How to play: optional

If you have a Starnie, you can have fun earning Star Powder, Buy new items, traits and myos at shops, leveling up your Starnie's for cool new skills.... or you can just chill with your new character~ No one is required to participate in the interactive part of this species. Should you choose to immerse yourself in the game experience, keep reading!

How to play:

Step 1: Get a Starnie

First thing's first! You'll need a Starnie! Got one? Good! Still need one? There's a couple different ways you can get one! Sometimes you can get premade adopts when they are available but the most common method is finding a myo. You can obtain one by participating in events or by saving up enough Star Powder to buy one in the shops! Even without a Starnie, you can still earn Star powder by drawing NPC's or other user's Starnies (be sure you have their permission first though!)

Step 2: Approvals

Once you design your Starnie, it must be Approved and added to the world. After they are approved, you can see their information in the masterlist such as rarity, traits, and level. This part is mandatory whether you decide to participate in the interactive or not.

Step 3: Level up!

Starnies level up with the more art they have! Certain levels give your Starnie access to skills and special items! Even if you own multiple Starnies, they could all be at different levels. Leveling up your Starnie can make them very powerful but be careful that power doesn't go to their head! Leveling up isn't automatic. You have to check the level via the forum to make it official.

Step 4: Get rich

Star Powder (or SP for short) is the Starnie currency! You can use it to buy myos, traits, and fun items at the shops! To get SP, you can cash-in your Starnie art or participate in events and prompts!

Step 5: Horde

You can find all kinds of cool items just by participating in event/prompts or buying them in shops! Items may give your Starnie a special skill or trait! An item must be equipped before your Starnie can use it. All your items, unused traits and SP can be found in the inventory. 

Step 6: Commerce

Outside of the official shops is the marketplace! There you can buy & trade myos, traits, items, starnies, art, and SP! You may find some bargains there or that special sabertooth item that ran out of stock in the shop! Just be kind and remember that these are other users too!

Step 7:

For any questions, you can always refer to the help desk!