Roleplay Year 4 - Ongoing

YEAR 4- Ongoing
♈ (Aries) Early Newleaf
During the Gathering, Flickerthaw, Nimblestride, Bravepace, and Ash-heart slipped away to visit the tunnels. Becrux was hesitant to let them in, but relented when they said they knew Mourningsky. They helped Percy burn a wilting plant, and she taught them to enhance their senses. They solved Elytra's riddles and learned her spell, but Ilex was hesitant to trust, and asked they deliver an Iris to Anne. They agreed to teach P. Luey and Tuuletar the other elemental spells in exchange for theirs. The way was blocked when they met Rojo, so they decided to call it a night.
Instead of returning to DesertClan, Ironstar pulled an all-nighter on the Gathering to go to Moonpeak, where she met Rustytalon, who attempted to throw her off by telling her Darkscar was still a threat.
Following the Gathering, Fungus, who was in attendance disguised, hid in FernClan territory to hold a secret meeting with Bluestar. She told him everything. He determined that since the afterlife would have eyes on them, he should "do nothing."
Fungus proceeded to hold a New Year's party in DampClan camp. He told Algaesoul that she was originally a FernClanner.
A party was also thrown in DesertClan, for Hornstab reaching 13 years old, and trying to keep spirits up.
Liontooth and Dustbunny chose to support Sunsetspecks in confronting Bluestar about Hemlocksplinter's behavior. She decided that if Hemlocksplinter gave her one more problem, he would be exiled immediately. He resisted when she let him know, but managed to keep his mouth shut.
Bluestar assigned Budcrack and Thornyfeather on official magic duty.
Fleetclaw, Ash-heart, and Flickerthaw went to deliver Ilex's iris to Anne, Mourningsky joining them when they got escorted through BearClan. Anne had used magic to overgrow the greenhouse that was previously occupied by Smiles, and Weaselspot. They told her about Lichenstar's nosiness, and Longshadows's betrayal. Mourningsky told the others what they needed for Rojo's spell, and Anne taught them to grow plants faster.
Waspwhisper decided to leave BearClan, stating that it was temporary.
Bigpaw caught a tit twice the size of average, breaking the record! There were no records written down before that, Dewstar just mandated that it be passed down.
Deep, former warrior of ScrapClan, returned with his mate Benvolio, asking to temporarily rejoin the clan for support. Dewstar accepted, having been buddies with Deep as apprentices.
Anne returned to the tunnels to check on everyone. Becrux told her that Palsa had shut herself away from the others. She learned from Purge and Walker for in case she needed to cure something. Muddle warned her Palsa was 'compromised,' and Radio and Gamma confirmed it was possible she was sharing her mind with someone, and Anne might have to leave if she sees her, as the other cat would know she was here. Anne learned the spell from them, though they advised she not use it. This was further supported by a crude drawing on Lichenstar left by Longshadows a while back, and Palsa's torches being unlit.
She went on to learn Illusion from her father. She let cats in the good tunnels know about Palsa's possible condition, as well as the guards, who taught her to make her skin unbreakable, and then Becrux taught her flame. She started delivering food to the tunnel residents, Eagle teaching her balding spells. She let Iso know about what happened, and he acted like it was not his fault. She finally went to see Palsa, who immediately told her to take an artifact, a tablet supposedly with the universe's secrets carved in in Scratch, a language no one knows how to read. She had Anne send Becrux back to talk to her on her hasty way out; Lichenstar knew her face and would certainly want the artifact. She grabbed some stuff from her greenhouse, marking a warning on the door, before going on a winding path through the mountainside.
Stoat-tooth, BearClan's medicine cat, was taken by two-legs. When she didn't return for a while, Lichenstar had Longshadows, a mostly-trained-in-medicine cat to take her place in the meantime, reasoning DampClan should support their allies, and he'd be closer to his ailing father. Having eyes and ears in the other clan was an added bonus. Many cats were suspicious of him, but he did his job right...
Sandstrike and Whitewing left for a short journey while Sandstrike was still well, after saying their goodbyes to everyone.
Fleetclaw, Flickerthaw, and Ash-heart joined up with Thornyfeather, Budcrack, and Fishfry to go to the tunnels. They were followed by Dangerpaw. Becrux was concerned about why Anne left so abruptly the other day, which was a hint something was wrong. No one else had been through. Ilex let them know that Anne suspected Palsa's mind had been compromised with a brain-sharing spell. Elytra mentioned Becrux came by as well, which was suspect as she did not seem to know anything about what was going on. After getting past Rojo's wall, they became elemental masters (promising to not share that information with Tuuletar and P. Luey) and learned to share minds before going to meet Palsa. Upon the group electing Fleetclaw as their leader, and Lichenstar being very displeased to see her, Palsa granted Fleetclaw ancient forbidden knowledge so that she may properly rival Lichenstar.
Coincidentally, Lichenstar was told Mycel was missing. Palsa was anticipating something, and Fleetclaw reluctantly stayed with her while the others doubled back to speak to more cats before what was about to happen happened. Ash-heart accidentally dumped a bucket of the cure spell Anne left onto Nadir, who woke. They had to collect ingredients for his spell to knock him back out. Fishfry introduced himself to Fish-flop Sam, who apparently was expecting him, as his nemesis. They dueled, and when the much younger Fishfry won, the grandpa taught the group Illusion. Ash-heart met Fueller, who said to learn her spell, she'd have to let her use it on her. She next met Iso, who told her the disabling spells for the ones from the good tunnel he didn't already know.
After they came up with a plan, they doubled back to check on Palsa and Fleetclaw, who had been following Lichenstar's actions the whole time. As they got there, Palsa suddenly screamed. The eyes lining the walls closed as the air suddenly grew heavy. When she recovered, she told them the spell was broken and that killing her would inhibit Lichenstar.
A bolt of lightning was visible in a cloudless sky past the DampClan western border. Many cats witnessed the strike, but few saw what really happened... Stan had tricked Fungus into bringing Mycel away from his hiding spot so that he could strike him and himself with a Lightning spell. Lichenstar was close enough that she lost a life, which hurt Palsa's head considerably. After Flickerthaw put Palsa down, Lichenstar was given a wicked migraine of godly proportions that would last until mid-autumn. Brindlebark, Birdglide, and Mourningsky went to the tunnels after seeing the strike, realizing it was a spell.
They got Radio and Gamma down from the ceiling. Muddle sent Celestial and Rolland to go with them while he stayed underground. Tam and Jan brought Bifurc down to see Nadir, his father, one last time. Ash-heart killed Nadir so that he would not wake up in a year only to die slowly. Bifurc decided he wanted to stay down there anyway. Rojo was building a tomb made of his cans. He was convinced to leave by them agreeing to carry his cans out. They convinced Sam to leave by not making him carry the cans. Ash-heart and Flickerthaw went to Fueller to have her hit Flickerthaw with the spell, but she hit Ash-heart with it, who had to be carried out. Meanwhile, the FernClanners accidentally brought Oiseau, who did not know why she was so sad... This caused some sour feelings from those who knew her and did not want her around.
Mourningsky and Birdglide found the group with Fueller, and went back to make a cure spell for Ash-heart, bringing the tunnel cats out with them. Fueller and Iso declined the invitation to leave. Beancake Stank was convinced to leave, as was Eagle, who was interested in seeing Ironstar. The others went back through the good tunnel, Flickerthaw telling P. Luey and Tuuletar that they would teach them outside Ilex and Elytra decided to leave to look for Anne, who Fleetclaw said she was also going to look for. Purge and Walker wanted to die after hearing Palsa had passed, but Fleetclaw told them Palsa entrusted secrets to her, so the two of them started following her every command. Percy checked outside, but returned to check on Iso, and Tam and Jan didn't leave. Becrux stayed in her location. The BearClanners went home once Ash-heart was okay.
While Fleetclaw went into more detail on what Palsa had told her, Flickerthaw went off with P. Luey and Tuuletar and taught them the spells... and P. Luey caused a quake which collapsed the tunnel onto Fueller, then Tuuletar sent off a bolt that killed P. She wandered off in her shame, pursued by a slow Oiseau who thought she should die for killing him like that. Rolland and Celestial disapproved of Flickerthaw's actions, opting to follow the FernClanners home instead. Sam had agreed to go with the FernClanners when he could still hear Oiseau's sniffling. Rojo, Beancake Stank, Radio, and Gamma stayed building the can tomb. Purge, Walker, Eagle, Ilex, and Eltrya decided to follow the FlareClanners. They updated Bluestar when they reached FernClan.
Anne meanwhile was giving anyone tailing her a run for their money. She ended up collapsing near FlareClan's border after a meander through the desert that went a little longer than was healthy. She was brought to camp by Bravepace and Nimblestride to rest, and later, the others returned from the tunnels, reuniting her with some friends again.
Emberwing had gone missing, so the medicine den was in disrepair when Anne got there. Being a plant specialist, she got to work on restoring it while she was recovering. Shimmerstar wasn't sure about letting possible targets of Lichenstar's into the clan, but Fleetclaw assured him it would be worth it, and subsequently vowed to cover up any inconvenience it may cause before he notices. She confirmed to Anne she knew the Revival Spell and they were responsible for finding the next steward of the knowledge and the artifact. They determined that the "Sphere of Influence," the afterlife the tunnel cats believe in, is so different from StarClan and the Place of No Stars it could very well exist separately. There was compelling evidence that they both existed. She caught her up on what happened and told her about the clans and key cats to watch out for. Anne decided to take on the role of medicine cat while Emberwing was missing, under the name Pecanpaw. For the time being, she would collect herbs in the inner territory.
Candy decided to send Racket and Skinkpaw on their way, but they had hopes of bringing Nitro with them. They stuck around, and were present when Nitro caught his old friend he thought was dead with one of Endure's sons, Sting, indicating to him that he switched sides. Puppet and Sting decided they wanted to go back to the clans with them, to get away from the situation unfolding in the city. They ran into Sting's brother Dune on the way out, and he told them he'd keep Endure off their trails. After parting ways, Nitro caught up to the others to join them on the journey to ScrapClan.
When they got to ScrapClan, Dewstar decided to let them stay a bit to decide on what they wanted to do.
A strange and troubled cat named Noir joined DampClan, keeping his name. His sanity, perhaps not so much.
Larkblaze was killed in a sudden coyote attack that also took one of Dovestar's lives, bringing him down to 6. Venomscratch, Goldensequoia, and Tansyleaf managed to chase the coyote off while Beepaw and Longshadows supported the casualties. Tansyleaf was chosen as the new deputy as the leader found her reliable, but some thought she may be a bit old for the role...
♉ (Taurus) Mid-Newleaf
During the gathering, Anne and Dan were sneaked to FernClan to say goodbye to Sam, who was dying without the support of magic. Anne took up the name Pecanpaw and began to fill in as FlareClan's medicine cat.
While patrolling the border where Pecanpaw was found, Fleetclaw, Cutleaf, and Flickerthaw saw four trespassers run in. Neriteshine, who was hunting, intercepted and was killed by Brokenpelt. The three other warriors caught the other intruders, identifying Squirrelspots, another DampClanner, but the other two were unidentifiable loners, Borealis and Ashencall. Flickerthaw killed Squirrelspots so that he could catch Brokenpelt, who he also dispatched. Cutleaf unintentionally killed Ashencall, and Borealis died of exhaustion trying to get away from Fleetclaw. While attempts to interrogate them failed, they noted that the four cats all had 'damp' eyes, even though only half of them were known to be DampClanners. They were also silent, not responding to their names, and singularly fixed on following a route likely to be Pecanpaw's scent trail. Their paws were cracked, and they were dehydrated and exhausted to the point they were on the verge of death. The warriors deduced it was likely Lichenstar sent them after some messed up memory-replacement and subsequent brainwashing, convinced that their purpose was to track down Pecanpaw at all costs.
Not wanting to give Shimmerstar a reason to rethink his decision to let Pecanpaw into the clan, agreeing they wanted her around for various reasons, they decided to hide evidence that DampClan had sent the attack from their leader. Ashencall had his eyes damaged in the fight already, and Borealis's were forced shut, and the two were presented as the sole attackers, while the DampClan warriors were buried outside of the territory. Most of the clan was let in on the truth.
Going into DampClan alone, Fleetclaw convinced Lichenstar to pause operations for both of their benefit. They agreed to not go to war at least until Lichenstar's headache passed, and Fleetclaw and her friends could raise kits.
Ironstar, Beetlesprint, Cactusbelly, and Dawnshine found an injured she-cat named Hollow on the border with two young kit siblings, Vulture and Groundhog. Hollow was distrustful and aggressive at the offers for assistance, and attacked the leader, but passed out from exhaustion pretty quickly, allowing the patrol to carry them back to the medicine den. She relaxed only marginally when her wounds were treated and she was fed.
Amid the chaos, Eagle showed up to woo Ironstar for her bald beauty.
SnowLeopard joined WildClan as Alpinepeak.
Benvolio passed away giving birth in ScrapClan, Deepwhisper taking his warrior name back and staying to raise Beepkit.
Sunsetspecks realized that she was pregnant, which prompted a confrontation between the clan and Hemlocksplinter, who was not the father but thought he should be. Briarvoice nearly got in trouble with Bluestar, but once the other warrior spoke, he was exiled, and Briarvoice was given permission to beat him. He lost sight in one of his eyes before getting out of the territory.
Budcrack was hit by the largest pine cone ever known to cone, injuring him.
Oriolepaw and Honeypaw found Charmsong dead after they'd been mauled by a bear. The bear was appeased by Larkblaze, but since she died, it began to rampage.
♊ (Gemini) Late Newleaf
At the gathering, Fleetclaw asked Weaselspot if he could read some of the symbols from the tablet, but since he couldn't, she brushed it off and acted like it was no big deal.
Sunsetspecks told Liontooth and Dustbunny she was pregnant. It was unclear who the father was, or if both of them were. Liontooth later left ScrapClan for FernClan to support her. Dustbunny simply tripped and lost a tooth. Not long after Mark-kit, Leafkit, and Sparrowkit were born, their uncle Addertongue went out to find some feathers for them to play with, and didn't return. Budcrack and Liontooth went looking for him, and found he'd been murdered by Hemlocksplinter, presumably out of revenge. The two went looking for the offending exile, but couldn't find him, so they returned to camp. Addertongue's family from FlareClan and WildClan was retrieved to say their farewells. Hemlocksplinter, meanwhile, fled the area.
Addertongue got intimidated into going into the place of no stars, and taken under the wings of Violentjay and Jugularjuice. Mudstar explained the ongoing situation.
Ironstar decided that she was suspicious of the goings-on, and decided to consult each of her clanmates about allying with FernClan and FlareClan. While the cats respected her decision, they cautioned they would need strength to back themselves up, and announcing their loyalties may draw unwanted attention to them. Chollamask disagreed with the idea, and Ironstar confronted him about speaking to StarClan. He admitted he hadn't been communicating with them much, and she told him she didn't see a clanmate when she last visited.
Vervainpaw became WildClan's medicine cat. Some of her siblings left the clan to be with their dad.   
♋ (Cancer) Early Greenleaf

♌ (Leo) Mid-Greenleaf

♍ (Virgo) Late Greenleaf

♎ (Libra) Early Leaf-Fall

♏ (Scorpio) Mid-Leaf-Fall

♐ (Sagittarius) Late Leaf-Fall

♑ (Capricorn) Early Leaf-Bare

♒ (Aquarius) Mid-Leaf-Bare

♓ (Pisces) Late Leaf-Bare