The halcylian guide

Posted 3 years, 9 months ago by endiria

Some notes about halcylian people, just to make clear some things more clear about the species from my novel. :'D

I should have done this YEARS ago...

Halcylians are the people with the Light gift, the Element which makes them kind of "supernatural beings". In the fact it's said that halcylian's powers are 100% "natural", it comes from the natural Light Element existing in the inner dimension; they're just able to dispose the energy in a very broad ways, as they have the access to the deeper layers of the world's structure. The Light, also called alheer, when exposed in a visible form, is just an actual sphere of light that can change its form and size and it can be used in many ways. But there's much more fun with the whole Energy cumulated in a halcylian itself than only with the visible sphere.

Each halcylian has their own Light color and it's usually inheritable feature. There aren't many general differences between the Lights in particular colors, but it's known that warm Light hue makes a halcylian more resistant to hot temperatures and more sensitive to cold ones; vice versa with the cold Light hues.

A couple of two halcylians has 100% chances for having a halcylian baby. A couple where only one person is a halcylian, has about 40%. It was verified in Arevalte'sexperiments.

A child shows its first Light signal by the time of its 5th birthday. When a baby is born, it can't be immediately verified if it's a halcylian or not. Children usually can't control their energy if they aren't instructed and their undeveloped power can cause a lot of problems.

Halcylians don't differ from other people in appearance BUT there are some cases when they do. It's common only on the holy Halmaime island, the lost halcylian island hidden from non-halcylian beings, where some halcylians have eyes or hair in unusual color - low saturated violet. It's because of the island's inner influence, it's a long story I'm not gonna explain it :v

Halcylians are present in the whole world, but they're very rare beings. It's said that around 1900 there was ~12K halcylians living on all five continents (+ still not sure how many of them lived on Halmaime). It's possible that they have something that is called a halcylian magnetism inside them, which helps them finding each other, but no one knows if it's really truth. In fact, some halcylians have surprising luck in finding other halcylians, but some have troubles with finding at least one person just like them. There are some countries where halcylians are more and less common.

There are some places where people are aware of the existence of halcylians and there are also places where no one knows about them. The perception of halcylians differs a lot in many parts of the world.

They're able to use their inner energy to do some unusual things if they have enough skills and know what they're want to achieve. Their Light is very very unique because EVERY halcylian's Light works in a bit different way. They control their powers by their mind, feelings, emotions etc, but sometimes they need to come through a lot of complicated processes to achieve the thing they want to do. There's a whole bunch of halcylians' abilities, but their powers don't let them do typical magical things like transformation, levitating, casting spells etc; their magic is more subtle, more complicated and harder to use. Some halcylians has some special predispositions though, for ex. they can be good at healing using their inner energy.  No one really knows what is the maximal range of halcylian's abilities because everyone is completely different - but of course there are some common features that concern all of them.

A halcylian controls the Light, Light doesn't control the halcylian. Never.

But!! There are also the arhi-halcylians, the very special halcylians with one special skill that they are born with. The skill can be very extreme and sometimes don't have to be strictly Light-related. They don't even have to practise it, they just have it and can use it in every way; for example Silorind is the master of illusion and Saida is able to read people's mind but only when they get in contact with her. These cases are super rare and no one knows what exactly makes arhi-halcylians so special. Their skills can't be taken over by other halcylians and average halcylian usually can't learn them. It's very common that the arhi-skill is also dangerous for the owner in some way.

Every halcylian also has their own limit of powers and they can't use it all the time. It's a form of protecting a halcylian from the alheer by the alheer itself; when for ex. halcylian is sick or wounded, they just aren't able to use their energy and expose the Light. The only exception here is Ester, who at some point breaks off all the limits, and what makes her almost inexhaustible.

The most important ability of halcylians in general is the ability of implanting the Light in other elements, what can lead to many interesting results. They're known for their unusual inventions that can be very useful both for them and for other people. For example, in the mine in Braivada village man work with the Alhilamps that help them to find and extract mineral resources REALLY quickly.

Normal people actually can work with the halcylians' Light in a separated "concrete" form and make their own attempts to create something special with it. The Light sphere can be separated by halcylian and left without any connection to the owner. It doesn't have any particular features in this form, but can be usable in the new inventions.

It is impossible to kill someone with alheer. Some halcylians are able to find a way to hurt other people with the Light though - and when they use it often and intensively enough, they can hurt a person really bad. They can blind, strangle, stun or scald someone. The Light also can be easily used to make explosions that may be dangerous.

Halcylians perceive their own species in a very different ways and there are many differential views and ideologies professed by them. There are 1) halcylians that are afraid of their own powers and who don't even want to show off their abilities, these who prefer to not admit that they are "different" in some way (for example Marianna); 2) halcylians who literally HATE their own species and even want to destroy other halcylians but these are very extreme cases (Sven's parents); 3) "neutral" ones who live between normal people and don't hide anything, these who are willing to share their powers and inventions with others (Ester); 4) High halcylians who believe that they're the only rightful race on this world, these who have the biggest respect to their own species, but are completely disrespectful towards people and claim that they should dominate the world - they have some kind of their own belief that is based on a very old legend (Saida); 5) the dark halcylians, the powerful destroyers that set and live their own rules, these ones who are able not only to kill people, but also kill or torture other halcylians forcing them to join their group - (Rosalia and the whole Zevelia sect (appears in sequel).

The term halcylian comes from arhilian words halcidale liianu which mean the inner light.

The Halmaime Island (in 2011-2015 Eskandia) is the holy lost halcylian island somewhere on Indian Ocean. For a long time only halcylians had access to this place (it changes a bit in 1920s). It's a very unusual land where only halcylians live, with its own traditions, culture, beliefs and rules. Halcylians from all the world have one chance in a year for visit the island if they want. One of the most common travel destiny is a village called Zerendee where halcylians can take a kind of the Light course (no it's not a hogwart i swear to god), a lot of young halcylians come there each year and learn about the ways of using their energy in the most valuable ways. There's also just a normal education too and the lecturers are always very educated halcylians, especially specified in chemistry and physics. Halmaime had always seemed to be more modern than the rest of the world, mainly because of the halcylians' inventions. The inventions are the main point on this island, the life twists around the inventions. EVERY single halcylian who appeared on the island and did the whole course MUST construct their own invention and find a brand new use for the alheer energy. All the inventions MUST stay on the island. The island's government is called Ekklilon and the head of state is the Queen. The original language was arhilian, but it's not used commonly anymore, though halcylians still learn it and use some words for ex. for naming something, to show the respect for this culture (it's kinda like halcylian version of Latin). Sometimes halcylians outside of Halmaime also use arhilian words for ex. for naming their children. For the first half of XIXth century Halmaime was CLOSED for the rest of the world and new halcylians didn't appear there in that time. The word Halmaime is a combination of words halcidale, amaime which mean literally the capital of Light.

Halmaime appears in the sequel; in the first story it was mentioned by Silorind once. The whole magical island topic doesn't concern for ex. Braivada, Ester and her team.

The fun fact is that the island IS a halcylian itself too, what's a kind of shocking phenomenon because it's said that only alive being can be a halcylian. It has its own alheer that was implanted into around 12th century and that's why this land is so incredible. The whole connection between alheer energy, space, Time Constructor, theory of Earth's Enevan Destiny and other weird absurd stuff is too complicated to be explained here, but I'm telling you, this is shit is huge.


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