Tatsuo Hori



6 years, 11 months ago


Hori Tatsuo

"Those hardest to love need it most, I believe."

— Hori Tatsou to Nakano Shigeharu
Hori Tatsuo
Kanji 堀達夫
Rōmaji Tatsuo Hori
Also Known As --
Namesake Hori Tatsou (Japanese Writer)
Personal Information
Status Alive
Birthday December 28
Age 25
Gender Female
Height --
Weight --
Blood type A
Eye Color --
Hair Color Muted Blonde
Likes --
Dislikes --
Professional Information
Ability The Wind Has Risen
Reference Kaze Tachinu
Occupation Mafiaso
Affiliation Port Mafia
Manga Debut --
Anime Debut --
Light Novel Debut --
Japanese Voice Megumi Yamaguchi
English Voice --
Stage Actor --
Image Gallery

Character Name (Kanji, Rōmaji) is a fan character for the Bungo Stray Dogs manga and anime series. (+ brief presentation here)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae tincidunt quam. Praesent lacinia nulla ipsum, ut molestie dolor malesuada in. Ut quis odio hendrerit, viverra neque at, rhoncus neque. Proin vel nisl non orci mollis elementum. Donec luctus gravida eros, et blandit ipsum faucibus sit amet. Nulla at ultricies ante, sodales vehicula sapien. Cras condimentum semper nulla, a sollicitudin mauris euismod a. Proin et posuere metus. Ut tempus diam a leo pulvinar porta. Pellentesque a pulvinar ante. Fusce a nisi sed purus suscipit porta quis vitae est. Ut vehicula, dolor quis egestas pellentesque, lacus ex varius tellus, ac gravida tellus turpis non dolor. Fusce pulvinar vitae risus in lobortis.

Tatsuo on first appearances comes off as quiet and detached from the world around her. A victim of her own thoughts, the woman has shown to more often than not to not pay attention to the things around her and has been labeled as airheaded by others because of it when that is not the case. While she does zone out from time to time, Tatsuo herself is eerily perceptive of others and can pick up on the littlest of things which she often chooses not to comment on. Her mind in itself is rather tactful and this is best displayed when she's fighting. While it's not something she enjoys, Tatsuo has been noted to have exceptional battle prowess due to her strong ability and cunning mind.

If one were to pay attention to her, one would notice that Tatsuo is quite caring about those around her regardless of her relationship with her. Keeping an eye on the well being of others, the woman is quick to come to the aid of others if she happens to notice something out of character from them though these gestures are rather small in nature. While she likes to be helpful, she isn't one to overstep her boundaries and will stop if told to. An expection to this however is Ineko as she promised Nakano that she would watch over the girl.

A fatal flaw to her character is the fact that she is extremely sensitive in terms of handling her emotions. The type of person who wears her heart on her sleeve, it isn't hard to hurt her feelings and she isn't good at interacting which people how have strong personalities. Quite the push over, Tatsuo will easily back down if someone was to so much as to shout at her and she is rather weak willed in trying to get others to see her viewpoint on things. It is easy to walk all over her and she's often powerless to stop other people from using her.

[History before the beginning of the manga/anime]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae tincidunt quam. Praesent lacinia nulla ipsum, ut molestie dolor malesuada in. Ut quis odio hendrerit, viverra neque at, rhoncus neque. Proin vel nisl non orci mollis elementum. Donec luctus gravida eros, et blandit ipsum faucibus sit amet. Nulla at ultricies ante, sodales vehicula sapien. Cras condimentum semper nulla, a sollicitudin mauris euismod a. Proin et posuere metus. Ut tempus diam a leo pulvinar porta. Pellentesque a pulvinar ante. Fusce a nisi sed purus suscipit porta quis vitae est. Ut vehicula, dolor quis egestas pellentesque, lacus ex varius tellus, ac gravida tellus turpis non dolor. Fusce pulvinar vitae risus in lobortis.

Main Article: The Wind Has Risen

The Wind Has Risen (Kanji, Rōmaji): Tatsuo's ability allows her to manipulate air pressure, allowing her to use the atmosphere to crush her opponents and impede their actions.

200x115 [Your Character Name] vs. [Name] Win
200x115 [Your Character Name] vs. [Name] Win
200x115 [Your Character Name] vs. [Name] Win

Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance

Armed Detective Agency vs. Port Mafia Arc

The Guild Arc

The Guild Aftermath Arc

Cannibalism Arc

Decay of Angels Arc

Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance

Armed Detective Agency vs. Port Mafia Arc

Azure Messenger Arc

The Guild Arc

The Guild Aftermath Arc

Cannibalism Arc

Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance


Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance


Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance

  • Trivia here
  • Trivia here
  • Trivia here
  • Trivia here
  • Trivia here
  • Trivia here

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