Warrior Code and Rules

1. Defend your Clan, even with your life.
2. Newly appointed warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night after receiving their warrior name.
3. A cat cannot be made deputy without having mentored at least one apprentice.
4. The deputy will become Clan leader when the leader dies unless challenged.
5. After the death or retirement of the deputy, the new deputy must be chosen before moonhigh.
6. Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. Challenge all trespassing cats.
7. The word of the Clan leader is the warrior code.
8. A warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet.
9. Cats may challenge a weak leader if their Clan is in danger, and if their leadership threatens the Clan, the code expects a warrior to challenge their leader.
1. Defend your Clan, even with your life. You may have friendships with cats from the other Clans, but your loyalty must remain to your Clan, as one day you may meet them in battle.
2. Do not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory.
3. Elders and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors. Unless they have permission, apprentices may not eat until they have hunted to feed the elders.
4. Prey is killed only to be eaten. Give thanks to StarClan for its life.
5. A kit must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice.
6. Newly appointed warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night after receiving their warrior name.
7. A cat cannot be made deputy without having mentored at least one apprentice.
8. The deputy will become Clan leader when the leader dies or retires.
9. After the death or retirement of the deputy, the new deputy must be chosen before moonhigh.
10. A gathering of all seven Clans is held at the full moon during a truce that lasts for the night. There shall be no fighting among Clans at this time.
11. Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. Challenge all trespassing cats.
12. No warrior may neglect a kit in pain or in danger, even if that kit is from a different Clan.
13. The word of the Clan leader is the warrior code.
14. An honourable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win his battles, unless they are outside the warrior code or it is necessary for self-defence.
15. A warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet.
16. Each Clan has the right to be proud and independent, but in times of trouble they must forget their boundaries and fight side by side to protect the seven. Each Clan must help the others so that no Clan will fall.
Cats on their way to the Moonpeak are allowed to cross other Clans' territories to get to their destination
Cats may travel on other Clan territories if they have something to report or ask for help.
The code is flexible about leadership challenges. Cats may challenge a weak or cruel leader if their Clan is in danger, and if their leadership threatens the Clan, the code expects a warrior to challenge their leader.
Medicine cats may not have a mate or kits.
Kits must stay in camp until they are apprenticed, and are not allowed to hunt.
The safety of the Clan is more important than the safety of one cat.
Clans must not unite together to drive out another Clan.
Clans must not force another Clan to share territory.
Enemy patrols must not attack cats if they are on a mission all seven Clans agree on.
Cats cannot eat when going to the Moonpeak to speak with StarClan.
  • A leader is allowed to punish a cat for their wrong-doing (or suspected wrong-doing) in roleplay or later if a character reports it to them. If the transgression is not done in secret, it may be reported out of character.
  • Punishments from a leader are harder to escape as the other cats in the clan may be employed to enforce it.
  • Typically, a character will be permitted to take an alternative route to permanent alterations (such as death, losing an eye, etc), but the admin may ensure a punishment is enforced in certain circumstances.
  • A character does not have to be a clanmate to be subject to a punishment.
  • Different clan leaders may be more or less strict for different rules...
Traditionally: FernClan is known to be tight-knit and particularly cold towards outsiders, so those who betray the clan tended to be punished harshly, while there was lenience to those who caused trouble for those not born in FernClan. They also have punished cats not in the clan for acts against them, demanding their leaders allow this to be enforced, or allow the entire clan to face their wrath. All that being said, they are not a bloodthirsty bunch, and do not typically employ violence in their punishments.
Currently: Faced with dwindling numbers and strife, Bluestar put her paw down on FernClan's xenophobia, making the clan safer to join and have half-clan kits in (that being said, she does not necessarily approve of crossclan relationships). She tries to handle punishments candidly, and tends to give out warnings before harsher punishments. She notably has given her deputy a high level of authority, and the clan is to respect his word as much as hers. FernClan follows the Old Code.
Historically: Several of FernClan's more recent leaders have been meaner and more grandstanding than Bluestar, which may have contributed to her level, patient rule.
Traditionally: BearClan historically has been known both for following the Warrior Code and upholding the general peace in the area. Most BearClanners are brought up under the expectation of conforming to this, so not many trouble-makers have emerged... this may be because they have been quietly 'disappeared' when the usual firm, nonviolent punishment has failed. These deliberate non-executions were often presented as a request to do a solo patrol near the bear's den, allowing the cat to flee the area or be eaten.
Currently: Dovestar has done his best to maintain the clan's image, but his lack of secrecy has given the public image that BearClan has suddenly become worse. Non-violent punishments are still the norm, however, the warriors have taken it upon themselves to deliever violence when they decide it deserved. BearClan follows the New Code, but habitually follows the rules of the Old Code.
Historically: BearClan's new, more aggressive reputation began before Dovestar's time.
Traditionally: ScrapClan has a reputation for being more bark than bite, not pursuing those who've hurt their clan beyond what is worth the trouble. Most ScrapClanners avoid physical conflict, and louder, more stubborn cats often have great sway in the leading. Many leaders over the years have allowed their clanmates to barter their way out of punishments, or used the punishment for the benefit of the rest of the clan, giving more patrols and withholding food being common tactics.
Currently: Dewstar has been contacted by StarClan, and often consults them in regards to how to handle conflict in her clan. The instructions she receives often favours the descendants of Rustytalon and the advancement of the clan over convention or morality, not punishing cats if they are more useful unpunished. The warriors often weigh in with their opinions on things, and can be mob-like. ScrapClan follows the New Code.
Historically: ScrapClan has gotten increasingly tense through Jaggedstar's reign. Spiderstar had been keeping the peace with WildClan up until then. These heightened tensions has resulted in a volatile, but close, clan culture.
Traditionally: DesertClan, as the record-keepers, have a detailed account of pretty much everything everyone has done. Once the initial punishment had past, most cats continued to have their mistakes follow them like even their memory had a shadow. They also anticipate punishment from StarClan, having a list of anecdotes where a cat's actions were followed by what the less religious would interpret as misfortune or acts of nature. Due to these things, DesertClan leaders often dole out lax punishments, or forgo them entirely.
Currently: Ironstar, like many of her predecessors, hesitates to punish her clanmates, though this is largely driven by a worry that if she exiles or chases anyone away, their numbers will dwindle. She may take subtler routes, such as having worse patrols assigned or allowing the clan to look down on them. She has a great deal of respect for her average clanmate, and prefers to hear everyone out when making decisions. Due to these things, she seems like less of a 'boss' and more of an equal to some DesertClanners. DesertClan follows the Old Code, believing it to be right.
Traditionally: Being grounded or taken prisoner is considered a heavier punishment in FlareClan than it is in other Clans. They usually don't have it in them to be particularly vicious. though there have been many occasions where a leader would impulsively punish a cat, only to realize that they had overreacted, or worse, did so to a wrongfully accused cat. That being said, they are known to generally be very lenient about most things, viewing the Warrior Code as more of a suggestion than anything.
Currently: Shimmerstar tends to give cats the benefit of the doubt, and is forgiving enough to give second chances. He second-guesses his decisions, not really sure what the best punishments would be, and ultimately avoids putting his paw down until he absolutely has to. Shimmerstar's clanmates often decide to not tell him things, in favour of handling them without him. FlareClan follows the Old Code.
Traditionally: For much of history, WildClan has seen itself as an exclusive in-group, preferring to keep to their own and have the others out of their business. Because of this, the other clans disagree on whether WildClan is typically lenient and amicable, or if there is violence and abuse going on in their territory. The truth is that both have been true at different points in history. Similarly, the strength of the heirarchy of dominance fluctuates, and with it, the strictness of the clan rules.
Currently: WildClan follows the New Code.
Historically: WildClan's members largely ran unchecked in the wake of Fallenstar's rule. Twistedstar eventually decided to try and get control over his clanmates, and exiled some cats, to the overall detriment of the clan's strength.
Traditionally: DampClan has a strong focus on unity, and usually hesitates to punish someone at all, preferring to have a talk about it instead. Whenever a cat had to be sent away from DampClan, it was a sad ordeal, even though only particularly horrible cats managed to get exiled from DampClan. While they followed the Warrior Code, they often found themselves deciding that exceptions could be made about several of the things in it. They had a decent grasp on morality though, which guided them.
Currently: Since Lichenstar took over, DampClan has been managed differently while largely retaining its culture. Lichenstar is constantly trying to keep one step ahead of her enemies to keep the clan safe, and does not really care at all about the Code. As a result, instead of formal punishments, she manipulates or disposes of any cat she deems in her way, however way she thinks she can get away with. Many of her clanmates are easily manipulated, or complicit. DampClan follows the New Code.
Historically: The risen DampClanners unknowingly resumed the traditional ways of the clan, and mostly they continued to stick to it even as Lichenstar took over.