
Magic System

Institutions & Organizations

Are there any institutions/ organizations that focus on the use or is otherwise built upon the usage of magic? For example, are magic schools a thing? If yes, what do they teach? What are their admission processes like? What does the curriculum entail? Are there "levels" of school, similar to high school/ college? How about a certain part of the government, such a bureau, that overlooks the laws or whatever else of magic? Maybe there's certain stores that focus on the selling of tomes or magic potions and the like?

Intitution Name 1

Fusce volutpat massa mauris, vitae sollicitudin felis lobortis at. Sed scelerisque turpis sem. Etiam pharetra urna vitae sollicitudin sagittis. Vestibulum laoreet nulla ligula, vitae feugiat mi facilisis a. Integer suscipit urna nec lectus sollicitudin, ut consectetur sem semper. Maecenas interdum rhoncus efficitur. Nulla vel sollicitudin justo, in posuere tortor. Proin vel lacinia sem. Ut odio nunc, volutpat eu dapibus vitae, scelerisque non velit. Cras sagittis non tellus nec viverra.

Intitution Name 2

Fusce volutpat massa mauris, vitae sollicitudin felis lobortis at. Sed scelerisque turpis sem. Etiam pharetra urna vitae sollicitudin sagittis. Vestibulum laoreet nulla ligula, vitae feugiat mi facilisis a. Integer suscipit urna nec lectus sollicitudin, ut consectetur sem semper. Maecenas interdum rhoncus efficitur. Nulla vel sollicitudin justo, in posuere tortor. Proin vel lacinia sem. Ut odio nunc, volutpat eu dapibus vitae, scelerisque non velit. Cras sagittis non tellus nec viverra.

Training and Education

How does one hone their magic skills? Is it something people learn in schools, or is it more of an individual "mentor-pupil" kind of structure? Maybe it's a self-taught thing? Is there a commonly accepted "system" to learning magic, such as learning fundamentals before advancing further through more specialized content? How long does it usually take, on average, for somebody to learn or otherwise be considered "skilled" in magic? Do people learn/ train magic by experience/ a hands-on approach, or by theory?

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