Roleplay Year 1

YEAR - Ongoing
♈ (Aries) Early Newleaf
Shredshadow gets beaten up by Sharptooth as most of WildClan watches. Eventually, Brokeneyes helps him but he is bruised, bleeding, and probably has water in his lungs. The RP is off to a good start.
Sharptooth then proceeds to get wounded, getting trapped in a hole. Duskbreeze helps her out of the hole after 1-3 days. She gets help from Fallenleaf on the way home and also they fight Fleetclaw (for some reason).
Sharptooth falls out of a tree, injuring Smokebillow. He survives.
Twistedstar and Sharptooth become secret mates, and she is pregnant (also secret).
Sharptooth later jumps from a tree onto Smokebillow, injuring him further. She then decided to go jump on Shredshadow (who was chatting with Cactusbelly and Fleetclaw) in neutral territory, and successfully gave him a concussion. Smokebillow and Shade-eyes then defend her against the consequences of this. Dovestar's opinion of WildClan is worsened. Larkblaze drags Shredshadow home, and he lives.
The gathering started off normal.
Featherstar and Dovestar (with the 'help' of Roseglare) had a slam competition, which was interrupted when Sharptooth tried to climb the Gathering tree.
DampClan was super weird, as usual.
Lichenbreeze waited patiently for the leaders to go up because she hid a dead swan in the branches, and only Dawnsong and Shredshadow knew about it (neither told anybody).
Shredshadow was not going to the gathering (because of all the recent attempts on his life) but Duskbreeze tried to drag him there by the tail. At some point in the conversation, Dusk decided he would kill him. Shred hurt himself getting away, but couldn't tell Jaggedstar because she was at the gathering where Duskbreeze (and WildClan) would be, so he left an intentional-looking bloody X on Scrap camp's ground, and ran out into the far desert to hide.
Shadeeyes saw Swiftpaw and Rosepaw at the Gathering and can tell that they are her missing cousins. They end up chatting, but nothing comes of it. Shadeeyes then tired out trying to fix Smokebillow's fur.
Dawnsong and Fallenleaf find Shredshadow's trail and went find him. When they found him (in a hole with tiny leaves and petals covering his large wound), Dawnsong killed the scorpion that haunted him, and Fallenleaf took him back to DesertClan camp, where he will be hidden.
Dovestar discovers the swan carcass and says the F-word on the Gathering tree and then cried because he sinned.
Dovestar does his best to get the carcass out. No one helps him. It ends up falling on Petalspring. Dovestar faints. This means he was too distracted to give Brokeneyes a disapproving look when she flirted with Ripplefire of DesertClan. Roseglare takes Dovestar home.
Lichenbreeze notices that despite the antics of the Gathering, the moon is still uncovered... Fleetclaw notices this too. There is a silent agreement made.
♉ (Taurus) Mid-Newleaf
Rosepaw falls off a cliff. The only medicine cat around was Wispvision, who, turns out, does know how to fix a broken leg.
Sharptooth faints. Smokebillow carries her back and finds Duskbreeze. He likes that Duskbreeze tried to kill Shredshadow but feels he is getting a bit too... old and flirty. Duskbreeze plans to leave ScrapClan for WildClan and also to marry Smokebillow (unfortunately for Smokebillow). Eventually things get violent and he almost kills Smokebillow with a rock in the swamp.
Dovestar meets some strange StarClan cats.
Shiverpaw has been named Shiverstalk, warrior of BearClan.
In DesertClan, Lostpaw was assigned Coyotecall as a mentor, Boulderpaw getting Tumbleleap.
Dawnsong and the rogue Hatcher retrieve Shredshadow from DesertClan and bring him further north, where he gets tired of being told what to do and retreats to the mountainside.
Lizardwatcher follows Duskbreeze back to WildClan and butts in on his abuse of Smokebillow. When a fight eventually breaks out, Lizardwatcher's cry calls Hailflame, who (unintentionally?) kills Duskbreeze with one punch. This upsets Sharptooth, but Smokebillow is freed. Shade-eyes has to stand in the middle of this.
Duskbreeze awakens in the Place of No Stars.
Smokebillow and Fleetclaw meet Lichenbreeze's new apprentice, Ivypaw, as she interrupted a mysterious conversation.
Nightpaw and Rosepaw tell Swiftpaw about their love. He disapproves.
Sharptooth unsuccessfully attacks DampClan before running into Smokebillow and Lunarfrost, attempting to kill Smokebillow over his involvement in Duskbreeze's death. The two easily fight her off, and retreat to the north (where they are soon joined by Shade-eyes) to avoid her, fearing invoking Twistedstar's wrath should they harm her. They tell her off when she approaches and she runs off. Duskbreeze's spirit appears, asking for them to save her as she jumped in the stream to drown. Naturally, the three laugh him off. Lichenbreeze instead pulls her out, and insists compliance to her plan, beginning with waiting in the south-west marshlands until the next gathering, where she is to invoke chaos. She does not listen, of course, and returns to the WildClan camping trip to get attacked and is eventually chased out. She finds Shredshadow, but before he can kill her he heard a coyote and ran.
A couple days later, Shade-eyes and Lunarfrost team up with Lichenbreeze to seek Sharptooth, both parties with their own reasons. Lichenbreeze made it to the north-east desert undetected, but Lunarfrost was found by Dovestar, and actually went in the right direction because Grizzlyspirit arrived with the report that Sharptooth was at the border. Shade-eyes went back after her, but Sharptooth still got away, arranging to leave her kits in BearClan once they are born. Dovestar does not plan to accept her into the clan, and tells the present apprentices- Swiftpaw, Rosepaw, and Nightpaw- to avoid her. The apprentices are more concerned with romance and after-birth though.
Swiftpaw then attempts to train with Spottedpaw while Lunarfrost hangs out with Silverbreeze.
Lichenbreeze cannot extract information from Shredshadow, nor can she get him to return to the clans. She leaves to plan further, and gets dehydrated in the desert. She eventually sends Fleetclaw after him, who brings some healing supplies for him. All she learns though is the incident with the coyote. Regardless, she brings him home and he is finally in the medicine den where he belongs.
Dovestar and Swiftpaw find an escaped kittypet named Fox, and she decides to join the clan as an apprentice to Breezewing. She's trying to keep being declawed a secret from her peers. The apprentices are very dramatic. Spottedpaw confessed her feelings to Swiftpaw and he didn't requite them.
Meanwhile, Nightfall and Shade-eyes do feel the same, and become mates, while Lunarfrost bonds with DampClan.
In other news, Larkblaze found a cabbage.
The ghost of Sapphirenight drove Dawnsong away from ScrapClan, then revealed herself to Shredshadow when he was confronted by Duskbreeze. Shredshadow learns that someone tried to kill him when he was a kit, to look out for whoever Wrencry is (he already knew to avoid Smokebillow), and that the cat who tries to keep him safe is a place of no stars ghost, and the one who tried to kill him is in StarClan...
DampClan (and Lunarfrost) become a cat-tower! Then fall over. No injuries.
Sharptooth climbs to the Moon Peak so often, Dovestar is getting a headache. She has been exiled from WildClan (though they still demand her kits).
The Gathering. Dovestar gave a suicide prevention speech, to appease the overwhelming demand for one.
♊ (Gemini) Late Newleaf
Sharptooth goes into labour during the Gathering and hides out in a tree to birth her kits – Witheredkit, Dawnkit, Yewkit, and Diamondkit. Before she can move somewhere safer, Lichenbreeze butts in and tells her that she’ll keep her mouth shut about things and will put in a good word to Featherstar about accepting Sharptooth into the clan under the condition that she start a fight in the Gathering. She leads Shredshadow and Smokebillow to face off, the two scuffle under the full moon. Shade-eyes, Nightfall, and Lunarfrost intervene but the efforts go to waste when Duskbreeze’s spirit makes an appearance, leading both toms to spring on him. He vanishes and reappears, scaring Dovestar (who faints again), but is chased back out of the mortal plane by an angered Rustytalon. Most of the involved just go home. Everyone hums to the fainted Dovestar, and stops when he wakes up.
FlareClan's deputy Roaringfire passed away, and Honeydapple was named the new deputy.
Life continues as normal. Droolpaw has moved to WildClan! Petalspring has to clean the nursery for a year! Monarchpaw is banned from Thunderpaw... and Redpaw! And everyone!
Rosepaw's broken leg has finally healed.
The clans go to another gathering. Determined to continue with her experiment, Lichenbreeze seeks trouble. She first suggests to Petalspring to interrupt the news with uncomfortable relationship gossip (none of which is true (Thunderpaw/Swiftpaw, Moiststar/Dovestar, and Vixenpaw/Ivypaw)), then approaches Shredshadow when Lionwatch is uncooperative. She convinces him that he should pick a fight with Smokebillow, so that she and Fleetclaw can figure out why he hates him. She also says that her team is Fleetclaw, DampClan, and Cactusbelly, who wants to make things up to him because he got hurt when they spent time together (that was a lie they have to keep Cactusbelly from hearing about). Shredshadow does attack Smokebillow.
All this time, Fleetclaw and Lichenbreeze keep their eyes on the full moon. Shade-eyes catches on and confronts Lichenbreeze, who reveals that no matter what happens, StarClan hasn't covered the full moon. The FernClan warrior then suggested telling Dovestar, as a means of upsetting him and interrupting his lecturing Smokebillow (who he focused on after Smokebillow claimed that StarClan wants him to kill Shredshadow). It worked, and Dovestar left after a chat with Roof Shadow, a mysteriously "unturned" DampClan member (who also shared a mysterious story with Lunarfrost, Ivypaw, and Vixenpaw).
♋ (Cancer) Early Greenleaf
Life goes on as usual. Painful, sad, etc. An apprentice in FernClan, Cloudypaw, not only got accidentally slashed in the face by Lunarfrost of WildClan (who had been going after a fox), but also wiped out in some trees, no thanks to Lichenbreeze. But all was not lost; Darkpetal and Softchime are together and that's what matters.
Brokeneyes and Cinderspring both grace BearClan with kits, but another queen is lost, leaving her mate Waspwhisper to care for their kits alone.
The night of the Gathering finally arrived, and that night would prove to be a keystone in the lives of many (as all Gatherings are, apparently). The night was kicked off by an unexpected visit from some high-ranking Wind-Walkers, a group of non-clan cats, hoping to meet with the clans... and retrieve Roofshadow and a cat named Dapple. Dovestar was personally offended by the out-of-place announcements. Clan Gatherings are for clan leaders to make announcements, after all. Naturally, a clan leader made a special guest appearance. Littlestar, long-dead former leader of BearClan, arrived with news from StarClan of a new Warrior Code. The code she delivered was much like the previous code, but with a number of things cut out.
Defend your Clan, even with your life.
Newly appointed warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night after receiving their warrior name.
A cat cannot be made deputy without having mentored at least one apprentice.
The deputy will become Clan leader when the leader dies unless challenged.
After the death or retirement of the deputy, the new deputy must be chosen before moonhigh.
Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. Challenge all trespassing cats.
The word of the Clan leader is the warrior code.
A warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet.
Cats may challenge a weak leader if their Clan is in danger, and if their leadership threatens the Clan, the code expects a warrior to challenge their leader.
With the news of the new code delivered, many clan cats are in shock. It really did not help that Heavytongue then found the body of Spottedstone, a WildClan warrior. Her clanmates Weasel-leap and Lunarfrost rush to search for the cause of death (in hopes they can exact revenge).
♌ (Leo) Mid-Greenleaf
The real StarClan starts to plan...
Featherstar got quite ill and Wolfstar rose to power, choosing Bluejay as the new deputy. Wolfstar is given only 7 additional lives as Featherwhisker was still alive.
ScrapClan camp seems to be in a state of discord lately. Many of the members do not get along... but they found two of Sharptooth's missing kits and took them in like a family (just kidding, there was a lot of screaming involved and Shredshadow saying violent words). Polarspirit has decided to care for them.
Fleetclaw is confused by Dappledfire's interaction with DampClan. The mystery really intrigues her... and irritates her, she wants it solved.
In neutral territory, Hawkfeather unintentionally disturbed Dappledfire and got snapped at. Despite Tansyleaf's attempts to diffuse the situation and warnings from his clanmates, Graymoon picks a fight with Dappledfire, but instead gets one with Maggotmask and Honeydapple, and soon enough Thornyfeather. Shimmerstar punishes Graymoon with apprentice duties as punishment.
Petalpaw and Viperpaw try to pull a prank and nearly kill Spottedblossom. Don't tell her though.
The shack in the northeast was occupied by rogues and has been reclaimed in the name of slightly more tasteful rogues.
Ivyweb, a DesertClan warrior, was found disemboweled.
The Gathering goes relatively well. Apprentice drama and tomfoolery, and Algaesoul telling Fleetclaw sweet details about mysterious strangers, the recently deceased Spottedstone, and a dark ghost named Mudstar...
♍ (Virgo) Late Greenleaf
FernClan was trespassed on by Spicefeather, Lunarfrost, Thunderpaw, Timber Heart, and Rose all in one day and Lichenbreeze had no help in getting them out. She promptly told the relevant clan-leaders who trespassed and who was a by-stander, getting some cats in trouble... Thunderpaw was banned from Gatherings. Lunarfrost would not accept her punishment, and instead got exiled. Following Lunar, Redpaw (Red), Nightfall, and Shade-eyes (and her kits) joined up with Rose and Cloudy (who had left FernClan) and some additional loners joined in too.
Mysterious attacks continue, leaving Moonstream and Tansyleaf wounded. Moonstream's attacker, Fire Spark, was found and killed.
Crowpaw becomes.... Damp....
Whiskey and Tipsie trespass on WildClan individually of each other. They are chased out without incident by Smokebillow, Silverbreeze, and Mistjump.
Bumblebuzz becomes FernClan's medicine cat.
Dead cats have started to appear in dreams more frequently.
Tansyleaf's assault investigation ended; Swandance told Breezewing about Stormtalon seeming suspicious. He matched all clues, and Breezewing told Dovestar. Breezewing calls out Stormtalon at the meeting, he claimed Swandance was trying to frame him. Tansyleaf and Breezewing demanded he fit his paw to the wound, and he showed it was broken that morning. They, and Dovestar, ask for the other paw, and he refused to comply, deciding to leave the clan. Before he could go, Tansyleaf repeated what the attacker said, bluffing that she knew it was his voice. He feels caught, then, with what strength he had, quickly attacked Swandance and bolted. Dovestar and Waspwhisper pursued him. Feeling cornered, he jumped a tall cliff, landing beside the stream dividing the territory with FernClan's in a gruesome fashion. He died.
Swandance received medical attention, and is in stable condition.
The Gathering is mostly peaceful.
♎ (Libra) Early Leaf-Fall
DesertClan had to evacuate the nursery for a little bit, due to there being a scorpion inside. Cactusbelly used it as a teaching opportunity for Viperpaw.
There's an illness in FlareClan, may or may not be contagious.
Thunderpaw, Sootpaw, Marigoldpaw, and Stoatpaw investigate DampClan. Pinecrash lets children enter the sketchy swamp.
Ironwood is injured while fighting a snake. She, Scorpionsting, and Tumbleleap were killing it for Fallenleaf's plan to scare Pebblepath.
WildClan has let in a mysterious stranger - not too strange to Twistedstar - named Thrasher, who apparently has a prophecy, unknown to the clan members.
♏ (Scorpio) Mid-Leaf-Fall
ScrapClan is attacked by dogs.
ScrapClan is attacked by bees, Lightpaw dying.
ScrapClan is subjected to Dewspeckle being deputy.
In DesertClan, Ripplestar becomes leader and Ironwood is named deputy.
A strange incident in WildClan leads both the medicine cat and the medicine cat apprentice to be gone! Patchtail, a warrior with some medicinal training takes over, with Fawnpaw becoming his apprentice.
♐ (Sagittarius) Late Leaf-Fall
Diamondpaw has become Echoshrill's apprentice in ScrapClan, and Stoatpaw Nightrue's in BearClan.
The WildClan exiles did not all survive, but Lunar and Nightfall have been seen in the south.
There was a trespasser on FlareClan territory - Borealis. No one made the connection that she is Silentpaw's mother though.
♑ (Capricorn) Early Leaf-Bare
A FlareClan patrol meets a loner cat named Silverheat who requested to ask the leader if he could join.
Waspfrost, Fleetclaw, Bravepace, Dawnpaw, and Mistpaw brought him back to Shimmerstar. Before that though,
a DesertClan patrol led by Ironwood also came by. The loner mentioned that Summer (more commonly known as Dawnsong) is living alone and caring for kits while in poor condition. Cactusbelly promises to reach out.
While waiting for Shimmerstar to get back, Silverheat goes onto DampClan territory with Fleetclaw, to investigate. The investigation continues, and he and Maggotmask hear from Hornstab that Lichenbreeze had gotten information from her about a loner called Stinkpot Stan.
WildClan's deputy, Oakfeather, wasn't seen in the clan for a while.
♒ (Aquarius) Mid-Leaf-Bare
Fungus left FernClan. More information regarding DampClan was unearthed by Silverpaw asking Lizardwatcher about Lichenbreeze. SpiderMoth tells her about this, and she gets him to stage a fake crime scene, which implies he kidnapped her. She returned to FernClan the next morning wounded and with the convincing story. She then continues with her assigned task of watching after Dawnsong, who took refuge in the clan with her kits. As for SpiderMoth, he is a wanted criminal and his description is traveling through the clans.
DampClan seems fixed on "protecting Lizardwatcher."
Nightpaw deserted DesertClan to become the new medicine cat apprentice under Emberwing in FlareClan.
A WildClan warrior, Peacecry, was caught trespassing near the ScrapClan nursery. Dewspeckle warns any WildClan cat, that next time they won't be so forgiving.
An unofficial patrol consisting of Maggotmask, Fleetclaw, Bravepace, Silverpaw, Sootpaw, Viperbite, Dappledfire, Hailblaze, and Algaesoul battled against the elements (among things) of the swamp to find Stinkpot Stan, believed to have a connection with the curious state of DampClan. He reveals afterwards to a rogue that he is on his (impossibly slow) way back to the clans.
Lichenbreeze explains the situation to a couple of DampClan cats.
At the Gathering, ScrapClan warns WildClan to stay off their territory, making threats.
♓ (Pisces) Late Leaf-Bare
Rogues were around WildClan's border, lying about being DampClan members - not that the WildClan warriors had enough proof to call such a thing out. Cloudy was also there, naturally.
ScrapClan sisters Weepingkit and Scorpionkit got into a violent fight while in a StarClan dream. The told their dad Shredshadow that their family is training them there - Weepingkit opted to not train though.
Weepingkit left ScrapClan, and out of curiosity, Venomkit followed. After playing in a puddle a while, she continued to BearClan territory, him following. They hid in a tree, hearing cats nearby, but when Dovestar, Marigoldpaw, ad Petalspring were close, Weepingkit suddenly started crying, and claimed they were abandoned by their mother, and gave fake names. Venomkit was too afraid of getting in trouble to argue, and despite Dovestar's suspicions about the resemblance to ScrapClan warriors, they toted the kits up the mountain, where they were left in the empty nursery to argue. Yarrowroot then came for them, demanding they go to his medicine den - not that he's the medicine cat anymore. He could tell they were lying and tried to pressure them into telling the truth, quickly resorting to threats. When Weepingkit sassed him, he tried to make her eat yarrow. When she wouldn't, they both attacked Venomkit instead, Weepingkit biting his tail to slap the yarrow onto it, then Yarrowroot forcing dandelions down his throat after telling him to pretend to die or he'll kill him, threatening Weepingkit with the possibility of his death. This didn't upset her so she forced more yarrow down her throat while Venomkit was in shock on the floor. Marigoldpaw, who happened to be Yarrowroot's apprentice, found the commotion and attacked her mentor as Dovestar and Waspwhisper found Shredshadow searching near the border. They quickly make the connection and head back up for the nursery, but on the way up, a sign left by Rustytalon (eagle's foot with talons pointing to camp) made Shredshadow uneasy and he took off sprinting, just in time to swap out with the wounded Marigoldpaw in battle. Enraged, he landed a killing bite on the old tom. Marigoldpaw was named Marigoldsear for her bravery, and to not have to give her a new mentor, but mostly over the battle.
At the gathering, things were peaceful until Moongaze spotted SpiderMoth. After getting Lichenbreeze's confirmation,
a few cats went after the rogue. He narrowly got away.
Stinkpot Stan returned to the territories...