Character motivations

Passions: Being skilled and useful. Due to her bubbly personality, Kaylee was expected to go in the social/entertainment business; her mother would push her to be a performer, and to work on her appearance and social skills. When she was 19, Kaylee turned her back at this life. She felt stifled, and she wanted to make a difference in the world, not only by her looks but also by her intelligence. She shows her affection physically.
Soft spot: She wants to be taken seriously.
Fears: Being tied down into a boring, shallow life.
Triggers: Kaylee is very sensitive to critisism, and tends to talk too much whenever she has strong feelings of any kind. She has difficulties with repetetive tasks, organisation, sitting still, and she has selective memory and tends to hyperfocus.

Passions: puzzling things out, being physically active, keeping people safe. She shows her affection by wanting to spend time with her loved one, sharing interests and experiences, and by being (over) protective.
Soft spot: feeling seen and heard, someone solid and decent who is not scared of her.
Fears: Being manipulated, used and let down. She has always acted more confident than she felt. She grew up with an attention seeking sister, so while she couldn't be louder than Kaylee, at least she could act like she was sure of herself. After her working partner turned out to be corrupt, her confidence took a nose dive. She doubted her skills as a police agent, and that manifested as blaming everyone else.
Triggers: She suspects everybody and everything, and tends to double or even triple check, take safety precautions that seem ridiculous and in investigate angles that don't exist. When people tell her she's over reacting, she feels even more threatned, and will become defensive. Her relationships tend to become vicious cycles where she scares them off more, and they dislike her more. In bad periods she may become obsessed with certain persons or situations. She may be triggered by certain looks, by repetitions like seeing lots of yellow sweaters or hearing a particular noise coming from her neighbors apartment over and over or by conversations that she can't hear so she starts thinking people are talking about her, or planning something suspicious. When she's triggered she turns to alcohol, which makes her more volitile.

Passions: craves meaningful relationships. She wants to feel like she matters. Marielle was grown up with passionate people, who tended to prioritise their personal goals over her. Thus, she has taken to people pleasing.
Soft spot: feeling like she is a priority.
Fears: Being treated like she's not important.
Triggers: Being turned down too many times. People not paying sufficient attention to her; not remembering what she told them, not being grateful, taking her for granted.

Passions: redemption
Fears: loosing his loved ones
Triggers: Has difficulty, dealing with people with mental health issues. Being very old, he's never had help with his own mental health issues, so he tends to feel like others should be able to deal with it by themselves, as well. He's scared of people, emotionally confiding in him, and of people trying to get close to him in any other way, because he has no idea how to deal with that. Being close to people makes him panic. (Kaylee, in an emotional state, terrifies him.)

Passions: keeping people safe, being physically active, being a part of a team.
Fears: weakness
Triggers: working with people whom he feels are not suitable for their job, or who are not giving it their best, because they are putting everybody at risk.