Levels 52 - 100

Level 100!

The pride may have 200 lions (excluding the founder) in it.


PromptLocationExp AwardedUsed Yet?On What Form?
D13Ordered art of Chetan for EchoIre75Yes51 to 64
D13Ordered art of Chetan for EchoIre50Yes51 to 64
D13Ordered art of Chetan for EchoIre125Yes51 to 64
D8Cuore's relationship with Sasa100Yes51 to 64
D8Cuore's relationship with Shujaa100Yes51 to 64
D8Cuore's relationship with Roho100Yes51 to 64
D8Cuore's relationship with Cheka100Yes51 to 64
D8Cuore's relationship with Daraja100Yes51 to 64
D8Cuore's relationship with Hadithi100Yes51 to 64
D8Cuore's relationship with Hera100Yes51 to 64
D8Cuore's relationship with Tamu100Yes51 to 64
D8Cuore's relationship with Icarus100Yes51 to 64
D8Cuore's relationship with Jasiri100Yes51 to 64
D8Cuore's relationship with Ruka100Yes51 to 64
D8Cuore's relationship with Barakoa100Yes51 to 64
D7Cuore's page75Yes51 to 64
D7Cuore's page75Yes51 to 64
D7Cuore's page75Yes51 to 64
D7Cuore's page75Yes51 to 64
D7Cuore's page75Yes51 to 64
D7Cuore's page75Yes51 to 64
D7Cuore's page75Yes51 to 64
D2"Bring Her Back - Part 1" Story300Yes51 to 64
D2"Bring Her Back - Part 2" Story300Yes51 to 64
D2"Sunrise - The Leopards' Story" Story300Yes51 to 64
D2"Sunrise - Why Me?" Story300Yes51 to 64
D2"Sunrise - Ajal's Last Good Deed" Story300Yes51 to 64
D2"Sunrise - Patrol" Story300Yes51 to 64
D2"Sunrise - Enjoy the Mundane" Story300Yes51 to 64
D2"Sunrise - A Few More Minutes" Story300Yes51 to 64
D2"Sunrise - A Cub's Excitement" Story300Yes51 to 64
D2"Sunrise - My Fault" Story300Yes51 to 64
D2"The Gravekeepers - Part 1" Story300Yes51 to 64
D2"The Gravekeepers - Part 2" Story300Yes51 to 64
D2"The Gravekeepers - Part 3" Story300Yes51 to 64
D16Cuore's page50Yes51 to 64
D2"Midnight Meeting - I Would Stay" Story
300Yes51 to 64
D2"Midnight Meeting - But It Won't Last" Story300Yes51 to 64
B3Nasaba's page100Yes51 to 64
D7Delphi's page75Yes64 to 80
D8Apollo's relationship with Delphi100Yes64 to 80
D2"Protection - The Clearing" Story300Yes64 to 80
D2"Protection - What Comes With the Pendant" Story300Yes64 to 80
D2"Protection - Trick of the Mind" Story300Yes64 to 80
D2"Protection - Wake Up Call" Story300Yes64 to 80
D2"Protection - Teach Me to Fight" Story300Yes64 to 80
D2"Protection - Victory" Story300Yes64 to 80
D2"Protection - The Fallout" Story300Yes64 to 80
D2"Protection - Where Are You?" Story300Yes64 to 80
D2"Protection - Alligators" Story300Yes64 to 80
D8Apollo's relationship with Eris100Yes64 to 80
C31Ranks Tier Ranking Chart50Yes64 to 80
P1Cole's page100Yes64 to 80
P1Law's page100Yes64 to 80
P1Sasa's page100Yes64 to 80
D1Sasa's page100Yes64 to 80
P2Jasiri's page50Yes64 to 80
P1Jasiri's page100Yes64 to 80
D1Jasiri's page100Yes64 to 80
P1Ruin's page100Yes64 to 80
D8Fadhili's relationship with Kidogo100Yes64 to 80
D8Law's relationship with Grimm100Yes64 to 80
D8Grimm's relationship with Law100Yes64 to 80
P3Delphi's page150Yes64 to 80
D8Mzatamo's relationship with Msaliti100Yes64 to 80
P3Tamu's page150Yes64 to 80
P12Kifo's page100Yes64 to 80
D8Zareb's relationship with Kidogo100Yes64 to 80
P1Wewe's page100Yes64 to 80
D8Sasa's relationship with Tenga100Yes64 to 80
P14Kifo's page100Yes64 to 80
D2"Protector - A Rude Awakening" Story300Yes64 to 80
D2"Protector - Snapped" Story300Yes64 to 80
D2"Protector - Stifling Family" Story300Yes64 to 80
D2"Protector - On Your Left" Story300Yes64 to 80
P2Apollo's page50Yes64 to 80
P2Chafya's page50Yes64 to 80
P2Cole's page50Yes64 to 80
P4Cole's page150Yes64 to 80
P2Eris' page50Yes64 to 80
D8Eris' relationship with Apollo100Yes64 to 80
P4Delphi's page150Yes64 to 80
P3Haraka's page150Yes64 to 80
P2Hadithi's page50Yes64 to 80
P4Hadithi's page150Yes64 to 80
P3Hadithi's page150Yes64 to 80
D2"Journey to the Trinity Tree - Day 1.2" Story300Yes64 to 80
D2"Journey to the Trinity Tree - Day 3.2" Story300Yes64 to 80
D2"Journey to the Trinity Tree - Day 3.3" Story300Yes80 to 100
D2"Journey to the Trinity Tree - Day 4.2" Story300Yes80 to 100
D2"Journey to the Trinity Tree - Day 4.3" Story300Yes80 to 100
P4Icarus' page150Yes80 to 100
D7Icarus' page75Yes80 to 100
D7Haraka's page75Yes80 to 100
D7Cuore's page75Yes80 to 100
D6Art of Shujaa65Yes80 to 100
D6Art of Kidogo and Zareb90Yes80 to 100
D2"Journey to the Trinity Tree - Day 5.2" Story300Yes80 to 100
D2"Journey to the Trinity Tree - Day 5.3" Story300Yes80 to 100
D2"Journey to the Trinity Tree - Day 6.2" Story300Yes80 to 100
JttTT AdventureDay 2250Yes80 to 100
JttTT AdventureDay 13250Yes80 to 100
JttTT Sorcerer's PortalDay 4250Yes80 to 100
JttTT AdventureDay 14750Yes80 to 100
D2"Journey to the Trinity Tree - Day 8.2" Story300Yes80 to 100
D2"Journey to the Trinity Tree - Day 9.2" Story300Yes80 to 100
D2"Journey to the Trinity Tree - Day 10.2" Story300Yes80 to 100
D2"Journey to the Trinity Tree - Day 10.3" Story300Yes80 to 100
D2"Journey to the Trinity Tree - Day 10.4" Story300Yes80 to 100
D2"Journey to the Trinity Tree - Day 10.5" Story300Yes80 to 100
D2"Journey to the Trinity Tree - Day 10.6" Story300Yes80 to 100
D2"Journey to the Trinity Tree - Day 12.2" Story300Yes80 to 100
D2"Journey to the Trinity Tree - Day 12.3" Story300Yes80 to 100
D2"Journey to the Trinity Tree - Day 12.4" Story300Yes80 to 100
JttTT Daily PromptDay 1500Yes80 to 100
JttTT Daily PromptDay 2500Yes80 to 100
JttTT Daily PromptDay 3500Yes80 to 100
JttTT Daily PromptDay 4500Yes80 to 100
JttTT Daily PromptDay 5500Yes80 to 100
JttTT Daily PromptDay 6500Yes80 to 100
JttTT Daily PromptDay 7500Yes80 to 100

Overflow Exp:245

Current Exp Total:245

For leveling information beyond level 100, look at this page!