Need Homes

These OCs are free-to-good homes!

If you want to adopt one, please click on their image, go to comments, and leave a comment with your request to the person who posted the available adopt. YOU CANNOT ADOPT PETS OR BABIES/KIDS without already having an adult of the same subspecies to take care of them. :] IF you are co-owning an adopt and one of you has the adult, that is acceptable.

open species ambrivan adopt Open FREE TO ADOPT original species haaloman semi-open species seresan ambrivans Ambrivan scrouse baby pet Female vipwing ClosedSpecies Horns Slit Blue Tail KIDDO PET semi-closed species Purple Rainbow Dark Light Adopted Monster FO vampire Off limits Humanoid Masc Green Markings Free Owned By Toonlegion Maple TBNNeeds Name mermaid NFT Single Obtained as freebie Aurora Brown Guard Open Species forever homed adopted and owned by ultymax Male Gay EOAD Bunny Space Alien RoyalGuard open speices sersan Offer Priority NFS Not for trade