Rattleshake Subspecies


Shaken, not stirred.

A species of skele-lamias with liquid cores. 

Universal Traits:

  • Skeleton torso
  • See through tail
  • May have a tail tip complementing their core, eg a bloody mary core may have an olive.
  • May have 'bits' floating in the liquid (must be more liquid than bits)
  • Fangs

Has a lot of variety within and many subspecies (listed below). 


Core: Standard beverage.

Core Examples: Lemonade, juice, soda, coffee, hot chocolate, milk, wine, beer, water, carbonated water, smoothie, tea, etc.

Personality: Sip-ents are one of the more docile subspecies, for lack of a better term. This doesn't mean that they lack energy, just that they are not usually malevolent. If you leave them alone, they'll probably leave you alone.

Common Traits: Tipless or rattle tails

Appearance Quirks: Some fizzy drink cores may have liquid droplets floating within their tails and straw.

Additional Notes: The classic.


Core: Liquid foods.

Core Examples: Soups, syrups, sauces, etc

Personality: Similarly to sip-ents, they do not tend to be particularly malevolent. 

Common Traits: Tipless or rattle tails

Appearance Quirks: None of note, mostly set apart by their contents.

Additional Notes: Basically sip-ents' rarer cousin. 


Core: Poisonous or otherwise dangerous to ingest liquid.

Core Examples: Bleach, wolfsbane tea, dish soap. The poison. The poison for Kuzco, the poison chosen especially to kill Kuzco, Kuzco's poison.

Personality: Ranges from standoffish to downright malicious.

Common Traits: Conspicuous fangs, barbed tail

Appearance Quirks: Features tend to be sharper, especially the teeth.

Additional Notes: Their bites are venomous or toxic as they inject small amounts of their core liquid; how dangerous depends on the individual. Ve-noms have to be strategic with their bites, as while the amount of their contents they lose is small, it will add up with each injection.


Core: Harmless or beneficial potions or other magical liquids.

Core Examples: Healing potion, potion of invisibility, potion of levitation, potion of luck, starlight in a bottle, determination (switch), love potion (switch), etc

Personality: Varies greatly, strongly tied to their core.

Common Traits: feathery/butterfly wings, glowing core, fluffy/feathery tail tips

Appearance Quirks: Some potion cores (and only potion cores) have wings! They are purely decorative, no good for actually flying, and tend to be either feathery or like that of a butterfly.

Additional Notes: Serpotions are more magical than the average rattle shake, and are notable in that they possess powers related to their contents. For example a levitation potion core might be able to float, a size changing potion may be able to grow and shrink, etc.

Vile Vial

Core: Harmful potions and magical liquids that provide negative effects when injected. 

Core Examples: Potion of Harming, liquid hate, determination (switch), mind control potion, love potion (switch), etc

Personality: Varies greatly, but tends to lean towards less than friendly.

Common Traits: Metal straws, sharp tail tips, sharp features, horns, bat/unfavourable insect wings, glowing core

Appearance Quirks: Like serpotions, harmful potion cores can have wings. Sharp teeth and features, may sometimes grow in horns that are made of the same material as their tail and filled with liquid.

Additional Notes: Like ve-noms, their bites imbue the bitten with their contents. This means they can affect those they bite in interesting ways, depending on their contents. It is possible for certain magical substances with both harmful and beneficial effects to teeter on the edge of serpotion and vile vial. In this case, they are born ambiguous and which category they fall into will depend on their actions as they mature and their intent, as the way they use their magic will affect how it develops due to it being merely an extension of themselves. While metal straws are  to exclusive to ve-noms and vile vials, there is a stereotype that those with them are more prone to violence and cold behavior.


Core: Liquids that are bizarre in a way that may be unappetizing and sometimes even a bit cursed, but is not dangerous. Not something you would casually sip on.

Core Examples: Blood, boba tea with fish eggs, dirt soda, vinegar, oobleck, pure lemon juice, orphan tears, cough syrup.

Personality: Oftentimes a bit strange or quirky. Can be chaotic. They carry a stigma around them that can lead to some level of ostracization. However, deep down they are a rattleshake just like the rest.

Common traits: silly straws

Appearance Quirks: U-slerp-ents have a chance of developing abnormalities such as double tails, extra limbs, etc. Sometimes they will be adjacent to another category (eg a dirt soda core may be adjacent to the sip-ent subspecies) and will possess often mutated versions of their common traits.

Additional notes: The oddballs, usurping the natural order of things.