Afterlife Express's Bulletins

Next GA - Skfuu!

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago by Rikouryu

This beautiful boy is looking for a new home! Thank you so much for putting up with all of our bulletins, we have lots of beautiful children to show you! Please visit DA to bid!


Next FMN Up!

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago by Rikouryu

Next GA Design has gone up!

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago by Rikouryu

This one is by mayuniki ! Please check it out, I love seeing more CDs getting made!


Thank you to everyone who has stuck with our species so far, I hope you find a GA kiddo you like!

Guest Artist Event Begins... Now!

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago by Rikouryu

Hello all! Thank you so much for your patience in waiting for the GA event! The first design has just gone up! Here is the line up!

kkromao mayuniki Skfuu Avacyn BunMuffin hatsukibambi chizuny Neyuse milkmilium Angelic-Bunny Maxymumu ceryskies

I hope you are looking forward to seeing what everyone makes! The first design, by Kkromao has just gone up!


Please check it out! Thank you everyone and expect more bulletins from me as more of them go up! I hope they all find loving homes <3

June Updates - GA Batch Soon!

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by Rikouryu

Hello again all! Sorry for the slightly late update, I'm in the middle of finals and am not... handling it great haha

As always, there is a new prompt here: . This month's prompt is based on stress since I am seriously feeling it, and I hope everyone else is doing okay and staying healthy! Thank you again for your interest! I'm happy to hear any feedback about the prompts, or if you like the system and want to use it, etc. Our species is very small so I'm not sure how valuable the prompts are to people, but I enjoy them so I'm going to continue them for a while <3

Coming up this month is the GA batch I mentioned last month! Most of the designs are finished and we'll be doing a preview to show everyone their hard work as soon as they all come in, but expect that in the next few weeks! Each GA is handling their own auction so expect a mixture of formats so there is something for everyone! I hope everyone is pumped up!! The artists all worked really hard so I hope their designs all find good homes <3

That's all from me for now, please message me or DM me on discord/use the server if you have any questions or if I can help in any way. Thanks again!


Posted 3 years, 19 hours ago by Rikouryu

Hello all! I'm sorry this is a few minutes late, got distracted orz

There are 10 slots open for FMNs and CDs this round, no legendary slots but all regular slots are open!

Please check pricing and rules here:


1. FMN Angel, White/Black Wings - SeraphicSage

2. FMN Angel, White/Black Wings - Ohmoth

EDIT: GA apps are now closed. Look forward to the batch everyone!

Hello everyone! Welcome to may! As always, thank you for sticking around and being a lovely community, I appreciate all of you! 

First thing is the new monthly prompt! I'm already over hotter weather so this month's theme is water based. You can find all of that information here if you want to give this month's prompt a go.

Secondly, this month is my birthday! I tend to do things in the community for my birthday and this year is no exception. This year I've decided to open up a GA batch made by the community! So that means that yes:

Guest Applications for FMN/CDs are OPEN!

So please, if you like this community and want to try your hand at designing one, please please either PM me here or message me in discord (faster) and we'll get chatting. I just want to see some example art/designs from you, but mostly I just want to talk. Ideally I'd like to present 10 designs but I'm not sure how many will apply, so just give it a shot! There is no fee or cut taken from these designs so all the profits are yours. I just want to be able to give the community a chance to get involved and celebrate my birthday with everyone!

Lastly, there will be a  MYO sale this month! Specifically tomorrow in fact! I will be opening 10 slots for either FMN or CDs, regular rarity slots (no legendaries), as well as five slots for trait changers/upgrades. It will open at 5pm PST.

Thank you everyone for being so good to us and loving this species as much as we do! I honestly can't wait for this GA batch, you guys are all so creative! Thank you everyone!

Welcome to April!

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago by Rikouryu

Hello everyone! Sorry for the long, long radio silence, my life and my co-owner's life has been totally turned on it's head and we've frankly been insanely busy, but I'm trying to come back as much as I can! 

For this month, I finally got a new monthly prompt up, you can find it here! It's about fighting haha so get your dynamic poses ready! Or, you know, whatever else comes to mind.

I want to thank everyone for their patience with us and I hope I can get a new batch of kids going sometime in the near future. I'm talking to my GAs right now and might have some community events in mind for the future as well! I hope everyone can look forward to it!

As always, please feel free to send me or the mods any questions or concerns you might have, I will get back to you as soon as I can!