior soldier than as a friend.


Dahlia is a good friend of Eclipse. The two like training together and hanging out on occasion. Eclipse feels he can be himself around Dahlia.


As soon as he met her and even in her disappearance, Eclipse has always looked up to Battlewinner. Though she never showed any sort of warming up to him, Eclipse knew there was a part of her that cared for him as something more than a pupil. She taught Eclipse nearly everything he knew, and he would surprise her with a different take on her teachings. He trusted her with his life and his magic.

Red Leader

Since Battlewinner was extremely close to Red Leader, Eclipse found himself in his presence much more than the other soldiers. Eclipse saw a sense of fondness coming from Red Leader, figuring that he also cared for him as more than a pupil. Eclipse never questioned his leadership because all actions his leader made felt righteous to Eclipse.



Gladiatrix ✧ Sky Legion  



Ray was excommunicated from the inner Sky Legion after being accused of crimes he didn't commit. Fueled by revenge, he joined the Red Army for the sole goal of executing vengeance on those who did him wrong.

As both Ray and the army itself matured, his rage leveled out. Something something he didn't stick up for himself enough, rules of nature


While he is very much a loner, Ray does enjoy the company of Demo from time to time.


let's see what this looks like big, maybe it's better


Eclipse appreciates Ocelot's bluntness and attention to detail. He views him more as a senior soldier than as a friend.


Dahlia is a good friend of Eclipse. The two like training together and hanging out on occasion. Eclipse feels he can be himself around Dahlia.




Adjutrix ✧ Forest Legion  

direction and magnitude

look out it's the boi

Born to Dream

Eclipse is the long-lost prince of the SandWings, whose egg was unearthed not by Dune but by a cutthroat group of outlaws. Eclipse hatched with animus magic and kept it hidden from his superiors, eventually using it to escape and to remove all traces of his existence from theirs.

Eclipse was recruited by the Red Army after a brief period of living on his own. He trained mostly under Battlewinner, who he regarded as a mother figure as well as a mentor. Eclipse wanted to become the best soldier he could be, his only goal being to squash his fears; he has no interest in big ideals like world domination or going down in history.

Luminosity - Best boi

Eclipse - Really good friends, find each other extremely trustworthy

Ocelot - Greatest work partner in the world

Red Leader - They literally don't know each other but Vector is indispensable to RL