

What is Corruption?

Corruption, put simply, is the physical manifestation of a weakened/damaged core; often the result of extreme and severe stress, injury, and/or emotional/physical pain. Put elaborately, corruption is what occurs when a Comfy's spirit experiences immense amounts of distress such that their core weakens and begins to destabilize to a degree where it can no longer maintain a Comfy's form effectively. A Comfy's core is intrinsic to their very existence, and anything that would impact it would in turn affect their entire being as a whole. In this state, a Comfy becomes incredibly vulnerable to outer threats, and any further harm will likely risk permanent consequences, or in the worst of cases, extinguishment.

Corruption itself is considered a status effect in the short term, something akin to an illness or being poisoned, and those who suffer from it are said to be Afflicted. As mentioned before, a Comfy becomes afficted with corruption when they experience circumstances that are more intense and severe than they are able to handle, be it physically, emotionally, or psychologically. Comfys who are put under longterm duress and/or sustained negative states of mind may also become much more susceptible to becoming afflicted due to the nature of their species. Being beings fueled by positive emotions, passions, and will, excessive amounts of negativity, pain, and emotional turmoil will inevitably have unpleasant consequences upon their general wellbeing. So long as corruption remains, it will persist as a continuous and draining force upon a Comfy's core and energy. If their core becomes unable to withstand or recover from corruption, they will eventually be overwhelmed by their affliction and cease to exist.

Maintaining a healthy partnership plays a crucial role in preventing corruption, as a strong partnership will empower a Comfy's core to fend off negative influences more effectively. However, if their partner experiences immense amounts of distress for significant periods of time and the Comfy is unable to effectively assist them, their cores may weaken and suffer consequences as a result. A partner's negative emotions will also naturally influence a Comfy's own, which makes facilitating a healthy and mutually beneficial relationship between them and their partner an important factor to consider for their own wellbeing. A partnership collapsing or resolving poorly is one of the most common causes of severe corruption.

Creatures of the Dark, being embodiments of negativity and malice, have an incessant need to sow and spread their influence across the entirety of the universe, Comfys and their respective partners included. These monsters infest a majority of the outerworlds and make their homes in the depths of the cosmos and shadows alike. They possess quite the vested interest in snuffing out the light of cores on a base instictual level, and will take any and all opportunities to do so if given the chance. They are ultimately the main reason why Comfys are advised to tread with caution when travelling out and about the Outer Worlds.

Symptoms of Corruption
There are two classifications of harm when someone becomes afflicted: Damage and Distortion.

Damage is any physical degradation/deterioration of a Comfys form, often occuring as chips and cracks in one's mask, fading colors, and visible withering of their clothes. As damage is the earliest visual sign of corruption, it will often manifest before a majority of other symptoms. When a core weakens, a Comfy's ability to heal and repair lessens alongside it, which is what results in the damage becoming a notable visual signifier of corruption. As their forms are intrinsically tied to their cores, a significant decline within a Comfy's health will inevitably show through them. When afflicted, a Comfy becomes more susceptible to outer influences, such as Creatures of the dark or wild influxes in magic. Their bodies/forms become less resistant to injury and may not be able to heal as well or even properly. Masks, which are typically rather sturdy, may become more easily damaged by circumstances it would otherwise typically withstand. Damaged masks specifically leave a Comfy's core with even less protection, and in this already vulnerable state, that is never a good thing.

Distortion is the warping and mutation of a Comfy's form as a result of longterm or severe corruption, and is a notable signifier for late stage corruption. Distortion, rather than reduce, degrade, and deteriate a Comfy's form, begins to alter, morph, and warp it in ways that deviate from their original intended state of being. Minor cases can involve subtle changes in their anatomy, such as the length and proportions of their limbs, however more severe cases can have those changes be much more pronounced. At higher levels, it will begin to alter a Comfy's physiology as a whole, leading to the manifestations of physical instability (Such as glitching, incorrect limb placements, and debilitatingly warped anatomy), the production of residue (As a result of excessive amounts of corruption), and/or the presence of otherworldly parasites (Which a Comfy's body would otherwise naturally repel).

Comfys are naturally disposed to detecting corruption, which is how they can easily identify an afflicted indivudal versus someone who simply naturally posseses unnatural anatomy to begin with. Corruption itself gives off a relatively offputting aura, but while all Comfys are able to sense it, the threshhold for how sensitive a Comfy is towards it differs from person to person. The way in which a Comfy senses corruption may also differ slightly between individuals, however all Comfys will at least feel a level of repulsion when in the presence of it.

Path to Recovery
A Comfy suffering from corruption at any level, so long as it's an affliction, can still make a full recovery with enough assistance and time to heal. While likely an incredibly arduous and painful journey depending on how far along and how persistent their existing affliction is and has been, it's never impossible.

Recovery from corruption entails different forms of treatment depending on the situation. For physical injuries, a Comfy will have to take time to recover just as we do, whether it be at home, a hospital, or a Sanctuary ward. A weakened core means a Comfy's own ability to heal is reduced greatly, and so a common method of assisting an afflicted individual involves other Comfys supplementing a core with their own energy in order to speed up recovery. Medicines and food items may also help in certain ways; a field many are invested in researching and improving on, as a Comfy's physiology is naturally very different from the Outer World beings they interact with. Though, as it is with most physical injuries, the best way to alleviate its burden is to simply to reduce the pain.

More commonly however, corruption is caused by psychological factors; a much more complex and volatile circumstance to contend with. When a Comfy becomes highly distressed and/or goes through traumatic experiences, their cores become highly unstable as a result of their tumultuous emotional state, which can quickly lead to them becoming afflicted with corruption. Recovery from such events may be more complicated than simply resting, and will likely require the Comfy to combat and/or settle their inner conflicts before recovery is even possible at all. Unlike physical wounds, psychological distress cannot be dispelled by simple means, and will often require the internal conflict to be acknowledged, untangled, and resolved before any truly effective recovery. While assistance during such times will always remain beneficial, a Comfy must ultimately fully overcome and/or come to terms with their inner demons on their own in order to restabilize and heal. 

Commonly in the face of corruption, a Comfy may enter dormancy for the sake of healing. When going dormant, a Comfy's form withdraws into their cores entirely. While this makes them entirely vulnerable in a different way, it also consumes much less energy to maintain stability as a whole, putting less strain on their core and slowing any negative effects brought about by their affliction. When a Comfy goes dormant, they are often at or sent to the Sanctuary in order to facilitate a safe environment for their recovery. Going dormant does not always guarantee a Comfy's full recovery, nor is it always an intentional choice, as going dormant is often a consequence of suffering from severe corruption itself. However, it does grant them a better chance of dealing with their personal conflicts whilst afflicted. A Comfy typically comes out of dormancy as soon as they are adequately stable, with most preferring to spend the remainder of their recovery awake instead.

Corrupted Comfys
Sometimes for the sake of survival, sacrifices are made. During severe, dire, and often lifethreatening situations involving corruption, a Comfy may not have the opportunity or time to attempt recovery before their conditions become critical, and their body may take drastic measures in order to facilitate their survival. During these circumstances a Comfy may go through significant changes as a result of their body forcefully adapting new traits to protect their cores from further harm, which will in turn provide them with better stability and resistance to corruption and another fighting chance to stave off their affliction. Unfortunately, the changes that occur during this desperate process are accompanied by a level of permanence that, unlike being afflicted, cannot be fully recovered from.
Comfys who go through such adaptations are known as Corrupted Comfys.

Corrupted is a term reserved for those who go through this permanent change, whilst those who are actively dealing with corruption are labeled as Afflicted individuals instead. A Comfy can be both Corrupted and Afflicted at the same time, as becoming corrupted does not guarantee their affliction is immediately resolves, nor does it mean they are forever stuck dealing with an endless affliction. They are not the same thing, nor are they mutually exclusive. 

It's important to note that Corrupted Comfys are not seen as lesser than or particularly different from any other Comfy. Becoming Corrupted is simply a result of going through severe amounts of corruption, and while they may require different accomodations, they are nonetheless welcome members of their community. Corrupted Comfys do however have their own region within the Astral Pocket; a collection of islands known as the Corrupted Archepelago. Certain conditions result in discomforting auras due to their ties to corruption, and while it tends to be mild amounts in most cases and highly dependent on the sensitivity of each individual Comfy, select members will opt to settle within the region dedicated to them rather than comingle if they percieve it to be the better option for them. The only true tension that exists is between Celestial and Corrupted Comfys, who will naturally and notably be uncomfortable within eachother's presence as a result of their incompatible traits. This repulsion seems to be less intense with Comfys who recieve Celestial Blessings later in their lives rather than be a naturally spawned Celestial Comfy; the reason for which is theorized to be societal, though nobody knows for sure.


The rest of this page may contain information not suitable or comfortable for all individuals.
Includes descriptions and depictions of body horror, parasitism, and all around Bad Vibes.

Corrupted Traits
There are a multitude of adaptations a Comfy's body could go through depending on their specific circumstances regarding their battle with corruption, and as such there are a variety of different traits of varying levels of intensity that ease different afflictions a Comfy may be suffering with. Each will also possess their own individual benefits, downsides, difficulties, and methods of dealing with them.

Level 1

Residue is one of the most common occurences that Comfys facing corruption will encounter; one that even those who are afflicted will also often experience. As corruption accumulates, a Comfy's body/veil will collect and condense it into a form that can be more easily expelled, creating the well known leaking phenomenon. When afflicted, this condition is acute. However when corrupted, it becomes chronic, as their bodies acclimate to its effects and begins generating its own residue in response. This naturally produced residue, while less actively harmful to themself, still possesses most of its usual properties, and will in turn give off the same discomforting aura to others. This adaptation makes a Comfy much more resistant to corruption, and likely less detectible by creatures of the dark. However the production of this residue does not stop even after their affliction is resolved, becoming a permanent aspect of their physiology.

Warping is most often considered a symptom of distortion, which, while considered a heavy symptom of corruption, is typically reversable once a Comfy heals from their affliction. The warping that occurs when a Comfy is afflicted it can be described as the body stretching itself thin due to the affects of corruption, and the point at which a Comfy becomes a Corrupted Comfy is when it finally gets stretched beyond its limit. Becoming truly corrupted results in a Comfy permanently altering their body past the point of no return, fully integrating to their new anatomy in order to more effectively manage their corrupted state. At this stage, while the warping may be reduced to some degree after their corruption is resolved, it becomes a permanent aspect of the Comfy themself. Warping often accompanies or manfests as the result of other symptoms/traits, so it's seldom seen as an independent trait and moreso a comorbidity.

Cosmic Otherworldly Parasites are a relatively troublesome case for Comfys to deal with. They can be identified as a subclass of Creatures of the Dark, which specialize in clinging onto other beings incredibly stubbornly and seek to root themselves deeply into whatever and whoever they’ve attached themselves to. They are often said to be manifestations of emotions such as guilt and grief; anything that can "cling" to you, as they say (Though they do not have to be). Their presence itself is a clear sign that a Comfy's core has grown concerningly weak from their affliction, as their body should naturally rejects them outright. When these creatures take the opportunity to latch on, they increase the already present burden of corruption by actively sapping more energy from their host, with the goal of eventually weakening them enough to consume their cores. Once a Comfy recovers a certain amount, they will naturally be ejected from their body once again.
However, when a situation becomes critical, a Comfy's body may take course to adapt around the parasite, forcefully integrating them into the body itself. While this does effectively prevent the parasite from ever reaching their core, it does also mean that they officially become a part of the Comfy's main body, and will henceforth be much more difficult to remove without great effort. On the smaller end, they will simply manifest on the surface area of the body, but more severe cases may have them be large enough to overtake or replace entire limbs; of which their newfound permanence often means their removal will require the loss of said limb. Parasites will remain a drain on a Comfy's energy so long as they remain, and going through this adaptation is simply a drastic measure a body takes to keep them fighting against their corruption a little longer.1aLd7TY_0EHHzBlkY27wief56px3MPsNq.png

Level 2

Resiglue is a mildly amusing term for Hardened or Thickened Residue. This phenomenon occurs when residue becomes too concentrated within the body. A concequence of concentrated residue is that it gains a disruptive property that interferes with the formation of a Comfy's form, resulting in parts of it weakening or even falling apart. Ironically, at this degree of density residue will also begin to coagulate, and it will act less like a liquid and more like well, glue, simultaneously becoming the only thing that keeps the Comfy together in one piece. The hardness of resiglue ranges on a spectrum, with the lower range being more glue-like in quality, and the opposite end having it harden competely into a solid. Resiglue has the unique property of being able to applied to masks, be it simply filling in cracks or physically aiding in holding it together. While nowhere close to a perfect substance for repairs, it still remains a step above having one's core exposed entirely.1ugXZpFO3cKVxv5HvjygK50fOTM9W8zV9.png