The Supernatural Police Combeburn or SNPC is a small team of supernaturals who were trained to upkeep the laws, regarding to the supernatural world. They are situated in a different building from the regular police, but do cooperate with them, mostly on managementlevel.
They also work with advisors, such as enchanters, spirit workers, potion mixers...
They have a small team that is specialised in violent encounters. There are also special departments for misuse of magic, concealing supernatural activity from non-supernaturals and registration of illegal supernaturals.

Tools a supernatural cop are provided with are: a badge, mindwipe powder, handcuffs, gun, stick, pepperspray, teargas, gloves, platic bags, magic detection map, anti magic powder.

Members of the SNPC:

DCI Cameron Lewis
He's tall, pale and skinny, with blonde/white hair, grey eyes and an expressionless face.
Leads the police team. 143 year old Lich. Strict, distant, not great with emotions and very very private.
He keeps his heart at a safe at the bank.
When he was still alive, Lewis was a dark mage. He was married and had two daughters. He and his brother were a part of a team of dark mages who wanted power, and that's why they sought immortality. Of all of them, Lewis was the one who figured out how to do it. He tried it out on himself and his brother first. Once he had become a lich, he found out their team mates were planning to betray them. They left the team, but the team mates, figuring they knew too much, came after them. Lewis was the only one of his family who survived. He spent many years in isolation, mourning. In more recent years he has joined the supernatural community, determined to use his powers for good. He worked his way up at the police, proving his good intentions. He was Raina's mentor back when she was still an intern.
DS Anton Stiles
He's of average height, chubby, with short spiky brown hair and brown eyes. He has a friendly face.
Kaylee's police partner. wizard specialised in defence magic. 40 years old. Has wife, a 4 year old daughter, takes care of his elderly mother. Calm, friendly, down to earth.
Stiles moved to Combeburn three years ago to be closer to his mother, when her health declined.
DS Mike Thompson
He's of average height, with brown/greyish hair that hangs down on one side, and is slicked back on the other. He has large blue eyes and an expressive face.
Raina's police partner. Werewolf. Ex-military. 32 years old. Has a girlfriend named Lisa. Confident, direct, practical.
Mike worked as a soldier for years. He got bitten by a werewolf during his years of service, but a local woman helped him getting the wolf under control with a sigil that she tatood on his upper arm. He was shipped off to a special, supernatural unit, where he served for years. Previously to joining the police he fought a supernatural war. When he returned home, he wanted a job that was a bit like his old job, which is why he became a cop. Raina was his first partner, and she helped him get used to his new job. He really looked up to her, then.
She is large, with thick short hair, small brown eyes.
Secretary. Half human, half troll. 54 years old but appears to be in her twenties. Kind and girly. Her troll ancenstry gives her strenght and resistance to illusion magic.

Job performance

Lewis is a very distant leader. Caring for the emotional wellbeing of his team is not his strong suit, but he is efficient otherwise. He knows how to organize, and how to employ them, making full use of their strong suits. He does mostly desk work now, and rarely uses his full magical abilities.
Raina is a good fighter, and has a good nose for danger but she can be impulsive. She's determined, and creative enough to find solutions when in a difficult position, but she's not very subtle and she lacks proper people skills. She loves doing research.
Mike is a great fighter, with good instincts but once he's in wolf shape he tends to forget details and make sloppy mistakes. He's a team player, always ready for action. His enhanced senses give him an advantage, both socially and while being on more complicated missions. He hates desk work. It bores him.
Kaylee is a reluctant fighter. She has no active fighting magic, and will use rudimentary shielding and a gun. She's great at investigating, infiltrating and dealing with people. Like her sister, she's determined and creative, but patient and more subtle. Her research skills differ, depending on how she feels; she may do the research someone else does in three hours in half an hour, or take three days to type a report of 10 sentences. She loves smilies and memes, which annoys Lewis and pretty much everybody else.
Stiles is an outgoing, mild tempered man. He is easy to get along with but is not particularly hard working.
Grahl is a kind empathic woman who loves organizing and doesn't mind paperwork. She often takes over the more human part of working with the team, because she honestly enjoys motivating them, and trying to understand them. She is very strong and despite being girly and more of an administrator, she's a fearsome oponant in battle.