Character Creation Guide

Choose a biological legion

What subspecies of dragon is your character?

Frost Legion Night Legion Forest Legion Sky Legion Deep Frost Legion
First-Generation   Pick

First generation hybrids, the direct offspring of two legions, rarely live full lives. In addition to being generally outlawed and culturally undesirable, these dragons are plagued with an assortment of genetic issues and autoimmune diseases. They are often excluded from society of the inner legions. However, these dragons retain both soul powers of their parent legions.

Second-Generation   Pick

Second generation hybrids, born of a hybrid and one of that hybrid's two legions, tend to lead far more normal lives due to their more stable genetics. Though they are still prone to genetic oddities such as dwarfism, they are typically able to reside within their biologically dominant legion without much discrimination. They also retain both their legions' soul powers.

Deep Frost/Frost hybrids do not exist and are considered either Frost or Deep Frost based on which description best matches physical characteristics.

No known tribrids have ever successfully hatched.

Select residence region

Where does your character call home?  

Central City
Frost Quadrant   Pick
Sky Quadrant   Pick
Forest Quadrant   Pick
Night Quadrant   Pick

Each quadrant of [city] is welcoming to visiting dragons of all backgrounds, but all residents are expected to abide by the rule and laws of that quadrant's archmaster.

Red Army HQ

Decide faction allegiance

Who does your character answer to?

Red Army
Agitatrix   Pick

This Red Army rank trains for years at the main base for eventual deployment into other legions either as highly trained agents, spies, or commandos. They are the only rank permitted to live amongst the legions, but it takes many years of commitment in order to achieve this rank.

Curatrix / Aviatrix / Gladiatrix / Adjutrix   Pick

These Red Army ranks live and train among fellow comrades in the main Red Army base. They formulate their own society based around each member's roles and ranks, and have no desire or need for external help from the legions. Only disadvantaged dragons with clear potential are considered for admission.

High ranks of the Red Army are closed to entry at this time.

You have selected:

Frost Legion Night Legion Forest Legion Sky Legion Deep Frost Legion Gen1 Hybrid Gen2 Hybrid
Frost Region Night Region Forest Region Sky Region Deep Frost Caverns Frost Quadrant Sky Quadrant Forest Quadrant Night Quadrant Red Army HQ
Frost Legion Night Legion Forest Legion Sky Legion Deep Frost Legion Unaffiliated Red Army Agitatrix Red Army

Apply your character to this World with this data in your submission reason!