
micaerth map


Regions and landmarks

  • Lythal: (Lie-th-al) Snowcap in the northernmost part of the Micaerth continent.
  • Midle: (My-del) Spans from the Conallis Valley to the Grimmorius Summits
  • Galoyla: (Gah-loy-lah) The middle and central most part of the Micaerth continent, home to the Galoyla desert.
  • Koroshi: (Kuh-row-she) Spans from the Great Sigil River to Varvaklis 
  • Likarthos Islands: (Lie-car-those) A series of small islands off the eastern shore of Micaerth.
  • Convallis Valley: (Con-val-is) A large valley in the Midle region, named after the capital, Convallis.
  • Grimmorius Summits: (Grim-more-e-us) The tallest mountains in Micaerth and home to a few inactive volcanos.
  • Wilk Hills: (Will-kuh) A small series of hills in the Midle region.
  • Raegalia: (Ray-gall-e-ah) The largest of the Likarthos Islands, occupied exclusively by high elves.
  • Galoyla Desert: (Gah-loy-lah) A vast desert located in central Galoyla. Many find it uninhabitable due to the frequent sandstorms and hot arid weather, but there are several small villages residing in its depths.
  • Mount Khylma: (Ky-luh-ma) The tall peaks located in the northwest, inside the Midle region and beside the Ishora shore. Inhabited by the Linksma Weyr.
  • Ichora Shore: (I-core-ah) The northern most beach in Micaerth. It is the coldest beach, but during the summer season, it is popular with those from Athros and Vestre. 
  • Fithor's Peak: (Fie-thor) A small mountain ridge located in the southeast of Micaerth, down in the Koroshi region.
  • Mount Senoves: (Seh-no-ves) These mountains are considered the oldest (and coldest) mountains in Micaerth. It is said that those who trek the mountain never return.
  • Sket River: (S-kee-tuh) The nothern most river, home to very hearty fish, but much too cold to swim in.
  • Witmyre River: (Wit-my-er) The largest and longest river in Micaerth. It runs straight across the Midle region and through the Great Midle Forest.
  • The Great Midle Forest: The largest forest in Micaerth located in the Midle region. 
  • The Great Sigil River: The second longest river in Micaerth, running along the Koroshi region.
  • Helf Shore: (Hell-fuh) The beach that Litus resides on, the local port shore on Micaerth.
  • Eskor Shore: (Es-core) This shore is considered the best beach for vacations. The weather is almost always pleasant, however, there are some rumors that it cursed by elves. 

cities and towns

  • Kutup: (Koo-tup) A small goblin tribe located in the Lythal region. the goblins here have thick warm skin and wear the furs of animals they've hunted. They are incredibly self-sufficient and live in a healthy balance with the wildlife of the Lythal region. They are also some of the only goblins to master the art of fishing.
  • Salimas: (Sal-eh-mas) A human village located in the Lythal region. They enjoy a somewhat secluded lifestyle due to the harsh cold weather in the north. Their main exports are fish and ice. Some of the best human healers and medical practitioners are said to come from Salimas. 
  • Rkheor: (Rik-hore) A village of mix-group elves living in the Midle region and southwest of the Skas lake. Many of them came from Vestre or Convallis to form their own village. The village is known for its vibrant blend of cultures and beautiful views of the west coast, Mount Khylma, and the Convalley. 
  • Athros: (Ath-ros) A human village nestled in between Mount Khylma and the Ichora shore. The people in this village have lighthearted and fun-loving attitudes and get along well with the Linksma Weyr living atop Mount Khylma. 
  • Vestre: (Ves-tear) A small bustling city located on the edge of the Great Midle Forest. It is home to a mix of races, but mostly humans and elves. Vestre is said to have some of the best fresh produce in all of Micaerth. It is a popular village for hunters and many big harvest festivals are held there.
  • Convallis: (Con-val-is) The mainland capital of Micaerth. It is located in the Midle region and nestled in the Convalley. It is home to all manner of races and has a high population of high elves. It is also home to the Convallis University of the Arcane Arts and Sciences. It is considered one of the most prestigious universities on the continent. 
  • Little Ridge: (Li-tul Rid-juh) A human town located at the foot of the Wilk Hills in the northeast section of the Midle region. This town is known for mining steel out of the Wilk Hills.
  • Litus: (Lie-tus) A small city located on the Helf shore. It has a close relationship with the Likarthos Islands as many of the trades come through the port at Litus. It is also the only port you can use to travel to and from the Likarthos Islands.
  • Raegallius: (Ray-gall-e-us) The chief capital and home to the most high-ranking high elves. It has an almost exclusively high elf population. It is located on Raegalia, the largest of the Likarthos Islands. It is fairly self-sufficient with the exception of trades with Litus. It is considered the political and governmental capital of Micaerth as many policies come out of Raegallius and the capital holds much power over the continent. 
  • Reykjavikraneskaupstaosbaerstrond (Rey) A small town that was once home to a race of elves known as Arcane Elves. Intended to be a safe haven for arcane elves on the mainland, located in a small secluded forest. The clan was decimated by high elf forces and now only ruins remain. There are a few remaining survivors from the clan, such as Aspyn.
  • Symar: (Cy-mar) A small human village located in the Galoyla desert
  • Fhyrik: (Fay-rick) An enclave of ex-slave elves - most of whom have escaped from Ora or Palvae - and a select lucky few who made the trek from Raegallius. The town is known for its incredibly low crime rates and amazing cuisine. 
  • Kemick: (Kem-ick) The largest goblin tribe in Micaerth, nestled inside the Great Midle Forest. They are excellent hunters and sometimes clash with the hunters who live in Vestre over prey. They have a close relationship with the Ilitica elven tribe to the northwest.
  • Ilitica: (Ill-eh-tic-ah) A small mixed elf village, consisting mostly of dark elves and half elves. They are known for growing and harvesting produce as well as being aggressive towards those who defile the sanctity of the Great Midle Forest. They have a close relationship with the Kemick tribe in the southeast and the two villages often trade supplies and food.
  • Ora: (Or-ah) The second-largest city in Micaerth. It is located in the Koroshi region in the middle of a large open field. Its main export is wheat, corn, and a few other crops. They host a yearly fighting tournament that draws competitors from all over Micaerth.
  • Palvae: (Pal-vay) A small city located into the Relic Woods. They are most well-known for their Noctis temples and many of the Darkcrawlers from Spvi make treks to visit and worship. 
  • Adytum: (Ad-i-tum) The last known asylum for ancient elves. It is located inside the feet of Mount Senoves. It is entirely self-sufficient, and the ancient elves sometimes commune with the air dragon Weyr living atop Mount Senoves. 
  • Kurai: (Cur-i) A small dark elf enclave located in the Koroshi Forest.  
  • Shogoha: (Sho-go-ha) What was once home to a small human village. Shogoha was home to the Hogosha clan, a human clan that excelled in sword fighting and protected the Reiwana sword from misuse. Ten years ago, Shogoha was attacked by an assailant seeking the Reiwana sword. The village was decimated, leaving only one survivor from the clan.  
  • Asunai: (Ah-soon-i) A human village located in the Koroshi Forest. They are known for their mastery of the bow. 
  • Vavarklis: (Vah-var-klis) The third-largest city in Micaerth and often regarded as the southern capital. It is a bustling mining town to exports massive amounts of stone and coal. 
  • Athyell: (Ah-thul) A small group of high elves who live away from Raegallius. Many of them are displeased with high elf society and discrimination and decided to make their own town. They often keep their anti-hierarchical attitudes quiet to avoid being desecrated like the arcane elves.
  • Spvi: (S-peeve) A Darkcrawler encampment in the Koroshi region. They are still very active and devote followers of Noctis. They are known for hosting monthly blood rituals and often travel to Palvae to visit their Noctis temples. 
  • Whyr: (We-er) A secluded Darkcrawler encampment in the Midle region. It is nestled between the eastern sea and the Wilk Hills. The mages there are known for their ability to combine water and dark magics.
  • Thaeyr: (They-er) A small trading city. Many goods get transferred between Vavarklis and Litus in Thaeyr. It's a city of mostly merchants and traders. Many of the locals actually spend most of their time outside of Thaeyr. So the city is filled with mostly families - elders, children, and parents/relatives who act as caregivers while their family is off trading.
  • Astafa: (As-tah-fah) A small farming community with a mix of field elves and humans.