Information on the Herxe



Herxe is pronounced Hair-kss. The term comes from the word 'Horse'.

Herxe are a horse-like species. Covered in incredibly short fur overtop a leathery skin, these abnormal equines possess long manes and tails, hooved feet, small, short ears, and lots of muscle. Unlike regular horses though, they have sharp teeth and even large fangs that protrude out their mouths.

Being a fairly quiet species, Herxe are perfectly at home in solitude, but have a lot of problems bonding with their summoners. People often find them hard to tame and control, but when you can you get a very useful support partner who is able to hold their own in battle.


Height and Weight

Herxe on average range from thoroughbred horses to draft horses in height at about 5.5-6.5 feet (about 167.5-198 cm) tall at the shoulders. Likewise, they weigh around the same as regular horses as well, anywhere from 1,500–2,500 lbs (about 680-1,134 kg).

Body Structure

While its body shape is much like that of a regular horse, they have a bit more muscle mass, and their mane and tail are a bit more wirey. They're also a bit more sleaker in the rib area, being not as much of a barrel shape as regular horses.



While Herxe's facial structure is that of a regular equine, its teeth are more doglike. Its back teeth are ever so slightly pointed, giving them the ability not only to grind but to chew, while their front teeth are sharper and more built for an omnivorous diet. What stands out, however, is their large canines, which stick out of their mouth even when their mouth is closed. These fangs are sharper and clearly built for ripping through meat.



Much like regular horses, they have a single large hoof on each foot, however their hooves are quite a bit harder than their regular animalistic counterparts. They don't chip easy and grow at a slower rate.


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Around its Master

Phasellus in aliquet quam. Nam vitae maximus nisi. Praesent vitae vulputate sapien. Donec hendrerit gravida molestie. Nunc a erat diam.

Around Allies

Phasellus in aliquet quam. Nam vitae maximus nisi. Praesent vitae vulputate sapien. Donec hendrerit gravida molestie. Nunc a erat diam.

Around Enemies

Phasellus in aliquet quam. Nam vitae maximus nisi. Praesent vitae vulputate sapien. Donec hendrerit gravida molestie. Nunc a erat diam.

Around Strangers

Phasellus in aliquet quam. Nam vitae maximus nisi. Praesent vitae vulputate sapien. Donec hendrerit gravida molestie. Nunc a erat diam.

What it Eats

Phasellus in aliquet quam. Nam vitae maximus nisi. Praesent vitae vulputate sapien. Donec hendrerit gravida molestie. Nunc a erat diam.

What Eats It

Phasellus in aliquet quam. Nam vitae maximus nisi. Praesent vitae vulputate sapien. Donec hendrerit gravida molestie. Nunc a erat diam.

Harmful Substances

Phasellus in aliquet quam. Nam vitae maximus nisi. Praesent vitae vulputate sapien. Donec hendrerit gravida molestie. Nunc a erat diam.

General Uses

Phasellus in aliquet quam. Nam vitae maximus nisi. Praesent vitae vulputate sapien. Donec hendrerit gravida molestie. Nunc a erat diam.


Phasellus in aliquet quam. Nam vitae maximus nisi. Praesent vitae vulputate sapien. Donec hendrerit gravida molestie. Nunc a erat diam.


Phasellus in aliquet quam. Nam vitae maximus nisi. Praesent vitae vulputate sapien. Donec hendrerit gravida molestie. Nunc a erat diam.