Known Magic

This is a list of the various spells/curses known by the believers of the Sphere of Influence, which they are interacting with through a series of behaviours that bend reality. They are not thought to be connected to StarClan.
Each spell was classified by a council of Wizards to determine the security clearance on learning them. Some argue that the spells themselves are not good or evil. Either way, users were classified depending on which ones they used. Knowing any High spells made one a High Wizard. Only knowing Good spells categorized someone as a Good Wizard. There is debate on whether the opposite category should be known as Evil Wizard or Foul Wizard.
Each spell also has a Steward, a cat who is entrusted with a particular spell to know the ins and outs, as well as control who learns it. A Steward may choose their own successor, and may do so while still alive. Otherwise... well, we will just have to see what happens.
To learn a spell, one must be told how to use it or observe it being cast. Spells are tracked in the Stat Tracker.
All spell components have to be cleared by the Admin to prevent powergaming.
Animal Speak
Allows communication with all animals. Traditionally, it is forbidden to talk to humans.
Coyote mint, Gooseberry, Deerweed, Serpentinite
Crush with serpentinite, ingest. "Chirp, call, howl, bellow, bray, yowl, I capture the world word with my meowl"
Spell duration is Moons*Target Int Stat, or use Cure on the user.
Breaks many curses and accelerates regular healing, though not necessarily a cure-all.
Cattail, Buckwheat, Chia, Black Sage, Pure Water
Purify water, mix plants. "With this drink and with this song, we toast to you and right the wrong." Drink that shit.
Enhanced Senses
Can sense everything within a mile or more. Very exhausting to use.
Iris, Vinegarweed, Beaked Sedge, Whispering Bells
Smear poultice on face "Echo, speak to me, horizon let me see, the coming wind, I will breathe"
Spell duration is Moons*Target Stl Stat, or use Cure on the user.
Lasting Flame
A bright flame that does not spread or burn through material is created. Touching it can cause a burn.
Snapdragon, Liveforever, Chamise, Burned Wood
Make poultice, slather on already burned wood. "Ghost of flame come again, burn eternal until slain."
Smother it in water for long enough.
Plant Growth
Rapidly grows a new large plant or mass of small plants, or heals an existing one.
Meat, Redwood Bark, Snakeskin, Desired Plant Sample
Encase all in skin, shove into dirt. "Rings stolen from time, vines quicken their climb, you took root in the place you die."
Multi-use. A component in the Cure spell. a somewhat effective anti-venom, it cleans food/water, and combats disease and infection.
Heat, Acorn, Roses, Water, Cherry
Place all in water. Heat via metal panel or lasting flame. "Oh steam, rope in dreams, bubble each trouble right out. Let filth become health, water become wealth, and end this cursed bout."
Get it sufficiently dirty, and it will no longer be of use.
Rain starts or is amplified. Typically produced as a small shower, but a Steward or a repeating casting can cause a deluge.
Black Sage, Lotus, Orchid, Mallow, Shell
Stuff shell, shove into ground. "Yo. So raaainfully, the great blue sky tore up the seaaaaa for me. You know I got that downpour, comin down for my ground, cuz, I got water for my crown, that's what this sound's for, talking up that ancient lore. Before. This dry spell lasts another day, the sun shine anyway, let that rain fall down today. Okay. Word."
Storm duration is Hours*User Str Stat.
Team Telepathy
Multiple beings can share thoughts, receiving all participants' every thought. Requires a great deal of mental fortitude to withstand.
Seed Pod, Honeycomb, Gecko Brain, Currant
Brain between comb and pod, bound. Both/all foreheads on, both/all say "Medullas entwined, we think the same lines, we believe this at the same time."
Use Cure Spell to remove individuals from link, highest Int Stat can leave at will. Otherwise, it lasts Moons*Average Int Stat of Users.
Allows a gust of your choice! Repeat use or use by a Steward could cause a more powerful hurricane or tornado.
Wind Poppy, Dandelion, Yerba Mansa, Aster, Shell
Stuff shell, shove into ground. "Down of duck, dandelion seed, I conjure a (rustling, powerful, whirling) breeze!"
Can be willed to last Hours*User Str Stat.
Bald Man
Target cat will begin to shed fur until completely hairless.
Frog Skin, Tanoak, Crow Foot, Heat
Mix and smoulder ingredients (inhale) "Hop to frog, crawl to worm, breathe in fog and bare your derm!"
Use Cure Spell; otherwise lasts 11-Def Stat of Target Moons
Bald Womb
All kits born of the target's womb will be born hairless or patchy.
Frog Eggs, Tanoak, Crow Foot, Heat
Mix and smoulder ingredients (inhale) "Like the egg, like the shell, I curse your womb to shed all pelt!"
Use Cure Spell; otherwise lasts 11-Def Stat of Target Moons. If kits are already born, each would have to be cured or grow out of it individually.
Big Stench
Really bad smell, worse than a skunk's. So powerful, one can taste it in the air.
Skunk Blood, Bladderpod, Cheesebush, Stuffed Duck
"Funky gunk and spunky junk, behold! The power of the swaggy skunk!" after eating ingredients. User farts so bad.
Dissipates after Days*User Str Stat.
Beancake Stank
Blinds target. Target can not detect image, shape, movement, light, or colour for the duration of the spell. Vision may restore gradually.
Earwig, Eyeball, Crushed Tooth, Skunk Cabbage
Must crush tooth. Smear on target face. "The sun sets now for you, I close your eyes, I shut your view"
Can be healed by Cure Spell, otherwise lasts 11-Target Def Moons.
Deafens target. Target cannot hear any physical sound for the duration of the spell. Hearing may restore gradually.
Earwig, Eyeball, Crushed Tooth, Skunk Cabbage
Must crush tooth. Smear on target face. "Be these the last words you hear, I lay a curse upon thy ear!"
Can be healed by Cure Spell, otherwise lasts 11-Target Def Moons.
Gives target vertigo. Target will feel dizzy, unbalanced, nauseous, and struggle to keep upright and with their eyes open for spell duration.
Earwig, Eyeball, Crushed Tooth, Skunk Cabbage
Must crush tooth. Smear on target face. "Confound, up, down, turn around, spin some more, puke on the floor!"
Can be healed by Cure Spell, otherwise lasts 11-Target Def Moons.
Forced Telepathy
Multiple beings can share thoughts, receiving all participants' every thought. Requires a great deal of mental fortitude to withstand. The spell is forbidden.
Seed Pod, Honeycomb, Gecko Brain, Thorn Bound
Brain between comb and pod, bound. All foreheads on, one says "Thoughts you try to hide from me, transmit to mine so I can see."
Use Cure Spell to remove individuals from link, highest Int Stat can leave at will. Otherwise, it lasts 11-(User Int Stat-Target Int Stat) Moons.
Conjures a false image, sound, sensation, smell, and/or taste for a short time. Repeat use can extend the Illusion.
Flame, Chamise, Psilocybe, Driftwood
Cover driftwood in poultice, smoke. Say whatever you want, after "I lie, you spy-" but make sure it rhymes.
Dissipates. Higher Stl Stat users and Stewards can create more elaborate, intense Illusions.
Afflicted will be driven by intense love for the first being in sight. Typically romantic in nature, but can also be platonic or familial in certain circumstances. The spell is forbidden.
Blue Dicks, Peony, Lotus, Pyrite
Mix, crush with pyrite, inhale. "Talons from murky deep, pull you in, heart to keep."
Can be healed by Cure Spell, otherwise lasts 11-End Stat Moons.
Mutes target. Target will be unable to vocalize, but can still use signs for the spell duration.
Earwig, Eyeball, Crushed Tooth, Skunk Cabbage
Must crush tooth. Smear on target face. "Jaw locked shut, thrown away key, the cat that got your tongue is me"
Can be healed by Cure Spell, otherwise lasts 11-Target Def Moons.
Paralyzes target. Target will be unable to move voluntarily or feel sensations such as touch, texture, pain, and temperature. Sensation may return gradually. This is the most forbidden form of this spell.
Earwig, Eyeball, Crushed Tooth, Skunk Cabbage
Must crush tooth. Smear on target face. "This is the way I keep you still, end the feeling without the kill."
Can be healed by Cure Spell, otherwise lasts 11-Target Def Moons.
Causes a horrible illness to befall the target. Symptoms include fever, chills, headache, nausea, sores, gangrene, and eventual death. The Plague is mildly contagious, and non-Target individuals have a less intense illness. The spell is forbidden.
100 Mosquitoes, Algae, Yarrow, Nightshade
Poultice on skin. "flesh dead on bones sag, bones that the rats drag, rats which carry plague, plague from this swamp hag."
Can be healed by Cure Spell, otherwise lasts 11-Target End Moons or until death.
Plague Field
All who step into the defined area get the Plague. Symptoms include fever, chills, headache, nausea, sores, gangrene, and eventual death. The Plague is contagious. The spell is so forbidden.
Some edit on regular plague. We really don't want this again.
The ground remains cursed until all who are afflicted either die or are cured using the Cure Spell.
Target is made horribly, but non-fatally ill. The afflicted can't taste or put on weight, and is wracked by debilitating abdominal pains, extreme fatigue, nausea, and depression. The spell is forbidden.
Quaking Aspen, Fleabane, Lotus, Yew
Mix, ingest. "Withered tree, hive without bee, you won't recognize the reflection you see."
Can be healed by Cure Spell, otherwise lasts 11-Target End Moons.
The area is shrouded in thick fog.
Gray Pine, Lichen, Willow, Fleabane, Shell
Stuff shell, shove into ground. "From bay to bog, it's like no other, I say for fog, it's thick like butter"
Skin doesn't break from scratches, bites, or cuts, the Target is still prone to blunt force trauma and illnesses. The spell is forbidden.
Chia, Laurel, Cheatgrass, Fish Scales, Diamond
Shine light through diamond on poultice before ingesting. "Bless me with a will to win, let me free the power within, endow me with impenetrable skin"
Can be removed by Cure Spell, otherwise lasts 11-Target Def Stat Moons.
Jan or Tam, no one knows
Creates a hole, instantly.
Frog Egg, Bird Egg, Dirtball, Berry, Skull
Place all 5 in a ring. "INSTA-HOLE! A HOLE, INSTANTLY! YOURS FOR ONLY 5! BUY NOW" then crush it all under your paws at once.
Lightning strikes in the nearby area. The spell is forbidden.
Silverpuffs, Golden Yarrow, Stinging Lupine, Shell
Stuff shell, shove into ground. "Behold this, the strike of wonder. I smite thee with lightning thunder"
Shows a scene or collection of scenes from the past of the Target being, object, or area. It is sometimes possible to deliberately seek or project a specific memory.
Glass, Snail Slime, Algae, Blood
Smear on glass, shows images there. "Glass of past, turn time back, let a memory last beyond your crack." Glass breaks after use.
Revives one life. However, the Target will not retain their memories, and will become Undead. The spell is forbidden.
True Love, Liveforever, Peony, Heartleaf, Cheatgrass
Place Liveforever and Heartleaf in Peony, set on Loved's chest. Kiss the Loved and utter the words to make the Loved better. "RISE name RISE. PEATY BOGS AND SWAMPY SWAMP! MARSHES, FROGS AND GATORS CHOMP! LET THE WISPS ENTICE YOU IN! LET THE DAMPNESS SET IN SKIN! Let me kiss you too, maybe? Ah, just once... unless you want more~ oh, right, chanting. SPHAGNUM, NICE BUM, AND A BOTTLE OF RUM! Back to life, you will come!"
Must be performed within Target End Stat+Def Stat hours.
Revival Field
A specified area heals and revives any cat. This is known to occur when a regular Revival is botched.
True Love, ???
Loved representative is chosen for the grounds. Kiss the ground for the Loved. Chant the words to awaken the rest. Missing step.
If the Target is destroyed, the curse is lifted. However, resulting Undead will persist.
Target falls into a deep sleep, and will not die from lack of food or water.
Nightshade, Blue Curls, Silverpuffs, Swan Feather
Smear poultice on head "Strangled by sheep, fall to darkness deep, pain won't find you, in your sleep"
Can be removed by Cure Spell, otherwise lasts 11-Target End Stat Moons.
An earthquake occurs in the area. The spell is forbidden.
Chamise, Sand Verbena, Yellow Pansy, Mud, Shell
Stuff shell, shove into ground. "Let roll the land, let churn the sands, I say, I say, let earth be damned"