Dr Arkadius



2 years, 3 months ago


More info about halcylians can be found here! [link]

Basic info

Full name: Arkadius Rievan
Birthday: 27.01.1857
Age range: ~60-67
Species: halcylian, pink Light
Significant other: Patricia Langley - ex-partner (deceased); Gilbert(deceased as well) (that's a big secret)
Family: Daniel - son; Mr Venari - grandfather
Height:  around 190 cm
Nationality: Halmaimean
Occupation: scientist, alhinventor

Short description

 A mighty and skilled halcylian scientist from Halmaime Island who works for Ausurius sometimes. Highly respected figure, not only in his homeland, but outside the island as well. Quite cynical and quirky, but still kind hearted. An important figure in Variel's life - dr Arkadius used to be Variel's main teacher and supervisor during his educational courses on Halmaime Island. Despite the big age difference between them, they still get along well, and help each other with important projects. A good old friend of whole Sanchil family in general. The current main goal for dr Arkadius is to learn how to create the magical "barrier" surrounding whole Halmaime Island to protect it from unwanting visitors - and he works on it slowly together with Variel, who also involves him in his own project (repairing his old invention). Arkadius helps Ausurius with fighting against Zevelia. He is intrigued with the Newcomers phenomenon and Zefir's Legend and he tries to discover the truth behind these things.


Very devoted to his job as the inventor, Arkadius dedicates his life to the science and halcylian knowledge, but he isn't one of those halcylians who are able to sacrifice others' lives for the experiments. He specifies in finding the usage of halcylians' energy in basic objects and transfering the alheer energy to find the new useful destination, supervises the old inventions in the Gallery, but also works on huge meaningful projects that seem to be impossible to finish (like the new Great Cocoon around the island, a barrier that protects Halmaime from unwanted visitors. For hundred of years the barrier was always created by members of the Esselsai family, the only halcylians who had natural special skill to create something like this; for other halcylians it is unable to do it. Now, when there is no Esselsai left on Earth and the barrier no longer exists, many halcylians try their best in creating a new version of the barrier). Arkadius makes an impression of a charming majestic big man, but there is no need to getting scared of him. Hardworking, loyal, sincere, cool, sometimes a bit harsh, but still, kind hearted. Doesn't like to talk about his private life and doesn't like being bothered with silly things, has no patience for people he finds annoying, with exception for Variel. Secretly bears some grief and disappointment regarding both his family situations and death of his best friend.


Variel -  Arkadius used to be Variel's supervisor when he was doing the courses on Halmaime Island, so he knows him for long time. Actually he was always somewhat present in his life, even if he hadn't been interacting with him until he started to teach him (Variel met him for the first time when he was only like 3). Dr Rievan shared a lot of priceless knowledge with him and Variel can call him his mentor (although he doesn't express his respect so much, I doubt he can do it at all). Arkadius seems to understand him a bit better than most of Ausurius' members and avoids criticizing his way of acting, although he enjoys teasing him and having fierce discussions with him. They both are working on very important magical projects and help each other (Variel helps him with the Great Cocoon and Arkadius helps Variel with re-creating his old invention that forces the others' Light to get inactive). Variel probably secretly wants to see a father-like figure in him.

Gilbert - Variel's grandpa; in the past - he was a close friend of Arkadius. They knew each other for long years and had very similar views and hopes. Both of them are creators of significant invention that helps protecting the inventions on the island - it forbids exporting the inventions without right permission. The legend says that dr Arkadius and old Mr Sanchil were very, very close friends, and that's why their relations with their own families weren't so good, but no one seems to be able to confirm this. Gilbert's death in 1902 made Arkadius very upset, to the point he stopped his work for a while.

Ariamon - When Arkadius notices Ariamon in Ausurius, he seems to accept not only the fact he lives there, but he is fine with that Variel sees a friend in Mon. Despite Ariamon is very scared of him at the beginning, as everything that comes from Halmaime scares him, he slowly learns that Arkadius is a totally okay guy. The halcylian treats him just like other Ausurius' workers - but he clearly sees that Mon means a lot for Variel.

Vincent - Gilbert's son, Variel's father. Even though it's not stated that Arkadius had any particular relation with Vincent, he definitely cared about him in some way as well and was heartbroken when he died.

Rainil - After Rainil gets taken to Ausurius by Variel, Arkadius seems to be fascinated by him and wants to discover what kind of being he really is, so he tries to examine him and his abilities.

Patricia - Arkadius' ex-girlfriend from Halmaime. A very little is known about their relationship, but they broke up many years ago. Patricia died soon after that. Arkadius is completely shocked, when someday he sees a Newcomer halcylian who looks just like Patricia...

Daniel - Arkadius and Patricia's son who lives on Halmaime; he has no desire to stay in contact with his father and avoids him since long time. The reason is also uknown, but it's possible that Daniel was aware of what was really happening between his father and Gilbert Sanchil.

Endei - Despite Arkadius is against Zevelia, he tries to keep a communication with Endei, as he is fascinated with the Newcomers thing himself. They treat each other with some kind of respect, but Endei secretly wants to have Arkadius on his side. No matter how hard he would try, Rievan always chooses to stay away from Zevelia and protect Ausurius' members. The inventor gets in trouble, when he finally makes a suspicion that the Zevelia is secretly supported by Queen of Halmaime.

Some other fun facts
- He has over 50 different tattoos (however, I can't draw them) and his left eye is blind. His hair isn't just plain gray, it has some pink hue in it. A native inhabitant of Halmaime.
- It's still not sure why, but his son and the rest of his family seems to despise him personally, what, even he doesn't show it much, is quite hard for him. The fact he actually has a son provides that he had to have a girlfriend in the past, but he never got married.
- Dr Arkadius owns The Halmaimean Half Cerberus (two poor conjoined dogs, a side effect of some horrible halcylian experiments) named Radium & Polonium. He has also many other dogs, like a big white one with two tails named Fluor.
- Even though he has nice memories about teaching young Variel, he states that he wouldn't like to become someone's supervisor or teacher again.
- At the beginning of the story, he is not really willing to reveal many dark secrets about halcylian community on Halmaime, but he slowly changes his mind about it. He seems to feel guilty for something, but no one knows why... it might be related to the fact that Arkadius' grandparents were the inventors of the Venari-Esselsai system, the very suspicious  and controversial method of extracing and distributing energy on Halmaime, which is constantely used there, but always kept as a secret.
- After 1925 Arkadius pernamently leaves Halmaime and becomes the new leader of Ausurius. He is terribly upset with the fact that he lived long enough to see all the Sanchils passing away.