Discord Page


 Join the Discord!

Welcome! Would you like to be more active with our community? Consider joining our Discord! There we can hang out and share artwork all sorts of other cool stuff together!

Please be sure to review the Discords Rules before joining!

1. Be respectful

You must respect all users, regardless of your liking towards them. Treat others the way you want to be treated. No hate speech. Hate speech will not be tolerated and will end in an immediate temporary ban. This includes racism, homophobic rhetoric, hateful discussions of religion, ect. There will be no appeals to this ban. We would like the community to be welcoming and a safe space for all people except bigots. A second offense will result in a permanent ban from the server. 

2. No Inappropriate Language

The use of profanity should be kept to a minimum. Keep it classy, not vulgar. However, any derogatory language towards any user is prohibited.

3. No spamming

Don't send a lot of small messages right after each other. Do not disrupt chat by spamming. This will result in a day-long mute. Spamming includes using the @here and @everyone.

4. No pornographic/adult/other NSFW material in SFW channels

This is a community server and not meant to share this kind of material. Please message a mod for access to these areas of the server.

Age Verification is required for access to any NSFW areas of the discord. You do not have to access them if you don’t want to, also you do not have to verify your age, but you will not be granted access if you do want it.

5. No offensive names and profile pictures
You will be asked to change your name or picture if the staff deems them inappropriate.

6. Direct & Indirect Threats/ Bullying
Threats to other users of any malicious intent are absolutely prohibited and disallowed in or outside of the server. If it is proven that bullying is directed outside the server, because of things related to, or happenings in the server - guilty parties will receive a temporary ban from the Species World for 1 month.

If you suspect bullying, DM an admin with your concerns. Do not attempt to deal with the situation yourself.

Any minors who feel they’ve been interacted with inappropriately are encouraged to notify a member of staff. We will handle the situation with anonymity. This includes if the interactions are in DMs outside of the server/species.

If an adult believes they are being contacted inappropriately by a minor, they are encouraged to notify a member of staff. We will handle the situation with anonymity. This includes if the interactions are in DMs outside of the server/species.

7. Follow the Discord Community Guidelines: You can find them here: https://discordapp.com/guidelines

8. Please don’t vent or complain excessively in general channels. 

We’re looking for positive vibes, but if you need support, you can visit the #🤬-vent-🤕 channel. 

The Admins and Mods will Mute/Kick/Ban per discretion. If you feel mistreated dm one of the owners (Blank-Muse or Epizootix) and we will resolve the issue.

9. In order to help the admins identify you, your toyhouse name needs to be your name in this discord.

10. Boosters to the discord are entitled to ambits as a reward for boosting the server. 
The amount of ambits is 600 ambits per month for boosting the server. You can boost more than once in a given month but you will still only receive 600 Ambits per month. These will be reoccurring monthly as long as a boost is being given to the discord. Be sure to open an account with the bank to collect your ambits.