Derek Quenevere (Mobian)



2 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Derek Albert Quenevere






March 10th, 2000


Station Square




Drummer and Waiter at Restaurant Bittersweet

Current Residence

Station Square

Marital Status

In a relationship with Katie Briggs

Theme Song

Cavetown – Lemon Boy ~


Personality traits: 








-Cowardice (Often his own)

-Inconsiderate people

-Things not going as planned

-Bad rhythm


Derek  is usually a not very open person. He’s one of not so many words and  doesn’t very well know what to do in unexpected situations. He has  everything planned and knows what he’s going to do for the next coming  week. He lets order lead his life, and until this point it has worked  out greatly. When in groups he’s usually the person who comes with  snarky comments from time to time but never actually lead the  conversation. When you want a debate though, he’s your man. Once  somebody starts a discussion Derek suddenly lights up and takes the  stage, hoping to get everyone’s opinion clear to him and trying to  understand it. That also means that he’s very open-minded, and really  likes to listen to other people’s stories.



Derek possesses no actual powers. He also has an extremely lanky body. At least he can build cool robots.


-Has rhythm???

-Is very skilled in building mechanical equipment

-Also I guess he has spikes


-Pathetic sad sack

-Runs away whenever there’s danger

-Worries a lot

Social information:

Abby Quenevere: His  sister. They have a regular sibling relationship. One that consists out  of quite some rivalry, seeing as they both have regularly tried to  outsmart each other. Still, they both value each other a lot, helping  each other out whenever it's needed. Derek sometimes acts as if he  dislikes his sister, but that's mainly for the joke of it. Abby most of  the time knows how to handle things and he regularly asks her for  advice.

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Rhyss Frolig: Derek’s  best friend. They met each other in primary school and never lost each  other’s eyes since. They hang out a lot together and probably almost  know everything about each other. Derek has a deep respect for Rhyss.  His optimism always seem to cheer him up and helps him defeat the demons  in his head. 

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Luka Frolig and Alina Marilayra: His  fellow band members. He hangs out with them a lot. Also he obviously  makes music with them. They are considered his best friends if anything.  They cheer up his day every time and it makes him happy

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Katie Briggs: Now  this is strange. A girl that is more bound to chaos than order, but  it’s still your girlfriend. How do you do this? Well lucky for them   Derek brings some stability to Katie’s life while Katie brings  excitement to Derek’s life. A win-win situation. He loves her veeeeeery  much but she can sometimes be quite agitating due to the fact that she  sometimes thinks planning things out is useless.

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Derek  grew up in a rich people's family where his whole family lives in one  big house. Although his father is a big business man and his mother is a  famous actrice/musician, Derek has learned from his family that  friendship, family and morals are the most important things to have. And  then he met this little fuckface called Rhyss in primary school and  that kid was not well accepted at school. Derek, who learned to always  take the moral high-ground, did become friends with Rhyss instead of the  other kids who were scared shitless of this guy who once destroyed a  bookcase with his laser hands because he got too excited. That's  basically how they slowly became best friends!

Derek is now studying hard to become a technical engineer!