




  • OTHER NAMES: The Dog People

  • LIFESPAN: 140 years


  • FUNCTION: Unknown

  • BEST SUITED FOR: Fighting and Climbing

  • DIET: Omnivorous

  • HOMEWORLD: Nismurcarte

  • MAIN LOCATION: Caoimhghin

  • HABITAT: Forest/Jungle


They live in Caoimhghin, it's lush forests with many waterfalls. It's not too humid and it's quite sunny, the country is divided among the 4 clans with one central areas where no specific clans reside and the leaders hold regular meetings. Although the clans are mostly equal, the largest clan is led by Naal, he is the one who represents most of the volks so he is the one who must go attend world leader meetings. Volk are repulsed by magic, to them it smells horrendous in a way they cant explain, they rarely travel outside their country for this reason, those who do travel tend to have horrible sense of smell or are just very determined to see what the world looks like.

Their heights vary but in comparison to humans they are like fairly tall. The average height is around 6'8. They are very good fighters and very nimble. There's several types of volks: covered in fur/tail, covered in fur/no tail, no fur/tail, no fur/no tail. They have two bottom tusks which protrude from their mouths. Most of the time it does not bother them, but to some, the tusks scratch against their top lips and must be removed so that the lips do not receive any further damage.



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Aliquam at nunc nunc. Mauris tincidunt tempus diam sagittis facilisis. Donec justo ante, ornare at tristique vitae, molestie id lectus. Integer ligula tortor, eleifend vitae vehicula vel, consectetur non ex. In pharetra dolor quis est vehicula, ut sollicitudin libero mattis. Maecenas facilisis, lacus non hendrerit sollicitudin, orci nisl suscipit nunc, eu imperdiet elit elit ac nulla. Sed vitae nulla quis urna dignissim pulvinar vitae in lectus. Mauris et nisi ac erat bibendum posuere. Ut a iaculis sem, id tempor ligula. Nulla neque enim, mollis sit amet enim luctus, accumsan fermentum orci. Nunc faucibus elit nec pretium cursus. In quis mattis massa. Mauris luctus nibh ut hendrerit feugiat.

Morbi nec ipsum a felis porttitor eleifend. Praesent in libero ante. Quisque lacinia maximus nisl quis scelerisque. Suspendisse vitae ultricies diam. Nullam blandit maximus pulvinar. Nunc velit mauris, sagittis eget est placerat, laoreet faucibus erat. Integer ultrices lacus fringilla nulla lobortis egestas. Curabitur porttitor vehicula ultrices. Donec finibus est vel aliquet tincidunt.


In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum at mauris porta, auctor lectus congue, efficitur mauris. In convallis sem accumsan rutrum malesuada. Nam id elit nec diam sollicitudin eleifend non sed orci. Vestibulum sem neque, faucibus nec dolor a, cursus ullamcorper ex. Donec aliquam lectus eget felis eleifend, nec luctus felis gravida. Aenean semper leo non nunc facilisis efficitur. Nullam lobortis semper nunc, at dictum tortor venenatis eu.


Aenean mollis, neque quis accumsan pretium, nisl odio aliquet dui, quis dictum enim justo eu sapien. Vivamus hendrerit varius egestas. Aliquam tristique varius cursus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed sed cursus arcu. Donec molestie rutrum lobortis. Cras vitae nunc id nisl placerat vulputate. Curabitur vitae nunc eleifend, aliquam ligula in, placerat urna. Vivamus tempus mattis erat at suscipit. Vivamus laoreet quam egestas finibus porta. Phasellus sed magna eget elit faucibus mollis. Duis risus erat, pretium ac rhoncus in, egestas in mauris. Quisque ac justo porta, hendrerit metus eget, lacinia arcu. Integer mattis sapien eu nunc rutrum luctus. Proin at laoreet dolor, a blandit dolor.


Aliquam eget pellentesque massa, sit amet auctor ipsum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Pellentesque congue pulvinar libero id porta. Nunc mauris mi, tincidunt vitae sollicitudin porta, ornare ut urna. Quisque tincidunt massa orci, eu eleifend mi iaculis quis. Proin egestas odio quis sem iaculis molestie. Suspendisse ac nunc iaculis elit hendrerit scelerisque.


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Aliquam at nunc nunc. Mauris tincidunt tempus diam sagittis facilisis. Donec justo ante, ornare at tristique vitae, molestie id lectus. Integer ligula tortor, eleifend vitae vehicula vel, consectetur non ex. In pharetra dolor quis est vehicula, ut sollicitudin libero mattis. Maecenas facilisis, lacus non hendrerit sollicitudin, orci nisl suscipit nunc, eu imperdiet elit elit ac nulla. Sed vitae nulla quis urna dignissim pulvinar vitae in lectus. Mauris et nisi ac erat bibendum posuere. Ut a iaculis sem, id tempor ligula. Nulla neque enim, mollis sit amet enim luctus, accumsan fermentum orci. Nunc faucibus elit nec pretium cursus. In quis mattis massa. Mauris luctus nibh ut hendrerit feugiat.

Morbi nec ipsum a felis porttitor eleifend. Praesent in libero ante. Quisque lacinia maximus nisl quis scelerisque. Suspendisse vitae ultricies diam. Nullam blandit maximus pulvinar. Nunc velit mauris, sagittis eget est placerat, laoreet faucibus erat. Integer ultrices lacus fringilla nulla lobortis egestas. Curabitur porttitor vehicula ultrices. Donec finibus est vel aliquet tincidunt.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum at mauris porta, auctor lectus congue, efficitur mauris. In convallis sem accumsan rutrum malesuada. Nam id elit nec diam sollicitudin eleifend non sed orci. Vestibulum sem neque, faucibus nec dolor a, cursus ullamcorper ex. Donec aliquam lectus eget felis eleifend, nec luctus felis gravida. Aenean semper leo non nunc facilisis efficitur. Nullam lobortis semper nunc, at dictum tortor venenatis eu.

The permanent markings are the same for everyone within the same clan. The clans do not have names, they have patterns. There's 4 clans, so there are 4 types of markings. They're fairly basic, if they have markings on their arms it means they have tails. No markings on the arms means no tails. Though, you'd be able to tell if they had a tail or not just by looking, they're not really hidden. The Painted Markings however are much more complicated. You can pick between the colors Blue Red and White, and there's a 4th color that not many people choose and it's a Purple-ish Brown. They all mean something different, the colors and patterns are picked at the "wedding" of the volks. The Volks getting married choose together and paint the pattern on each other as their version of a wedding ring or vow. Their kids (if they choose to have some) also have that pattern until they create a new family on their own. White means you value power/strength, Red means you value leadership/loyalty, Blue means you value wit/intelligence and the brown means you value individuality/rebellion. Only those who have decided not to live among the clans wear this color.

The pattens and placement of the paint also has meaning! If there is paint on your eyelids, eye bags, inner corner, etc it means you are single, if there is no paint, you are taken or not looking at the moment. If you have paint on your lips you consider your family important, if you have paint on your nose it means you are peaceful and not looking to fight but you will defend yourself. If you have paint on your ears or upper cheek bones then you are a recognized warrior, it's like a rank, the more prominent the paint the higher up you are. If you have two lines or shapes (just stuff) on your chin it means you are an individual, if you have 1 line or shape on your chin it means you are 1 of many, or you have siblings. I must add that these paints are like last names and that the permanent ones are more like...... communities or like ethnicity.

Volk are very family oriented, they all live very close together and have a strong sense of loyalty. Of course, much like everything else in the world, there's outliers who don't necessarily think like the majority. They either form their own groups together, or find enjoyment and fulfillment elsewhere. Volk have different ways of categorizing themselves, they express this through the markings they paint on themselves and the permanent markings which they receive through different means depending on which "clan" they belong to. Each of the leaders has a different way of determining who's worthy and who's not. Those without the permanent markings have yet to prove themselves or have done something to not be accepted into the clan, for most it's embarrassing not to have these when they are mature adults. Others couldn't care less.

The 4 clans are led by Naal, Shakir, Carantok and Darko. Carantok has held this position for the longest amount of time but Naal is the most respected and leads the largest of the clans. Now, I have to make it clear, this is not an uchiha clan dilemma, the clan members are not all related. Like I mentioned before, it's more like a community which categorize themselves into clans. The clans are usually strict about who they let into their clans because they like to maintain a peaceful atmosphere with no problems at all. Some volk, do not fit into this mold so they are kicked out. These sorts of volk move out to another country where there is a small, unofficial clan of volks who, either got kicked out or are descendants of those who were kicked out. This clan is semi nomadic and lives in Varden, which is large golden plains with lots of roaming land.

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