
As Starnies level up, they gain access to new and exciting skills! You're Starnie will automatically unlock a skill when it reaches the corresponding level. Be sure to officially level up your Starnie before using the skill though! You can level up your Starnie at the starnie-level-check

(These skills are not absolutely necessary to your Starnie. You don't have to implement them if you don't want to. However, you cannot use these skills unless you level up.)

Unlocked at level 3:

Night glow: Your Starnie's eyes give off a dim glow. It's not noticable unless it's dark out.

Unlocked at level 5:

Star magic: Congratulations! Your Starnie can now use star magic! Star magic allows Starnies to channel energy into the tips of their tails. They may use it as a torch to light their ways or a super charged weapon! If a Starnie whips their tail when using star magic, they can fling a cutting wave of energy at their targets.

Unlocked at level 10:

Star illusion: Your Starnie can now create minor illusions!

Unlocked at level 15:

Star punch: Instead of channelling energy to their tail, your Starnie can channel it to other parts of their body for super charged attacks! They can't fling or project the energy out this way though.

Unlocked at level 20

Will-o-wisp: Your Starnie can now summon wisps of energy sometimes resembling fire or glowing orbs. They can summon up to 7 at a time.

Unlocked at level 25:

Energy sphere: Your Starnie can create a large sphere of energy. This sphere can be used in many different ways. It could be used as a bubble to protect the ones inside, a battering ram, or a new ride :D Be creative and have fun with it~

Unlocked at level 30:

Third eye:  Your Starnie has discovered a sixth sense that grants them special powers. These powers may activate telepathy, telekinesis, foresight, and/or others! It's up to you!

Unlocked at level 35:

Star beam: Your Starnie can channel star magic into a powerful beam of energy that can be fired at targets! They might want to watch their aim though!

Unlocked at level 40:

Miracle light: Your Starnie now has the ability to heal wounds! The extent of this power is up to the owner.

Unlocked at level 50:

Star giant: Your Starnie can now summon star pieces of massive proportions! They should be extremely careful not to accidentally hurt innocent people with this power!

Unlocked at level 70:

Sun harness: Your Starnie can harness the power of the star within.

Unlocked at level 100:

Wish granter: Your Starnie can now grant the wishes of those besides their original wishmaker.

Dark Starnie Exclusive Skills:

Unlocked at Level 0:

Light absorb: This skill allows your Starnie to absorb light energy into their skin. The skin only appears to turn black because no light is bouncing off of it. This energy can be used later for attacks. The light can be absorbed by portions of their skin or over their entire body. This skill can also be utilized for stealth!

Unlocked at Level 3: 

Deep Night glow: Your Starnie's eyes will glow when it's pitch black out. However they have learned to cancel this ability when needed by shifting their irises black.

Unlocked at Level 5: 

Star magic: The same that a regular Starnies can learn but the light is much dimmer. Dark Starnies can see in the dark, so they don't need this energy to light their way.

Star punch: Star magic that can be channeled to other parts of the body besides the tail for supercharged attacks.

Unlocked at Level 10:

Night illusion: Your Starnie can create minor to more advanced illusions but only at night.

Unlocked at Level 15:

Dissolve: Your Starnie can vanish into miniscule particles. They can't do anything in this state but they can't be hurt either.

Unlocked at Level 20:

Dark orbs: Your Starnie can now summon fist-sized Dark fizzling balls of energy. They can summon up to 12 at a time. Careful! These are dangerous and highly explosive.

Unlocked at Level 25:

Energy sphere: Dark energy but the same concept as the regular energy sphere.

Unlocked at Level 30: 

Supernova beam: An extremely powerful beam of energy that can be fired at targets. 

Unlocked at Level 35:

Blackhole punch: A punch so powerful it creates a Black hole!!

Unlocked at Level 40:

Dark burn: Your Starnie can leave a burn on whatever they touch.. as if the heat of a star is in their fingertips.

Unlocked at Level 50:

Fourth eye: There is nothing Your Starnie can't see. Their eyes penetrate everything, space, time, thoughts, past and future events. They are not totally omniscient but they are not hindered by physical boundaries.

Unlocked at Level 60: 

Star giant: Your Starnie can summon star pieces of mass proportions.

Unlocked at Level 70:

Light speed: Your starnie can now travel at light speed.

Unlocked at Level 80: 

Blackhole parade: Your Starnie can now summon multiple blackholes.

Unlocked at Level: 90

Dark Star Harness: Your Starnie can now harness the star within...or the void...

Unlocked at Level 100: 

Wish slayer: Your Starnie can now destroy the wishes of those with ill-intent.