


5 years, 6 months ago


Basic info

Full name: Adam Edrik Froiland
Birthday: 06.08.1855
Age range: late 30-early 40s in the main story
Significant other: Taris
Family: Alva, Adrianna- daughters; Talvi- adopted daughter (after '98); Brandon, Bernard - brothers; Robin and Juanita - parents; Hilmer - grandfather
Height: 180 cm
Nationality: Norwegian/Spanish
Occupation: member of Amaralf's team (till 1897), gravedigger, after 1900 - owner of funeral home

Status by the end of the main story: alive

Short description

Taris' loving husband and father of two daughters. Despite coming from a family of traitors that were supporting the team of bandits, Adam has been quite respected in Hillade from longer time. Brave, persistent and faithful man who will do literally everything for his loved ones. One of the oldest members of Amaralf's team that rules and protects the Braivada village; however, by the time of the main action, he gives up on that role and stops supporting Braivada. Since both him and Taris had messy and tough past, they enjoy peaceful life in Hillade and don't ask for new adventures, but the life never stops surprising them, usually not in a good way.  While in the past he was much more rebellious and mischievous, currently Adam seems to be serious, responsible and caring, but the more time passes by, the more unhinged he becomes. For certain reasons. He constantely worries about Taris, because he is aware that she already went through too much and is terminally ill. When the main action starts, they already are a married couple since around 15 years, yet they still act like they're freshly in love and never get bored in this relationship, they're absolutely obsessed with each other. He might be quite arrogant to his friends from the team, but generally he's rather calm and kind hearted person. He became vindictive and harsh when all village starts to accuse and harm his wife. Would do everything for Taris - even if it costs him losing all morality and becoming a murderer. Just like she already did for him.


Despite trying to live a calm, stable life, this man definitely has a lot of stress to deal with, but he does his best to have everything under control. He was always a very responsible, independ hard working person. Really faithful and ready to defend the persons he loves, caring and reliable. Currently not as easy going as in the past, focused mainly on his family life and not wishing for crazy adventures anymore. Probably doesn't look like such person, but he's really sensitive if it comes to children, not only his own. At the first sight, just a normal loving husband and parent. He treats his friends from Amaralf's team quite coldly and may be seemed as the one who is quite arrogant, but in the fact he still likes working with them. He has a tendency to tease and admonish his younger mates, that's why he often quarrels with Amaralf. He's also quite irronical and has pretty sharp tongue, but actually he's much calmer and generally more tolerant than most of team's members.  Sometimes can be impetuous and become REALLY vindictive, better not make him angry - he can get very impulsive. He seems to be somewhat like more elegant than most of the team members and doesn't perfectly "fit" the group anymore. In the past he used to be the leader of this group, despite the creator was Amaralf, but now he's happy that there is no need to fight with bandits anymore and prefers normal, much calmer life. But his life rarely gets like that.
The most important thing for him now is his family, Taris especially, so the more time passes by, the more overwhelmed he feels with Braivada's stuff and wants to give up on this, forget about all the magical things going on there, about ruffians, the mine and everything. But it's not that easy. And will never be. In fact, this man becomes slowly driven to madness.

Adam comes from a family that never had a good reputation in Hillade; his father secretly supported the Yngvar Reistad's group of bandits to save his own properties, so the whole city used to call the Froilands the traitors. Robin and Juanita weren't abusive parents, but they never cared for their children, they were addicted from alcohol and drugs, so the life with them wasn't easy. Adam hated them and always wanted to leave this house and start a life on his own, believing he's mature and independ enough, but it was very hard, especially that in these times Hillade was still constantely attacked by Yngvar's ruffians. He used to be homeless for some time, stealing a lot of things and sell them for higher price. When he discovered that his grandfather is a well-known man from Albrikt Bertil's group of fighters, he started his journey to find him. Hilmer, despite fighting against ruffians, turned out to be a horrible person who wanted to rule Hillade's society on his own ways, but Adam was still trying to get closer to him, wishing for his appreciation In order to getting noticed by his greedy hotheaded grandpa, Adam had done some bad things that he regrets years later, but it actually worked, because Hilmer, who hated his son for being a traitor, was convinced to appreciate his grandson as the only person in the family. In the end, when Adam was in his 20s, Hilmer passed away and he really got inheritance from him. He's not proud of it, but the only thing he wanted to spend this money for was a real house for him and Taris, a house she never had.

In the past he used to do many crazy things and was very mischievous, he teased many people and annoyed his younger friends, but they still respected him in some way. He was one of the first members in Amaralf's team and also was probably the most responsible person there (because Amaralf was only 13 and couldn't cope with such big deal). As a young teen he used to be a thief and seemed to be that person who is never afraid of anything. He was always really hardworking and being independ was very important for him, he had plenty of different jobs and was willing to take any risk. Due to that he definitely wasn't a polite boy, he had some serious quarrels with neighbours, so his reputation in the city was really differential.
He always used to care about Taris, even when they were conflicted as teens. They met each other when they were children and they always had some chemistry between them, even though they didn't want to admit what they mean to each other. He wasn't sure about his own feelings for her for long time and he was finding it very hard to understand what's going on with him, thinking that Taris would never be interested in someone who had been called her brother by adults several times. He was thinking that she probably will never develop romantic feelings for him, so their relation in their teenage years was based on teasing and shouting at each other. And still, caring as well, because no matter what, they were always precious for each other. In that time Adam was fighting in Amaralf's team and working in hard conditions, yet he wasn't courage enough to openly admit to his feelings to Taris, seeing it as something that is not right. He was even trying to find himself an actual girlfriend, but it was annoying for him, he never enjoyed being with anyone else, however for some reason he was still really ashamed of his own feelings for Taris. In fact, she was feeling literally the same towards him, but showing it was even harder for her and she was hundred percent sure that she's not able to get in a relationship with someone, after all these horrible traumatizing things she came through as a young girl. But Adam turned out to be perfect for her, understanding her better than anyone. It took them some time to get it right, though - their relations in their teen years were messy and it wasn't always obvious that they'll end up together as a couple.
Currently, Adam and Taris live their own life and don't want to be interrupted with any things going on in their city. They're quite respected people, but they aren't so open and don't like frequent guests in their house. They want to leave their messy past behind them. They seem to get more and more in love with each other and it looks like they're just their own world. For a long time Taris was convinced she can't have children, so when they had Adrianna and Alva, it was like a blessing for them, even though they eventually accepted the thought of having no kids at all. Adam is focused on his family and tries to be as good parent as possible, but it's not always that simple. In contrast to some of his mates from the team, he was always very involved in taking care of his children, he isn't one of the absent fathers that don't bother themselves with their offspring. Just like Taris hated the thought of becoming a parent like her own mother was to her, Adam didn't want to become like his own parents that never cared about their kids, so they really try their best. But the fact is that they cannot discipline their daughters and let them do everything they want, which is not always good for them. And despite Adam loves his daughters, the truth is he loves Taris more, more than anything else in this world, and his biggest fear is to lose her.

After Taris' health gets worse - and after she becomes falsely accused of three crimes, their life start to collapse. It never was perfect, due to their traumas, Taris' mother still trying to destroy everything they have, Taris' miscarriages and so on, but they enjoyed what they have. Yet, the "halcylian revolution" started whole series of terrible experiences.
Adam desperately does everything to save the situation, but it doesn't always turn out good. Some of his moves actually makes it worse. Due to everything that halcylian people did to Taris in that time, he develops a huge hatred towards them and whole Braivada. He regrets taking part in building Braivada and despises halcylians, but... deep inside he already knows... he is gonna need their help someday. Adam simply can't accept the thought of losing Taris and he would rather set the whole world on fire than let her die. He never had a problem with accepting the fact Taris is a murderer, but he hates that she commited two murders just in order to keep him safe and feels guilty for everything. Although they never hide secrets from each other, for some certain reason Adam remains unaware of Taris' third crime. Actually currently Adam can't say they have no secrets anymore. He hides some extremely dark secrets from Taris and he's sure that if she'll get to know, it would simply killed her. Alfard Kallevig will not be the only man who had done several horrible things just to save her. It's better if she'll never discover the truth, because she deserves to live, deserves it like no one else in this world.

After Adam discovers that Taris is terminally sick, he tries to do everything to save her. He finds some mysterious substance that helps even with the worst cases - it was originally found by Mrs Klover, an old apothecary working in Braivada, who tried to save her own lover. It doesn't heal, but it stops all the symptoms, numbs the pain and helps gaining energy. It is actually a forbidden substance produced by one of the most powerful halcylians - Silorind. When Adam runs out of his supplies stolen from Mrs Klover, he brutally forces Ester to tell him the whole truth about it, as he suspect that she has some informations about it - and that's how he becomes aware this medicament's production requires...killing people. And usage of halcylians' alheer element. It seems nearly impossible to create it, but Adam never gives up on this - because he finds out that Taris is already highly addicted to this magical substance and has to take it regularly, other way, she will die. Die because of him - he was not aware of this side effect when he started applying her this thing. He is able to do literally everything just to keep Taris alive. The substance won't make Taris healthy, though - it will only let her live longer. Taris has absolutely NO IDEA about what her husband secretly keeps giving her...either about what is he doing to possess it. Adam knows the only thing he can do now to keep her alive is becoming a murderer. And getting a halcylian-slave that is going to carry out all the magical procedures for him. After everything that was happening around the Froilands recently, they just can't live normally and people don't see them in the same way as before, so Adam decides that the best thing they can do now is just moving out abroad. And then... start a new life. But how, if he already knows he needs to kill at least one person per month?


+ spending time with Taris
+ being organised
+ teasing his younger friends
+ taking new jobs
+ feeling responsible for something
+ playing guitar
+ the black humor
+ children
+ big animals
+ working as gravedigger

- people interfering in his family's life
- being accused of something
- living with Taris' mother
- being depended of something
- halcylians
- attempts to wake Taris up
- sea
- immature acting of some of his friends
- envy people


Taris - his wife, his biggest love, the most important person in his life. He can't imagine living without her, she means everything to him and he would do literally everything for her. He's not too romantic type, but is really caring and protective and accepts all her fails and weakness. He is afraid that she'll die soon, so he tries to save her, even if it means that he must become a murderer.
They know each other since childhood, their relation wasn't always so good, but they never stopped being friends. At first they didn't like each other and argued a lot, but he immediately felt pity for her and asked her if she doesn't want to stay with him for a moment. They were absolutely tsundere-ish during all their childhood, Adam was always teasing her and making fun of her, but he was also very caring; he quickly started to treat her as his sister. Or rather, a brother, as Taris told him she is a boy, and for some time he was believing this.
Their releations during their teenage years weren't the best, they were arguing really often, but they still were staying quite close. They both hadn't have easy lives. Actually they stopped to think about each other as 'sibling' quite quickly, but they both were too shy to admit it. Adam had even tried to find other partner, but he realised that he can't imagine his life without Taris. She thought that he will be treating her like a sister forever and she started to became really envy, but instead of give him a sign, she just kept crying under the blanket. There was a time when they didn't even had friendly relations at all, but in fact, they were in love with each other since very long time. He decided to tell her the truth when they both were adults. She accepted it with tears and later they quickly went from cheeky friends to lovers. No one around them was surprised.
Now they have very very strong relationship, he's her biggest mental supporter and they couldn't live without each other. He loves her even when she does the worst things and would defend her in the worst times. He won't let her make decisions that are bad for herself. She wouldn't admit it, but she actually needs a man who could always care of her and understands her bad moods and sickness, so he's just perfect for her. She is important for him more than the team and Braivada, probably even more than their children. But she also can do a lot for him. In contrast to Ester and Amaralf's relationship, there is no envy here. They always relied on each other and couldn't imagine life in separation, even in these messy teenage years. Adam is the only person in the world who is allowed to call her Tari. Of course they had their worse times too (especially around the time of Alva's birth), even though their bond may seem so perfect - but there is no thing that could break it. They are clearly obsessed with each other...and it leads to some really bad things. Taris kills two people just to save him and he feels like it really shouldn't be that way. Maybe he should finally kill someone for her as well.

Adrianna - His first daughter; he tries to be as good father for her as he can. For first 3 years he basically hadn't any contact with her, because Alisa kidnapped her just quickly after she was born. Adam was doing everything in order to find her and he was promising that he will kill his mother-in-law for this, especially that he was aware of what she was doing to Taris all the time in the past... but he never managed to fulfill this promise and he always feels guilty for this. They got Adrianna back after 3 years, because some mysterious man found her and carried her to their house. She is very precious for him and he's always very proud of her. As she is quite shy, he tries to encourage her to be more outspoken, but never puts a pressure on her. After the main issues around Taris start, it's noticeable that Adrianna has better relation with her father than mother, who she keeps avoid. Adam is aware that Addie became friends with Tito Svindal and when she's really worried of this boy after he gets heavily sick, Adam decides to share a little bit of the cursed substance with him to save him, only to make sure his daughter will have nothing to worry about. It seems like the father and daughter have perfect relation, but it really changes after Adam announces that they are going to move out from Hillade pernamently and go abroad. In addition to all the things Adrianna experienced in last months, it makes her burst out; she hates this idea because she doesn't want to leave Tito and is afraid of brand new environment, so she starts to rebell. She becomes really problematic for both of her parents.

Alva - His second daughter. While he loves her as much as Adrianna, she definitely doesn't love him back and keeps doing everything to make him in trouble. Alva states she doesn't even admit to him as her father and dislikes him for no particular reason. I don't like my dad because he's not my mom, that's it. She's jealous of that mom spends so much time with him. Adam clearly has no impact on Alva and can't control over her, no matter how much he tries. She never listens to him and likes to hurt him, knowing that she's not gonna get any punishment for that anyway. However, when Alva goes too far with hurting her father, Taris finally can become truly angry at her. Their relations seem to get a bit better with time, but Alva will always remain Alva.

Alisa - Taris' mother; he absolutely hates this woman for all the things she did to her and him and states there is no worse monster than her, he just can't understand how a mother can be so cruel to her own child. He knows about everything that she did to her daughter in the past. Young Taris used to tell the truth about her relations with mother only to him - and he always wanted to do something with this old hag, he was always feeling deeply sorry for Taris and trying to keep her safe from her abusive parent. Adam always despised her, but started to hate her even more when she kidnapped their daughter for 3 years. He knows he should kill this woman, but whenever he tries, she mysteriously disappears from their life. Just to appear again in the least predictable moment.

Alfard - For Adam, Alfard was an element of the past and he really didn't expect him to have some impact on their current life. Alfard had arrived to Hillade in 1878 and Amaralf's team used to wander around with him, fascinated by his mysterious nature and his magical Wheel, a weird artifact that allowed transfering the energy from alive beings and cast real curses. They had rather friendly relations (maybe friendly is too strong word, as it's not really possible to become friends with someone like Alfard), but they had some adventures together, they even played music together. Adam was aware of Alfard's hopeless crush on Taris, but never treated it seriously, thinking this man is just pitiful and needs to visit a nuthouse. Young Adam wasn't really jealous of him, especially that Taris didn't seem to be interested in Alfard as well. The whole group didn't understand WHAT'S the true reason of Alfard's misery, neither WHAT really his Mission is. Although Alfard was madly obsessed with Taris, he knew that it is forbidden for him to love someone, so he wasn't couraged enough even to touch her. She became somewhat a goddess for him and she wasn't just a romantic interest for him. Alfard states that he never felt envy about Adam and has no desire to revenge on him, he calls him a lame simpleton unworthy of Taris' grace, but accepts him as her husband and actually is glad she has someone who cares for her that much. Of course Adam doesn't approve his huge obsession and finds him really weird and worrisome - but he doesn't know any truth about him and his contracts. It changes when they meet after many, many years, when Adam is so worried about Taris' situation that he decides to ask Alfard for help. He knows that he helped her in the past, but doesn't really know how. In this moment he gets all informations about Alfard's life, but he's obligated to not tell it anyone. Adam becomes aware of WHAT Alfard has done in order to save Taris from being punished for her crimes in 1878 and 1891. In the second case, the "curse" was that strong that even Adam's memory of Taris' crime completely disappeared, so he doesn't remember that Taris killed Katarina who wanted to kidnap baby Alva. It's a complete shock for him when he starts to understand the WHOLE situation. Alfard helped some kind of a monster to ressurect just to be able to save Taris again - and to not lose his own daughter either. He thinks it's better to not inform Taris about everything, but she knows enough to have her own vision on this. Actually Adam feels pity for Alfard, but is thankful to him. Yes, he used to laugh at his pathetic behaviors, his heavy obsession over Taris and becoming that mad, but now... now he literally slowly turns to Alfard 2.0.

Amaralf -  Younger friend; they used to tease each other really often and were quite mean, but generally their relations weren't bad. In the past Adam used to play the role of the leader in his team and kept telling him that he's too young to fighting with bandits - but he also tried to stop him from doing a lot of stupid things, because Amaralf as a teen was a truly spoiled brat. As adults they have rather good relations, but aren't too close, as they have completely different priorities; sometimes Adam still treats him as this spoiled brat and unfortunately - he's right pretty often. They can't understand theirselves very good, but still they cooperate with each other.
By the time of main action, these two stop being friends and Adam pernamently leaves his team. He is not okay with things that happen in Braivada and doesn't want to have anything in common with it. These two even have some serious fights. By the time of the Froilands moving abroad, they apologize each other.

Amaralf's team - usually they have good relations, but same as in Amaralf's case, they don't really understand each other because Adam has rather different priorities in life than them. Other members see him as a bit too harsh and serious, but have the respect for him because he's one of the oldest men there. He hasn't any particular relations with the youngest members and treats them neutrally. The one that he's in conflict with is Lottar (the oldest, crazy alcoholic guy). He has the best relations with Ellend, who is also quite reasonable and calm, and Fredmund, the father of his future son-in-law.

Ester - Adam has no particular bond with Ester, for most time they're rather neutral, he had nothing against halcylians before the main action - but it changes while the big conflict between halcylians and people occures in Braivada village. He's trying to force Ester to tell him very important secret about the magical substance that may extend Taris' life. She refuses to do it, as she knows WHAT is needed to produce this thing, but he is so insisted and rough that she finally gives up (Adam shots her). Thanks to her, Adam has the recipe, but she doesn't even want to believe that he ever will be able to use it. It's very hard for Ester to accept the fact Taris is addicted to this horrible thing and she doesn't even know about it. He accuses her for some bad things that happen to his family and no longer respects her. He stops supporting her and Braivada. In Ester's eyes, Adam had become a true devil.

Tito - Oldest son of Fred from Amaralf's team, Adrianna's friend. Adam seems to like this kid and encourages polite and gentle Adrianna being friends with such a cheeky brat. He even notices that his acting reminds him of Taris when she was a child. When Tito saves Adrianna, Alisa hurts him and he becomes very sick, so in order to help him get healthy (and not letting Adrianna get depressed), Adam decides to share some of the cursed substance with him (just one single small portion that shouldn't make anyone heavily addicted as Taris is). He probably wouldn't be that optimistic about Addie's relationship with Tito if he knew what it'll bring them later.

Albrikt - In the past Albrikt was treating Taris like his own child, but he also cared about Adam too, however, he was more independ and not as mentally broken as Taris was, so he didn't need that much support. Adam had met Albrikt for the first time when he was around 14; in this time he was trying to reach to his legendary grandpa Hilmer who also was in the old team. They still have good relations and Albrikt is always willing to help the Froilands whenever they need it. He doesn't believe that they could be murderers.

Brandon, Bernard - his younger brothers. In the past he didn't care that much for both of his brothers (he had already prefered to care for little Taris not them...) and used to ignore them, always feeling that he's much different from both of them, not only appearance-wise. In adult life he seems to have quite good relations with Brandon, but they aren't very close and there happened a few fights between them. Adam is especially pissed off when Brandon for some time tends to believe that his wife, Marta, has been killed by Taris, as the accusations suggest, but later Brandon apologizes for that. He still often emphasizes that not everything is just about him and Taris and that he is the one who suffers more, because he really lost his wife. Brandon already has an adult son, Jannick. On the other hand, Bernard, the youngest brother, never had good relations with Adam and now he claims he despises him. It's mainly because that when Adam had inherited Hilmer's money, he spent everything for the house for him and Taris and refused to share it with anyone, even with Bernard, who - at that time - had huge financial problems and his house was set on fire. Bernard's wife, Julia, had died as well, and he has son around Alva's age. He sees his oldest brother as a very greedy and selfish man.

Hilmer -
His grandfather, the charismatic, scurvy and cruel man, member of Albrikt's team; in his childhood he tried to find him and discover some truth about him because he was really fascinated by the facts he already knew about him. He also had a tiny glimpse of hope that the grandpa will help him. Hilmer turned out to be a horrible man who tried to rule Hillade's society in his own ways, moreover, he hated the whole Froiland family, so it really wasn't easy to get grandpa's appreciation. Hilmer didn't even believe him for the first time that he's his grandson and treated him very harshly. In order to getting noticed by him, Adam had done some bad things that he regretted later, but eventually he got what he wanted. After some years Hilmer started admitting to him. Adam inherited his wealth when he died and didn't share it with his brothers, what made them angry.

Talvi -
Alfard's daughter. For years he was completely unaware that Alfard had a daughter. Adam is the first stranger that Talvi gets closer to; he tries to help her when she wanders alone through the city. She really wants to know him better and is very fascinated by his family, due to the fact she found some weird notes about them in her father's notebooks. Maybe she secretly wishes for having a father like him. He feels bad about her and lets her stay in his brother's house for a while. He really cares about her fate and worries about her, because her life with Alfard seems to be very hard. After Talvi meets Taris and reveals a big part of Alfard's secret, telling her WHY she never got punished for her crimes, Adam is quite angry at this girl, but he knows that it just had to be told. After Alfard's suicide, she's gonna live with him and Taris, but she'll never accept the Froilands as her new family. Talvi sees Taris in a way that somehow resembles Alfard's vision, she might be not a heavenly goddess for her, but she's still something holy-cursed belonging to her father's mad world and Talvi will never thinks of her as her mother figure. Same with Adam, who really wouldn't mind becoming her adoptive father.

Saida - Adam hates Saida for everything she has done to his wife and fantasizes about killing her, but he knows that the revenge on her is not the smartest move he could make now. After Alfard used his Wheel, even Saida forgot that Taris had killed Frans Lommen and she has no more reasons to punish her.

Pavlo - halcylian from Braivada who Adam abducts in order to make him his helper with the Substance. He forces Pavlo to leave Braivada and go abroad with his family, threating him that he will murder his whole family if he won't agree for that. Adam picked Pavlo because he knew there are things that he can blackmail him with. He basically ruined the whole Sorenson family, but Pavlo had no other choice. When he gets kidnapped, Adam starts to work on the Substance along with him, using the instructions given by Ester. To make him completely submissive, Adam even uses drugs on him. When the Froilands move abroad, Pavlo travels with them hidden in a big trunk, and eventually gets imprisoned in their new neighbors' basement. Pavlo's son, Zacharias, is convinced that the one who abducted his father, is actually...Fred Svindal.

Silorind -
For long years he feels rather neutral about this weird old man, sometimes is frustrated by his mysterious behaviours...but he probably wouldn't guess that in next ~10 years Silorind will be the person who he's gonna hate THE MOST IN THE WORLD. [that's a big spoiler, anyway]

Other info

- He's quite similar to his mother who was Spanish and that's why he probably doesn't look like a nordic person at all. His brothers look completely different and don't resemble him. Their parents didn't have a happy relationship and they quickly started to hate each other.
- He's quite afraid of sea, after he almost got drown when he was working as a sailor.
- The lenght of his hair varies. He cut it quite short for his wedding and Taris wasn't really happy with it.
- They didn't get married in a church, as both of them are atheists who always despised religion, what was quite controversial for people in the city.
- He was quite involved in playing music with Alfard and the team in the past, he still can play the guital very well. The only one who never played anything was Amaralf.
- At some points, Adam saves little Linnea, but of course, during the curse casted on her, he doesn't remember it.
- He makes dollhouses from coffins for his daughters.
- Since Taris is a massive foodie, he happens to cook for her sometimes, even when there is a housemaid; he's really not a typical 19th century husband, but it's even easier to give Taris the cursed substance--
- His sense of humour was quite dark, especially in his younger years. He was a truly perfect gravedigger.
- Except from 15 majestic felines and one unfortunate bunny, he and Taris have 2 horses and a few lambs.
- Adam's grandpa Hilmer was in similar age as Amaralf's great-granma Virgilia, they're only characters in the story that were born still in 1700s, that's why the ship Hirgilia exists.
- His first victim killed for the substance is Ulrich, a ruffian from Yngvar's (later Vivril's) team, mentioned on Taris' profile.
- After moving abroad, he opens his own funeral home. There's whole new adventure with this funeral home. What an amazing funeral home owner, he's not only going to help you with preparing the funeral of your hated husband, he will also help with killing him for you!
- Their close future is still in progres, but a lot of things are already set up. They actually will be moving out several times to different European countries, since people start to discover about his crimes. When Taris starts to suspect something, he eventually tells her that he became a paid assassin working for the mafia and she even accepts this, of course. But if he's paid assassin, where is the money...? He hates himself for lying to Taris, but he really has to. Their housemaid discovers one of his crimes and he kills her as well, in front of Adrianna's eyes. In order to keep Adrianna silent - especially in front of mom - he tells her that since that time he will be doing anything she wants. Adrianna puts a pressure on him to come back to Hillade again, knowing her father has no other choice but listen to her demand. So, the Froilands' destiny might be coming back to their goddamn hometown after a few years. But who knows.