welcome to Furry Hell, sub here for updates

more info in the folders in the sidebar but maybe i'll fancify this landing page someday





ALSO as a disclaimer virtually everything in here was copypasted from a forum thread run through a bbcode converter, and said forum thread was made for my friends so things are generally fairly informal and sometimes mention various rp things, bring up terms as if anyone here would know what they mean, feature me trying to use emojis that don't exist here, etc. i didn't proofread much back then and sure as heck didn't do any during my hasty copypasting, so expect some errors and inconsistencies about!

some pages are also a bit out of date since siderea as a setting has undergone a lot of changes and refining over the couple years it's existed. in general trust the details of pages with more recent update dates over older ones!

ideally i will go back through the pages and add updated information, links to profiles and other pages, and take advantage of toyhouse's ability to add much clearer and nicer-looking formatting, but for now i'll probably be prioritizing making character profiles! probably.

here is the most important info you need to know:

  • a trio of gay progenitor gods were fucking around at the dawn of existence and Literally God decided to teach the other two how to create stuff
  • together they created....................... Furries. but not just any furries. ZODIAC furries!!
  • being the result of pure, unrestrained creativity on the part of the most powerful beings in existence siderea has a lot of weird things going on and everyone there is weirdly powerful. theres just god juice all over the place and most things do not follow scientific logic. a lot of thing Just Work. a lot of the past is vague and patchy because it hasn't been thought about, time and power are weird, society functions when it probably should be a lot worse off, but (todd howard voice) It Just Works
  • one of the creators (the silly one) noticed Literally God felt burdened by the pressures of being Literally God and ascended one furry for each brand of furry to become gods so that the creators could all chill out more
  • this was overall a good idea but eventually Literally God decided they were just kinda done and peaced out to go reincarnate which will probably never be relevant again
  • their corpse got back up though which was awkward for a little while Oopie
  • god's corpse got yote into space and the gods proceeded to have interpersonal problems until some horsey boys caused a couple of apocalypses Oopie
  • the second apocalypse made the weirdness of the planet even weirder and more on main so scientists studied this and caused a new apocalypse as siderea collectively realized everything Just Works because It Just Works and they kept explaining their ability to function out of existence Oopie
  • this got fixed thanks to the power of time roombas and spiders but then global warming happened Oopie
  • then space whales happened Oopie
  • then everything was okay :) but then siderea got forcibly inducted into the wonderful world of rp which was still okay. but now they know orchid exists and that's just terrible.