
Core Description

The cores of sip-ents are standard beverages. They are the most traditional and stereotypical variety of rattleshake, with the very first of the species having been a sip-ent themself.

Core Examples

  • Lemonade
  • Juice
  • Soda
  • Coffee
  • Hot chocolate
  • Milk
  • Wine
  • Beer
  • Water
  • Carbonated water
  • Smoothie
  • Tea


Sip-ents have a reputation for being one of the more docile subspecies, for lack of a better term. This doesn't mean that they lack energy, just that they are not usually malevolent. If you leave them alone, they'll probably leave you alone. The contents of their tail greatly affect their personality, with sweeter drinks tending to have a sweeter personality, those with bubbles in them tending to have more energy, etc.


Sip-ents tend to be unadorned. They come with a variety of patterns on their bones, but their tails are usually either tipless, rattles, or a topping to do with their core. They never possess wings or horns. Some fizzy drink cores may have liquid droplets floating within their tails and straw, or even around them.