


3 years, 10 months ago


hi, please don't draw his eyes red
thank you

More info about halcylians can be found here! [link]

Basic info
Full name: Variel Gilbert Sanchil
Birthday: 11.11.1900
Age range: 17-24
Species: halcylian(red Light)
Significant other: wedding cake forever alone
Family: Vincent and Arielle- parents, Gilbert- grandfather, Lucien - uncle
Height: 180 cm
Nationality: American
Occupation: leader of Ausurius
Death: spring 1925

Short description

The second protagonist in the Lost in the Light story. Variel is the leader of Ausurius, an organisation that keeps peace between people and halcylians outside the Halmaime island, solves matters regarding halcylians and constantly keeps in contact with the island's government. Variel had to take this significant and difficult role at really young age - he became the new leader being only 14, just after his father's death; and surprisingly, he deals with it quite well. He's super intelligent and charismatic, has big knowledge and skills even despite his young age - actually he was prepared for this literally since he was born, had been educated and trained in as many areas as possible - just like his father...knew he won't remain the boss for a long time himself. Variel himself...isn't really glad that he takes the role of a boss, though. He enjoys doing the job of a detective and just solving the riddles, but is he really a good leader...? Variel seems to be the real ray of sunshine in this story - cheerful, smart, full of energy, willingly takes on controversial solutions, always trying to be as fair as possible. Seems like he's never overwhelmed by the amount of responsibilties, but actually - it is very hard for him. Despite being surrounded by many associates, he feels a bit lonely - has literally no friends and no time for any fun. He often acts childish and has a lot of habits that may be seen as annoying, but in fact, mentally he is already pretty mature man. At the beginning of the story, Variel appears as a 17 years old, getting more and more involved in the mysterious dangerous halcylian sect called Zevelia - he creates a group of spies who try to explore what is that strange sect; he also leads the whole case of Ariamon Zaivar, who murdered a halcylian. Variel has his own personal reasons why he wants to investigate and fight with Zevelia - after all, his father was killed by this group's leader. He becomes a very important figure in the society, as he has big merits for both halcylians and normal people - though there are a lot of persons who despise him.


Once you meet him, you most likely will remember him forever. Variel always seems to be very positive and cheerful person with a incredible personal charm and a lot of energy, he's quite risky, always curious and enjoys new challenges. Has a great sense of humour and can be softly ironical, he even keeps making his associates some pranks. Sometimes he acts like he just can't get serious and still seems to have childish habits, but actually he can become more mature and focused on important things if there's a need. He had to grow up really quickly and basically had no actual childhood, as he was raised in such way, at 14 he had already had to act like an adult - so in fact he perfectly knows how he should act, but clearly dislikes it and prefers to remain such a big child with outstanding brain.

He had always been an natural talent and was learning very fast, what was quickly noticed by his father who wanted to turn him into a literal genius. He was forced to learn a lot, but he didn't mind this; he starts to feel kinda overwhelmed only when he becomes the boss of Ausurius. He has a big knowledge from many areas, knows many important people from around the world and is very good in logical thinking, he had been educated since his youngest years and never had time for any fun. He seems to be very fun-deprived, so he tries to bright up his days a bit by doing silly things, what is not approved by all the people around him. He tends to joke everytime, is a bit sarcastic, plays with things, annoys others, acts loud, constantly eats, wears pajamas with slippers in public places etc, generally acts like a boss is definitely NOT expected to act - but he really does his job as best as possible. He may be childish, annoying and obnoxious, but at the same time he has a great social skills, charisma and unusual intelligence, not to mention he truly cares for his workers, that's why most of his people actually don't want him to be replaced with someone else. At least that's what Variel is outside.

Variel comes from a VERY rich family, so he is rather used to living in more luxury way, sometimes he can be seen as quite moody and picky, but he after some time he can adapt himself to any conditions. In his whole life he had to travel a lot so it's not such big deal for him. He doesn't mind changing the place where he lives, but doesn't enjoy long travels, it's boring and uncomfortable for him. The older he is, the more curious about different ways of living he becomes.
He's empathic and fair and is always willing to give people a second chance, no matter if it's a halcylian or not, he stays as neutral as possible if it comes to these things and for him everyone is equal - that's why some people love him and some hate him. It doesn't apply to the halcy-nonhalcy conflicts only, he's just a pacifist in general, he claims that even though he knows human civilisation is rotten as fvck, he still believes in it by his whole heart. He hates the division of social classes; even as a child he was very annoyed by the fact that his father never wanted to let him play with children poorer than him. Sometimes, while joking, he may be like hey I am the boss here, but in fact, he doesn't feel better than anyone else just because he is rich and has a high position. Actually, deep inside Variel is...really insecure about himself.

He seems to be a really good leader even at his young age, although some of solutions he makes often seem kinda hilarious or even controversial, most of people often just don't get his way of thinking. He's often criticized by others (both for the way he acts and just for his age) but he seems to deal with it. He's very charismatic and brave; after some years also it turns out he can be pretty caring as well. He needs a person to care for. He feels more lonely than anyone could expect. He really dislikes loneliness and boredom. He always feels like he needs to work 24/7, but actually he would love to have a bit more free time without any responsibilities - in Ausurius there is always something to do and being the boss of the whole organisation means necessity of having huge responsibility. Everyone had always demanded a lot from him, so he's used to it since his youngest years and he seems to deal with it quite good, in his own specific ways, even though his actions aren't always approved by others. It doesn't mean that he truly loves his job though - but Variel is aware that he is supposed to do what he is doing and he will never give up, no matter how hard and tiring it is for him. Usually enjoys work in group, but he's able to completely break out of it and do something that is not approved by anyone - despite that he feels really good being surrounded by people, he's somewhat still an individualist (maybe because almost no one can keep up with his way of thinking). He wants to be involved in as many matters as possible, he just needs to feel useful. Even when he finally gets some free time only for himself, he notices that he doesn't feel good about it and starts to have a lot of worrisome thoughts. The truth is that he is workaholic. There is one thing that lets him have a real break from daily lifestyle and responsibilities, though, and its name is Ariamon Zaivar. 

He rather looks like someone who is neat and well kept, but he often tends to make big mess around him and completely doesn't mind it. He's pretty much chaotic. He dislikes wearing his uniform and avoids cleaning as much as possible. Doesn't afraid any task that has a risk of getting dirty or totally exhausted. Even though he seems to be very brave and quite powerful with his Light, sometimes it's not so hard to scare him with something simple. The thing he's afraid the most is probably loneliness. Despite his cheerful nature, he suspects that his life won't last for too long.

People are often surprised by his crazy actions, great memory and light-hearted nature, it's just hard to ignore him. Although Variel seems to be friendly towards everyone, it's not so hard to make him frustrated; despite his bubbly personality, he can also become fierce and show his more sharp side. In the fact he often feels tired, he just usually knows how to hide it.  He is very good at hiding all the pain, but he's rather short tempered and very emotional person  (especially before he's in his 20s), what is seen by him as his own big flaw. He is still very young, so he really needs to have some fun, but he is aware that is almost not possible, especially when the whole situation with Zevelia mafia occurs.  Deep inside Variel is heavily distressed and having literally no close person in his life is quite painful for him - everyone in Ausurius treats him like a co-worker, not like friend (not everyone respects him here); moreover, he's an orphan, he has literally no family members, never had a chance to meet some friends even in his childhood and he just doesn't have anyone to share his feelings with. He would love to have somebody who he could care about, and who would care about him as well, but he knows he must mainly focus on Ausurius and a fight with Zevelia. He's also constantly judged by other people and a lot of his co-workers criticize him for his childish behaviors, and even though he doesn't show it, it is very hard for him to deal with everything. Even though Variel looks like a confident and constantely cheerful person, he's actually really overwhelmed by his duties and role in general, and often tends to blame himself for everything. Some people often tend to forget that he, despite his uncommon abilities, is still a human being too.


+ meeting new people
+ solving riddles
+ acquiring knowledge
+ getting a chance for having some free time
+ realizing the most risky plans
+ acting childishly
+ playing games and creating new ones, the weirder the better
+ wedding cake, pancakes, all kinds of sweets, sweet food in general
+ from time to time making some pranks in Ausurius
+ playing with Cilven
+ watching movies
+ horse riding
+ dogs
+ challenges
+ free time with Mon

- being disregarded because of his age
- interfering in his plans
- disrespectful behaviors
- spurious people
- getting in conflicts
- all kinds of discrimination
- classic music, it's boring for him
- loneliness
- sea journeys, he has a seasickness
- winter
- poorly made food
- lack of sleep (ironically, also sleeping for too long)
- his birthday, as it's also the day when both of his parents died

Vincent - his father, former leader of Ausurius. He really cared about him and wanted everything the best for his son, but he was also very strict and forced him to learn a lot, he basically deprived him of carefree childhood. Vincent was raising him alone, but he had a lot of staff who was mainly taking care of him when he was a child, so Variel didn't have many opportunities to spend longer time with his father. Even though Vincent was rarely showing his affection and treat him rather coldly, he loved his son more than anything else in the world. He had always hoped that Variel will take over the role of a leader as soon as possible (basically he planned his whole future when Variel was like 3, he was obsessed by this somehow). His wish was to make Variel the leader of Ausurius just after he turns 21, because he didn't feel good with these responsibilities himself and believed his son is way stronger and more intelligent than him; unfortunately he died when Variel was 14 and he had to become the leader at much younger age. When Vincent was the leader, he committed a lot of serious mistakes - that Variel had to fix in next years.

Ariamon - In fact, Ariamon accidentally saw Variel for the first time when he was 6 and Variel was 2, later they saw each other in library when they were 16 and 12 so technically it was their first meeting, but it didn't lead to anything important. Variel only asked him: Mr Zaivar, do you want a donut? 5 years later Ariamon is taken to Ausurius to be judged for murdering a halcylian, he finally meets Variel personally and he's really surprised that such a young person is a boss of something such big as this whole organisation. Instead of just punishing him, Variel wants to give Ariamon a chance and tries to defend him, he thinks that he's an interesting case in some way and believes his person will help him in exploring the dangerous Zevelia group. He really wants better for Mon and believes in him, even if he can't really understand and accept it. Variel decided that he will do everything for letting Ariamon stay in Ausurius' hqs instead of imprisoning him in jail, emphasizing that he could be useful in the investigation against Zevelia (Ariamon actually had some interesting informations about it). Since that moment, Ariamon stays in... Variel's own apartment. As a "prisoner", somehow. But no one even treats him as a prisoner. That was a controversional decision and some of Ausurius' staff still can't understand it even after some years - technically Ariamon SHOULD'VE been imprisoned in jail for killing Maurice. Ariamon has a pretty decent life there, he has access to Ausurius headquaters and is slightly involved in its work. The only problem is that Zevelia, for some reason, needs him for some horrible process. And Mon is aware of it. Even since... he was...15. Because Oraielonce told him about this.
Variel is the only person who actually can change Ariamon's view about halcylian society and show him how many different groups are halcylians divided into. Ariamon seems to be enchanted by Variel's cheerful nature, he secretly admires him for his fair approach and neutrality in treating both halcylian and people, but he isn't sure if he can trust him. For most time he wants to stay loyal to him, but from the other side - he's still torned between the hatred toward halcylians and is simply too mistrustful. Variel seems to believe in Mon no matter what and has more knowledge about his situation better than anyone. He perfectly knows about his horrible past, is aware why Mon hates halcylians so much and doesn't want to let anyone hurt him anymore - though his co-workers can't really understand it and often criticize him for his attempts of caring for him. Why, if Mon's case is already closed? Their relation is quite interesting and complicated and it changes through almost 7 years, especially from Ariamon's side. Mon would never admit to it, but he is weirdly intrigued about Variel, not even like Variel-boss, but just Variel personally, though he doesn't always treat him nicely and sometimes acts like a ungrateful trash. Variel wouldn't admit it as well, but he really, really wants to help him and get closer to him, even though he's aware that it's probably not something that is morally good - Mon means for him more than he ever should. Variel was probably feeling pity for Ariamon even actually he had met him, as he had a lot of informations about the Zaivar family and knew that Edielius and Rionna had a non-halcylian child that they were treating very badly. From Variel's side it may look like he has some innocent crush on Mon, but he would never let anyone to know about this. Even since he was a child, Variel seemed to be intrigued about people from different social class than his own, so it's actually nothing weird that he doesn't care about Ariamon's horrible social position at all (he obviously knows how wrong it looks in front of his workers' eyes). Variel truly enjoys spending time with him, loves to share everything with him, showing him new things and secretly thinks of him as of a friend, but sometimes he feels kinda guilty (everyone states I really shouldn't bother myself with him anymore, as his case is closed now/maybe it's better for him if I'll leave him now?). Ariamon, who have always been heavily humiliated, has a trouble with understanding why on Earth someone could ever treat him so nicely, but he eventually lets him spoil himself, noticing how lonely person Variel actually is. Secretly he enjoys it as well - and cares for Variel too, though it's not easy for him to show it. Variel often gets super excited while meeting with him and talks a bit too much. After Ariamon ends up in psychiatric hospital for a while, he's often afraid that he will do something wrong and accidentally trigger his traumas, so he's even more careful about him, which Mon himself sees as silly and unnecessary.
Since Variel knew that Ariamon hates his name, he gave him a nickname Cinnamon. Despite they have contrastic personalities, both of them have also some common traits, and can get on quite well. Variel is constantely weirdly intrigued by Ariamon, and vice versa, they want to know about each other as much as possible, but both seem to...find it uneasy. Ariamon doesn't always feel brave enough to ask him personal questions, while Variel knows that Ariamon had experienced a lot of pain and doesn't want to dig into his past when it's not necessary. Variel feels a deep pity for him, but he tries to not perceive him just like a poor man who needs compassion. He finds his cold, sometimes even emotionless attitude interesting, but he loves when he can make him a bit more cheery and bring some smile on his face. He likes his ironic sense of humour and even tends to tease with him when Mon seems to get healthier. Ariamon at first may perceive Variel as a bit annoying, but he slowly gets used to his behaviors, and secretly, he starts to think about him as the best thing that had ever happened to him. For Ariamon it was actually very important to see that Variel has a lot of his own flaws too.
Variel enjoys every simple thing that they do together. He lets him join Ausurius team's meetings and informs him about everything, it also happened that he had taken him for an investigation AND even a carefree trip, but he likes to just spend nice and calm time with him in his apartment as well. These moments are especially precious for Variel, who usually doesn't have opportunity to spend time like this. Actually Ariamon made Variel like his own home a little bit more, as he feels like there finally is someone who waits for him... but hey, Ariamon just has to stay there, it's a part of his... so called "punishment". Ariamon, who had never needed that much of contact with other person, finds it a bit weird, but accepts it, though he doesn't force himself to spend time with him when he feels overwhelmed. Variel seems to not really care for what people say if they see them together, but he is aware that it may bring some problems to whole Ausurius + he doesn't want to expose Mon to danger, so they avoid showing publicly together. Variel seems to notice perfectly when Ariamon needs a break from social interactions, while Ariamon sees Variel as a big help to get even a bit more sociable. Variel tries to prove Ariamon that he doesn't really need one particular reason to live and just keep living, as he is as worth it as any other human being. He doesn't want him to get destroyed by his will of vengeance and hatred (both towards halcylians and himself). He tries to show him a different way of perceiving world and he's actually doing pretty well, because Mon gets much healthier while living in Ausurius. Both of them have their own very personal reasons for wanting to end Zevelia's existence, but Variel seems to be aware that killing off random members of it just isn't the right solution. Variel states that Ariamon had became his own another motivation for fighting with Zevelia. Since he gets to know that Zevelia will need Ariamon someday for their Master's Reviving Ritual, he's even more afraid that something bad may happen to him again. He can't help it - while Ariamon's feelings towards Variel in facts slightly change, Variel can't change his feelings about him. He claims this ginger rat from the trash can is his favorite person in the universe and he's not going to change his mind. Even though... Variel feels a bit guilty. He starts to realize that the whole situation reminds him of his father, who had committed a lot of mistakes just by desperately trying to protect him. This is not 100% morally good. But does it really have to be?
note: although their galleries are filled with ship art, canonically they aren't a couple (well, I guess it won't be a mistake to say that VariMon is actually semi-canon, even though none of them would admit this. they have a strong chemistry and often act like a pair (hey they live together!), but they don't do interactions that are clearly romantical. none of them is courageous enough)

Cilven - Ariamon and Rosalia's son. Ariamon starts to be afraid that Cilven will turn out to be a halcylian too and he's worried that he just will start to hate him, so he decides to pass the child to Variel, asking him if he could find him a foster family or take him to the orphanage. Surprisingly Variel decides to keep Cilven in Ausurius. He feels so lonely there that he just doesn't mind having a little hyperactive brat as a comrade, so he lets him live there and tells his staff to take care of him. He quickly becomes very attatched to this kid and enjoys spending time with him, even though he doesn't have much experience with little children. Tends to call him Cilcil and treats him a bit ironical, but he learns him a lot of things and protects him from his own power, which turns out to be too strong to be controlled at such young age. Variel doesn't become a typical papa for him, he is more like an older brother or a good uncle for Cilven but he really cares about him; he was probably the only person who loved this kid at that point. Cilven lives with Variel when he's 3 to 7 years old. Fun fact, Variel is actually the person who chose the name for him. Some part of his wealth is inherited by Cilven after 1925.

Rosalia - the mysterious lady from the Zevelia sect who is in love with Ariamon (or hates him, depends on the time). She and her group start to hate Ausurius and all their actions, as they think they shouldn't co-working with non-halcylian people or giving them any priviledges. Variel does everything to protect Mon (later Cilven as well) from her and tries to catch and arrest this woman, but it's really not so easy. Despite it, there was a moment when Variel actually SAVED Rosalia's life, proving that he indeed has a lot of mercy (at this point she was in a really bad situation and it seemed like she was going to change, + the fact she was pregnant). For her it doesn't mean anything, though. Rosalia has MANY reasons for hate Variel with her whole heart.

Lucien - his uncle; he never liked him since the youngest years. Lucien never got on well with his brother Vincent and wanted to take over his role, but everyone around knew that Lucien should always stay away from Ausurius because of his radical ideas. When Vincent died, he was trying to become the new leader, but he lost the encounter with his teenage nephew. He's the evil uncle Scar and no one likes him. He dies when Variel is 15 or 16; in this moment he becomes the last member of this family, because literally everyone else is deceased. Later Variel discovers that Lucien was doing some things for Zevelia too.

Cyrielle - a vicious and cynical lady related to the halcylian family who was helping young Ariamon; she becomes a fake member of Zevelia only to become a spy. She's very important for Variel and his investigations because she's clever and cunning and her work seems really helpful, so he quickly suggests her joining his group. After some years they become a bit closer, as they both have somehow similar sense of humour and can get on quite well.

Adrian - one of Ausurius' workers; a bit shy man who secretly admires Variel and probably is the most friendly one for him. He always does everything that he tells him without any hestitation, but he's still rather distanced from him and avoids getting closer to him. Variel had a hope that he will be able to consider him as his friend but Adrian doubts that being friends with such a vip is even possible.

Melvin - the official deputy of leader in Ausurius (first of Vincent, later of Variel). He rarely agrees with Variel, what often leads to quarrels between them. Variel tends to call him Melmin and enjoys teasing him. He rather trusts him if it comes to current affairs in Ausurius, but he is aware that Melvin would prefer to kick his ass out of the highest position, and honestly dislikes private talks with him. Melvin doesn't respect his young boss at all and often expresses it very directly.

Yumi - a very hot tempered member of Ausurius' team who usually cares about correspondence between the two factions of organisation and Halmaime island. Variel loves to annoy this woman and making her some pranks, but actually he always approves her job and claims she's one of the trustable and scrupulous members of Ausurius. She's the only one person except Melvin who acts like she doesn't respect Variel's authority, but in the fact she admires him too, she just thinks it'd be better to treat him harshly to prevent him from acting like a spoiled brat.

Arkadius - a mighty halcylian from Halmaime who sometimes works for Ausurius. Arkadius used to be Variel's supervisor when he was doing the courses on Halmaime Island, so he knows him for long time. Actually he was always somewhat present in his life, even if he hadn't been interacting with him until he started to teach him (Variel met him for the first time when he was only like 3). Dr Rievan shared a lot of priceless knowledge with him and Variel can call him his mentor (although he doesn't express his respect so much, I doubt he can do it at all). Arkadius seems to understand him a bit better than most of Ausurius' members and avoids criticizing his way of acting, although he enjoys teasing him and having fierce discussions with him. They both are working on very important magical projects and help each other. Variel probably secretly wants to see a father-like figure in him.

Gerard - another Ausurius member, non-halcylian one. Variel isn't courageous enough to fire him, but he definitely should, as Gerard constantely makes him feel like shit. He turns out to be the "rebel" and doesn't want to co-work with Variel anymore. He creates his own branch in the organisation and his views become very harmful for halcylians. Variel blames himself for not noticing it earlier and later he has to answer for Gerard's all actions against halcylians in front of Halmaime's government, even though he has nothing to do with his intrigues. It leads to increasing Zevelia's hatred towards Ausurius and its leader, because everyone thinks that Variel had agreed for Gerard's plans.

Endei - Variel sees Endei as his enemy and vice versa, both of them want to get rid of each other's organisations. For Variel Endei is also the person who he really wants to get a revenge on for personal reasons, as he literally killed his dad in front of his eyes. Since Vincent's death Variel tries to do everything he can to prove who Endei really is, and finally, sentence him to right punishment, but it's not easy at all. Just after his father's death, young Variel had run an investigation against him, because no one believed that Endei could be the one who murdered Vincent. Variel did a good job on this and now everyone knows the truth about Vincent's death, but Endei never got his punishment. For long time Variel doesn't even know that Endei is the Zevelia's leader (however he suspects that he's definitely one of its members) - after shooting Vincent, Endei disappeared for long time and no one knew where he is. When it becomes 100% clear, Variel is even more motivated to fight against Zevelia.Endei himself never really liked Variel, even as a child, as he was so curious and nosy and ALREADY suspected a lot about him. Currently, when Variel became the new Ausurius' boss, Endei seems to treat him more serious than he treated his dad in the past, and patiently waits for the right moment when Zevelia should get rid of him. He's actually quite interested in how Variel deals with his role, but still, hates him with passion (it's worth to mention that Endei COULD'VE become the next Ausurius' leader if Variel hadn't took any actions against him. It would be absolutely horrible, as Endei planned to transform Ausurius into Zevelia's headquarters).

Some other fun facts

- Variel was originally created in July 2012.
- His eyes are supposed to be just brown with amber reflections, not orange, red or yellow. His grandfather and father were 100% typical albinos, while he's not, only his hair is white; his skin is a bit tanned+ he has darker eye frame, more like light brown.
- Variel is way more similar to his mother than his father, the only thing he took after him is the unusual hair color. His mother was Mexican and she wasn't a halcylian. She died while giving birth to him, so he had never met her.
- He is left handed.
- Variel is the last character born in 19th century in my whole lore.
- Gets drunk so easily that he just avoids drinking because he's so embarassed of it.  
- At some point Variel gets so exhausted because of his job that he becomes addicted to cocaine.
- Even though he works as some kind of a law officer, Variel had stolen a few things, just because he needed them immediately in that certain moment. He was always sending the money for it, though. Despite his angelic look and pacifist nature, he's not a saint, he also admits to faking his age and paying bribes to some people.  
- He named his horse F*ck. Just to have free opportunities to say F*ck loudly as many times as he wants. 
- Tends to give people nicknames, even if they don't like this at all.
- For some reason Variel can't drive a car properly and his co-workers never let him do it. Apart from his white horse with nasty name, he also has a motorcycle, but still prefers riding on his majestic equine.
- Variel is ENFP.
- Never uses hairbrush. Never.
- He is slightly chubby, just a bit.
- He has a habit of sitting everywhere but on chairs. His office is always quite messy and he often plays loud music there.
- Variel sleeps every 2nd-3rd night. Even though he doesn't like it, he's pretty much used to it - he goes to sleep only when he feel completely exhausted. He has a trouble falling asleep when he's not tired enough, because bad thoughts always start to torment his mind when he just lies down alone and does nothing.
- He's highly addicted to sweets and coffee and often overuses both of these, he really wouldn't mind having a whole wedding cake for breakfast. He's quite picky if it comes about other kind of food though. His brain literally stops working if he's sugar-deprived, his need for sugar is probably a few times higher than average person's need and it has nothing to do with the fact he's a halcylian. He's just like this. Also, he rarely has time to eat a decent meal, so usually he keeps ordering the wedding cake (for some reason, the sugar figures of bride and groom are very important for him). It doesn't mean his diet is THAT horrible, though. Despite of how it looks, he is able to eat non sweet things too.
- Very saturated red color in his Light element makes him quite sensitive to cold weather, but he's very resistant to heat - just like majority of halcylians with red Light.
- He's the youngest from the whole Ausurius team, the youngest person after him is 6 yrs older than him. The fact Variel is still a minor when becomes a leader often makes people confused and they aren't really sure about his effectiveness, a lot of Ausurius' members didn't want to trust him at the beginning and they were suggesting finding someone else to take over the boss' position. It's also said that as a child Variel never wanted to be a leader of this organisation, it definitely wasn't his dream job. IT IS NOT LIKE VARIEL INHERITED THIS POSITION. Not exactly, but his father already prepared a lot of things to make it easier and gave him a big chance that he could, but not had to use. In fact Variel wouldn't try to run for it if he didn't discover that... the one who was the first candidate for Ausurius' new leader was Endei Ailonde.
- People outside Ausurius may have heard that Variel was born in 1892.
- Variel always carries some candy with him and shares it with as many people as possible; since he had bonded with Mon, he also always has some cigarettes in his pockets. Variel himself starts to smoke because of him, but still, he doesn't do it as often as Mon does.
- He doesn't remember his grandpa, as he died when Riel was a baby, but he seems to know everything about him and wants to be as cool as him. He doesn't want to die from overworking himself like grandpa Gilbert, though.
- He is slightly interested in aviation industry, space exploration and movie productions.
- He always makes birthday gifts for all his workers.
- In his private apartment Variel has two housemaids, Brooke and Cecil. He treats them with respect and doesn't see the necessity to hire more servants (when Vincent lived in this place, he had almost 20 people there)
- Just like Mon, he can draw very well, but he wouldn't call it his hobby. He often does it for his job, like drawing memorial portraits of criminals.
- Unlike Mon, he has quite good condition and enjoys physical activities.
- Rarely gets sick, but there is one incident happening around 1919 that makes his health much worse for a long time.
- He'd love to properly celebrate Halloween or Christmas someday, but in his case it's just not possible.
- He is horrible at singing (he screams instead of sing), but he's quite good at dancing.
- His father was an exemplary Christian, while Variel is agnostic.
- Vincent had never told it out loud to his son, but Variel knew that his father deep inside blamed him for his mother's death.
- Since Ausurius started the fight with Zevelia, he often carries a gun with himself, but he really avoids shooting.
- Gets really awkward in conversations about romantical relations, not to mention copulation.
- As mentioned, he has a housemaid who does the cooking, but Variel himself would be able to make something edible himself if there was a need. He even attempts to prepare meals for Ariamon in his free time.
- He's a creator of a very very important invention that let switch off a halcylian's Light for a moment, weaken it temporarily (I know how it sounds but I'm not gonna eplain it better here, it's very weird, unusual and sometimes useful anyway). He created it as a final project for the courses on Halmaime Island where he spent 4 years, only as 14 years old. It quickly gets broken (when he gets furious after his dad's death and accidentally destroys it), so he tries to fix it with dr Arkadius' help - and they struggle with this for over 7 years. The one person who actually can help fixing it is...little Cilven.
- After his father had noticed that he's a very bright child, he wanted him to become as smart as possible in really quick time, so he needed him to have all his school courses finished REALLY fast. As 14 years old Variel already had high school finished + he accomplished the whole course on Halmaime (only in 4 years, not like other halcylians, in 8. Also he can speak 4 languages fluently (English, German, Russian and Latin) and knows random words from different languages; he's probably the most educated from all of my characters, due to his memory learning "academic" things is very easy for him. Variel doesn't blame his father for taking away his childhood from him, but he claims that if he ever had a child, he would never forced it to such intensive educational course. He states that he would like to have children someday (but Cilven is enough for him), by the way. And he wants to grow a mustache in the future, just like his grandpa. If there will be a future for him.
- Ausurius has its own bakery. It was of course Variel who insisted on adding it there.
- Variel's opinion on Halmaime is mixed. He appreciates how much knowledge halcylians gain here, but is clearly against using alive people as "guinea pigs"+ also he doesn't have the best relations with Halmaime's government. He would like to change some laws in this place, but he knows he has no power there. Ausurius cares for halcylians outside the island, halcylians of all the world, after all.
- Has a gunshot wound on his back, when he was 16 he got shot by some savage people who evidently had problems with accepting the fact of halcylians' existence and presence in the world. Around 1919 he gets shot by Ariamon too, though it's not because Ariamon wanted to do it
- Has literally 0% romantic relationship experience and never ever kissed someone. He is quite shy and secretive about romantic interests and if he ever had one, it would be hard for him to admit it.
- Big sad spoiler:
- After partly accomplishing one of his biggest missions, Variel gets brutally murdered by Rosalia in 1925, who uses his own invention to help herself with it. She stabs him multiple times and beheads him at the end (hence why the headless memes that I'm sorry for). The worst thing about it is that little Cilven is present there and sees this whole horrible scene, which has a huge impact on his future life.