This World document is a hub for the number of campaigns that are run with the system Deadly Revelation, and focus on the popular game DRcade. 

Originally, DRcade was an ONLINE game that was accessed via an arcade machine, where players of the game would create an Avatar and enter the game. This version of the game was lighthearted and goofy - death was only temporary, after all, and despite Monobear being present, no one was put in actual danger. It's game, after all! 

After certain events, the original DRcade temporarily lost funding, and many arcade machines were left to collect dust. However, during that dark time, and unknown to most, one particular round of DRcade was run. Those who went through this game experienced the very real threat of death - or at the least, the death of their identity - as they discovered the truth of why they were forced to play such a cruel game. 

Some time after, the controversy from the original DRcade would subside, and with proper funding from additional corporations, DRcade would reboot as DRcade ONLINE. In DRcade ONLINE, players use a VR helmet to access an online space with forums and multiple 'rooms' where a player can join a game. Additionally, those versed in mysteries can take on the role of a Moderator, where they are responsible for building and overseeing the game. Being heavily narrative focused, and the wide variety of locations a moderator can build for their players to explore, DRcade ONLINE has been a major success, and has attracted attention in the roleplaying and larping scenes. 

That said, DRcade ONLINE isn't all sunshine and rainbows - while the HOPE side games are carefree like the original, there have been rumors of a DESPAIR side version where players can actually die in...

As the IRL world of the DRcade series of games is the same universe as Labyrinths, characters who play DRcade may also exist as persona users in the real world. Don't worry too much about it.