
Magic System


How is magic casted? Is it via magic circles? Tomes? Incantations? Expand upon it. If it's magic circles, what's the general structure of a magic circle? What makes a magic circle authentic, as opposed to somebody drawing a bunch of fancy lines/ circles? What about tomes? Are they written in the common tongue of the world, or is it an ancient language? Are tomes common around the world? Why or why not? Can tomes be bought by just anyone, or is it something that's controlled by either the government or some other party? How expensive or valued are tomes? What about incantations? Do they have to be spoken out loud, or can it be said in someone's mind and still be effective? What about casting time? How long does it usually take for magic to be cast? Is there a "cooldown" period? If yes, how long?


Curabitur sed magna id odio convallis pharetra non ac libero. Aliquam id justo ligula. Ut tristique laoreet turpis. Etiam vel rutrum mauris. Ut vel felis id nisl mattis blandit quis ut lorem. Donec ex lectus, tempor ut auctor ut, pulvinar vel sem. Suspendisse sed egestas felis.


Fusce nunc eros, ornare at sollicitudin vel, ultricies a nulla. Donec consequat, quam et aliquam elementum, eros purus egestas tortor, sit amet venenatis neque felis sed nunc. Sed ultricies lorem vitae mattis pulvinar. Integer dignissim condimentum enim fermentum accumsan. Mauris eget nunc mi. Morbi vitae nulla suscipit, congue arcu nec, blandit libero. Donec ultrices rutrum massa, luctus maximus diam fringilla vel. Suspendisse vestibulum aliquam elit, a rhoncus ligula. Praesent scelerisque, neque ac consequat venenatis, velit dui pharetra dolor, id tincidunt quam tellus non est. Etiam ac lectus maximus, porta diam vitae, malesuada sem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque at vestibulum eros.


How is magic used, and what is it usually used for? Is it used for offensive purposes (ex. War) or otherwise healing purposes? Is it used in everyday life such as lighting up a room, cooking, obtaining clean water, etc.? Are magic tools/ magitech a thing? Is magic easy to come by and readily available to the masses? How dependent are the people to magic?


Curabitur sed magna id odio convallis pharetra non ac libero. Aliquam id justo ligula. Ut tristique laoreet turpis. Etiam vel rutrum mauris. Ut vel felis id nisl mattis blandit quis ut lorem. Donec ex lectus, tempor ut auctor ut, pulvinar vel sem. Suspendisse sed egestas felis.


Fusce nunc eros, ornare at sollicitudin vel, ultricies a nulla. Donec consequat, quam et aliquam elementum, eros purus egestas tortor, sit amet venenatis neque felis sed nunc. Sed ultricies lorem vitae mattis pulvinar. Integer dignissim condimentum enim fermentum accumsan. Mauris eget nunc mi. Morbi vitae nulla suscipit, congue arcu nec, blandit libero. Donec ultrices rutrum massa, luctus maximus diam fringilla vel. Suspendisse vestibulum aliquam elit, a rhoncus ligula. Praesent scelerisque, neque ac consequat venenatis, velit dui pharetra dolor, id tincidunt quam tellus non est. Etiam ac lectus maximus, porta diam vitae, malesuada sem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque at vestibulum eros.

Forbidden Magic & Restrictions

Are there any kind of magic that's considered "forbidden" or is otherwise banned, whether officially by law or otherwise an unspoken rule? An example of this can be magic dealing with life-death. Is necromancy possible to do, and if so, is it allowed by the law/ societal morality? What are some laws set in place to deter people from using these kinds of forbidden/ restricted magic? What are the consequences of it, whether a legal consequence or otherwise cause of consequence? What are the moral issues that come from such forbidden magic/ restrictions?


Curabitur sed magna id odio convallis pharetra non ac libero. Aliquam id justo ligula. Ut tristique laoreet turpis. Etiam vel rutrum mauris. Ut vel felis id nisl mattis blandit quis ut lorem. Donec ex lectus, tempor ut auctor ut, pulvinar vel sem. Suspendisse sed egestas felis.


Fusce nunc eros, ornare at sollicitudin vel, ultricies a nulla. Donec consequat, quam et aliquam elementum, eros purus egestas tortor, sit amet venenatis neque felis sed nunc. Sed ultricies lorem vitae mattis pulvinar. Integer dignissim condimentum enim fermentum accumsan. Mauris eget nunc mi. Morbi vitae nulla suscipit, congue arcu nec, blandit libero. Donec ultrices rutrum massa, luctus maximus diam fringilla vel. Suspendisse vestibulum aliquam elit, a rhoncus ligula. Praesent scelerisque, neque ac consequat venenatis, velit dui pharetra dolor, id tincidunt quam tellus non est. Etiam ac lectus maximus, porta diam vitae, malesuada sem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque at vestibulum eros.

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