


5 years, 7 months ago


Basic info

Full name: Conaire Clemons (mostly uses the alias Hilissan)
Birthday: March 1861
Age range: 36-39 in the main story
Significant other: Kira
Species: halcylian(white Light)
Family: four children
Height: 178 cm
Nationality: Irish
Occupation: self-styled leader of the nothern halcylians who live outside Braivada village, leader of the revolution, same as Saida; also a jubilee
Status by the end of the main story: alive

Short description

At the beginning of the story he is the second new candidate for new Braivada's leader, a halcylian who wants to create new rules and lead to revolution. He's both an associate and rival for Saida. It is known that his most appaling act was probably kidnapping all the halcylians from his homeland and delivering them to the place where there was more of them - without their agreement. He states that all he does is for the good of halcylian society, but maybe, in fact, everything is just to satisfy Saida?
He seems to be rather calm and elegant, but it's more like a guise. Can be violent and sarcastic, his appearance doesn't really match his personality. Has a wife who he doesn't love anymore and lets her flirt with other people (but only with halcylians!) - the only person he is interested in is Saida. Hilissan supports the idea of creating big halcylian families, but doesn't really care about his children. Even though he's still young, he already has a granddaughter. In Braivada village he organises halcylians' meetings where he proclaims new ideas and seems to be treated like kind of a pastor. When he's not busy with all the halcylians affair, he works as a jubilee.
After the attempts of "revolution" are over, Hilissan deeply appologizes for what it brought Braivada and promises to be loyal towards Ester. For some reason he doesn't want to leave the village, so he stays there and tries to make an impression of a right, helpful man... but he had never stopped be faithful to the only person he's devoted to. Despite he tries to change and do something good for the society of Braivada - or rather he says he'll try - the leader perceives Hilissan as spurious annoying liar.


At the first he is very dignified and elegant, rather stoic and reasonable. He's good at public performances and likes to rule the people. Gets annoyed quite easy and often seems to be nervous.
He can get very rude and violent and act like completely different person, but on the other hand, he can play the role of a touched and guilty man who regrets his actions quite well. He looks like someone who is always serious, but it's not really truth because he often has mood for jokes and laughing at other people.
While he also agree about the halcylians' ideology that  claims they're the most important beings in this world, he seems to be less involved in all this stuff than Saida. For Hilissan, the most important thing is just Saida herself. He also thinks that ordinary people are worthless, but he is not so cruel and cunning like her, he probably wouldn't murder them only because they're less meaningful than halcylians. But even though - he still is able to do things that can be seen as quite evil and is, in fact, fake with his promises. He rarely cares about others' feelings and doesn't mind if he hurt someone. He is very sure about using his powers and does it as often as possible, but definitely isn't as skilled as Saida. He's conceited and focused only on his own - and Saida's - wellness. On the other hand, he is also pretty clever and just knows where the border of halcylians' crazyness should be, in contrast to Saida.  He has generally more mercy than her, and yes, he despises her actions. Even though, he simply can't stop supporting her. When everyone discovers about Saida's horrible crimes, he still keeps doing it secretly, lets her hide from vengeful persons and joins her in her mission to help Arevalte gain his full power. However, Hilissan is still... quite scared of Arevalte. Although Ester is clearly annoyed with his actions, she lets him stay in Braivada, and uses him in some tasks... sometimes risky ones... stating that it's sort of his way to apologize the society.

+ ruling the halcylian people
+ jewellery
+ discovering more facts about the Light
+ white and silver
+ owls
+ older women
+ having big family
+ travelling
+ tidiness
+ big halcylians' meetings

- halcylians who are afraid of using their powers
- people that never respect halcylians
- being lied to
- exposing his secrets for too many persons
- hard work
- cats and dogs
- messy rooms
- getting dirty 


Kira - his wife; he is with her since his teenage years, but it's only because of the "halcylians' obligation", they probably were forced to get married. He doesn't love her anymore and doesn't really care about her. He holds that he needed her only to start a big family - but instead of breaking up with her, he is still with her and it's not a big matter for him. He has rather neutral relations with her now, but sometimes he gets really mean for her if she doesn't fullfill her duties. He also doesn't like that she is so unsure about using her powers. He often cheats on her and she probably knows about it - but she does the same. They completely don't care about it, he even lets her meet with other partners - only if they are halcylians.

Saida - his associate and helper, but also kind of a rival at the beginning, when both of them want to be the new leader of reunited halcylians. It may look quite weird, but they talk to each other in quite childish way. Saida states they aren't friends, but their relations seem to be good, since their goals are the same. In fact, Hilissan has a huge crush on her and would do everything for her, but she seems to be not interested in him. Since he's a jubilee, she gets a lot of jewellery from him and maybe that's also why she doesn't want to tell him that he is not really her type. She appreciates his sacrifice, though, and wants him to know the Master better, as she clearly sees Hilissan is quite scared of Arevalte. She encourages him to get involved in actions regarding Arevalte and sees him as someone she could trust, as she knows she can use him as she wants. He seems to be not able to rebel against her, even though he knows she has done some horrible things.

Taris - at the beginning of the story, Hilissan also is one who believes that Taris killed a halcylian and wants to punish her, but he doesn't treat her as cruel as Saida. He also finds her very attractive and feels a little pity for her. When halcylians finally get to know that she never murdered Efiel, he feels really bad for her and is truly ashamed of everything they did to her - his will to apologize is real. Unfortunately, in the right moment, he still thinks that Adam is also guilty for murder attempt, so he can't let him get out of the prison - which leads to huge tragedy. If he didn't try to punish Adam, desperate and broken Taris would never killed Frans Lommen.

Ester- Ester is very angry at both Saida and Hillissan for all their attempts of unnecessary interfering in Braivada, but while Saida acts like absolutely mad evil bitch, Hilissan seems to be more reasonable. It doesn't make Ester like him more at all. After the whole lies about Taris gets explained, Hilissan apologizes to Ester and offers her his help, as Braivada slowly deteriorates. He never fully accepts her as his leader though, and Ester never trusts him. He still tries to defend Saida, even when the worst facts about her come out, what is hard to accept for Ester, and that's why she refuses to fully believe him. The more time passes by, the more Ester is convinced that Hilissan is a pathetic insincere liar. As she sees he doesn't wish to leave Braivada, she keeps using him in some risky tasks.

Adam - at some point Hilissan believes that Adam wanted to kill halcylian named Everard, which is not exactly the truth, because he tried to escape from halcylians who already wanted to lock him in a dungeons. Later he is sure that Taris hadn't murdered Efiel, but he has proves that Adam really wanted to kill Everard. When he sends one of his helpers - Frans Lommen - to stop Adam from escaping, Taris, in facts, finally kills a halcylian. She shots Frans Lommen.

Mrs Lommen - the halcylian who made up the story about Taris killing Efiel. When the truth comes out, he's really angry at her and despises her, even though they had pretty good relations earlier - and Mrs Lommen had really trusted Hilissan.

Other info

- He was only 16 when he became a father and 35 when became a grandfather.
- People in Ireland hate him because they know that he kidnapped 20 halcylians only to deliver them to other land, so he doesn't even want to come back there and rarely visits his family.
- He is convinced that he can sing perfectly. He can't. He really can't.
- He claims his hair was dark blonde when he was young. No one knows the truth about his hair. He's not an albino. He certainly bleaches it with something very strong.