

  • Read through required information in the / pinned messages. If you can't find what you're looking for, or your question is unanswered, please ask in #questions and a mod or veteran member will respond ASAP!
  • Be respectful to everyone. Harrassment, racism, bigotry, discrimination, homophpbia, transphobia, political debates, etc. are not tolerated in this group. This is your only warning.
  • If someone asks for a topic to change, joke to stop, or expresses they are uncomfortable with something, please respect their wishes.
  • Please keep drama out of the group, when possible. We understand not everyone will get along perfectly - all we ask is that you are civil with each other, you don't have to interact. Don't drag others into your personal issues or try to get people to rally against one another.
  • Don't purposefully or jokingly dox each other - despite the fact that some of us are quite close, have met IRL, and know real names / exact locations, be careful who you use such information around. Unless they give permission to use their name / reveal something, respect everyone's privacy by default!
  • Do not trace, steal, or uses bases in your artwork. Absolutely NO AI allowed for any purpose. All artwork and writing should be done by yourself, unless you have commissioned or requested art from a friend - in which case, please credit them!
  • You may make any changes to your character that you like, but if it is significant within the written application, it is for the best that you discuss it with a mod to be sure it makes sense and that nothing is overpowered/confusing. If you share a backstory or relationship with other characters, and the changes may affect them, please discuss with their player(s) as well.
  • All new characters must be reserved and discussed with mods. You must have also gathered enough points to buy an additional character. You may not make new characters on a whim, or roleplay them before approval. It is also suggested you keep headcannons at a minimum.
  • Remember, your claim isn't guaranteed until it's been officially reserved, and you shouldn't gatekeep the concept, either.
  • Always feel free to come to a mod if you have any issues or suggestions!
  • Separate the players from their characters. This includes yourself. You are not one in the same. Characters may have beliefs, feelings, and take actions that are not endorsed by the person who created them. Do not take personal offense to things that happen within a roleplay. They are works of fiction.
  • That being said, if your character is doing something to negatively affect another character, physically or emotionally - or otherwise committing acts that would be considered socially unacceptable - please, make sure you have the other player's explicit consent for it to happen. Always ask before you make a mark on someone else's character.
  • Practice open-ended responses. This leaves room for the other RPer to respond as they wish. For example...
    Good: Character 1 lashes out at Character 2’s chest with their sword swiftly, hoping to catch them off guard.
    Better: After getting approval, Player 1 rolls to attack, and Player 2 rolls to dodge.
    Bad: Character 1 slashes Character 2 across the chest, leaving a bleeding gash, incapacitating them and bringing them to their knees.
  • As above, no God-modding. This is when you insert thoughts/feelings or write actions for a character that is not yours [like Character 2 falling to their knees and becoming incapacitated]. It's okay to imply what is expected, or your own character's interpretation of what another must be thinking or about to do - but know this is not guaranteed in the reply, and should not be written as the truth.
  • No metagaming. Do not have your character know something that they could not have possibly found out about yet or learned within the roleplay.
  • RP is a form of improv, so treat it that way. Don't get mad if a RP isn't going your way, and don't ignore a character's actions because its not what you wanted. Do your best to play off of the others rather than against them.
  • No Mary/Gary Sues. Characters should have flaws and weaknesses. Their powers should not be instant-win or godly, unable to be beaten. Sometimes, things will go wrong. Not every character will get along, and that's okay!
  • This universe operates on real-time. Try to keep roleplay timelines accurate to this. unless there is a specified time-skip for the group.
  • No smut or anything verging on it in the public roleplays, please. Please respect anyone expressing discomfort and take it somewhere else, if it goes too far.
  • While all members are 18+, please get to know each other's comfort levels and ask permission before sexually escalating in-character, even if the characters are in a relationship.
  • This goes for violence, as well. Any amount is allowed in public RP, but stop or tone it down if someone expresses discomfort.
  • AU's are welcome! Go wild, make art and roleplay!
  • Try to post in the appropriate channels. Each channel has a description at the top. If a conversation goes off-topic, or too many exchanges are happening at once, please consider moving to a different channel or a private DM! No out-of-character in roleplay channels, discussion in the galleries, or bot usage outside of their designated channels.
  • NSFW talk and content should be contained only within channels marked as such. You can opt in or out of this category at any time.
  • Please use your Tupperbox character profiles within event roleplays! It is also encouraged for public roleplays.
  • If you post art closely after someone else, consider responding to their work, so that it doesn't get ignored or drowned out by accident. Especially if it hasn't gotten any love yet! ♡
  • In voice chats, try your best to make sure everyone is heard! Don't purposefully talk over each other, and loop back around if someone gets cut off.
