Reproduction & Relations


Rattleshakes are fully intelligent and sapient beings, and a type of monster.


While they don't tend to live in clusters, they will sometimes enjoy the company of others. Some subspecies are much more sociable than others, with ve-noms and vile vials being infamously aloof. In worlds where predators are commonplace, they will oftentimes seek out the companionship of a larger monster for protection. 

Monogomy is not the norm for the species, and they do not typically mate for life. However, it is not entirely out of the question, and ultimately it is down to individual preference. Deep bonds can be formed regardless. Platonic relationships are held on equal footing to romantic ones. Because the process of creating young is not a sexual one, it is not uncommon for rattleshakes to have hatchlings with close platonic partners.

Rattleshakes have little to no parental instincts.