Nakano Shigeharu



4 years, 11 months ago


Shigeharu Nakano


— [Character Name] to Name
Shigeharu Nakano
Kanji 中野 重治
Rōmaji Nakano Shigeharu
Also Known As Shi-kun (Ineko)
Namesake Shigeharu Nakano (Japanese Writer)
Personal Information
Status Deceased
Birthday January 25
Age 26
Gender Male
Height --
Weight --
Blood type --
Eye Color --
Hair Color --
Likes --
Dislikes --
Professional Information
Ability In the Depths of the Heart
Reference Muragimo
Occupation --
Affiliation Unnamed Organization (Former)
Port Mafia (Former)
Manga Debut --
Anime Debut --
Light Novel Debut --
Japanese Voice --
English Voice --
Stage Actor --
Image Gallery

Character Name (Kanji, Rōmaji) is a fan character for the Bungo Stray Dogs manga and anime series. (+ brief presentation here)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae tincidunt quam. Praesent lacinia nulla ipsum, ut molestie dolor malesuada in. Ut quis odio hendrerit, viverra neque at, rhoncus neque. Proin vel nisl non orci mollis elementum. Donec luctus gravida eros, et blandit ipsum faucibus sit amet. Nulla at ultricies ante, sodales vehicula sapien. Cras condimentum semper nulla, a sollicitudin mauris euismod a. Proin et posuere metus. Ut tempus diam a leo pulvinar porta. Pellentesque a pulvinar ante. Fusce a nisi sed purus suscipit porta quis vitae est. Ut vehicula, dolor quis egestas pellentesque, lacus ex varius tellus, ac gravida tellus turpis non dolor. Fusce pulvinar vitae risus in lobortis.

Nakano is a rather calm and composed man who often speaks in a formal and polite mannerism. He is not one to really voice his true thoughts, the male often keeps to himself more often than not due to his opinons causing trouble for others in the past. As such Nakano hardly expresses how he feels about things and more often than not just does as he is told, causing others to view him as a doormat or lackey. He himself is unaffected by people's opinons of his actions and just wants to atone for his mistakes in the past.

Highly perceptive, if not a bit paranoid, Nakano constantly questions the intent of others. While Nakano is considered smart, Nakano is prone to overthinking things and often stresses himself out with his thoughts which makes decisions for himself much harder then they need be. It is quite easy to fluster him because of this in regards to dealings that involve his loved ones but due to his calm and composed expression, it doesn't give much away to how he's feeling. Extremely selfless, Nakano is quick to give things up if it means helping others and feels that it's required of him to help others due to past experiences. He tends to feel guilty when something happens that he could have prevented and berates himself harshly when this occurs, revealing that fact that his view of himself is rather low.

Surprisingly opinonated, Nakano has shown to have high morals in regards to outlook on life and is rather regretful of the fact that he turned away from them in the long run. The male bears a deep sense of guilt in regards to things he has done in the past and was working to atone for them which explains a lot of his actions.

Beneath his calm and composed nature lies a man that is simply going to the motions and has no desire to live out his life. Plagued by a sense of survior's guilt, Nakano has been quoted to be a 'dead man walking' and is simply waiting for demise to befall him. Much of his actions are quite lifeless and he seems to have little care for his own wellbeing.

Nakano was born in a more rural area of Yokohama to an average size family. His childhood with rather standard with no perticular incident standing out that would stick with him in any way. It was, in his words, "painfully boring" but he was still grateful that he was able to have a problem free childhood.

Main Article: (Ability Name)

Ability Name (Kanji, Rōmaji): Nakano's ability allows him to detect the sound of heartbeats in a nearby radius.

200x115 [Your Character Name] vs. [Name] Win
200x115 [Your Character Name] vs. [Name] Win
200x115 [Your Character Name] vs. [Name] Win

Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance

Armed Detective Agency vs. Port Mafia Arc

The Guild Arc

The Guild Aftermath Arc

Cannibalism Arc

Decay of Angels Arc

Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance

Armed Detective Agency vs. Port Mafia Arc

Azure Messenger Arc

The Guild Arc

The Guild Aftermath Arc

Cannibalism Arc

Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance


Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance


Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance

  • His handwriting is known to extremely messy and most have trouble reading it.
  • Trivia here
  • Trivia here
  • Trivia here
  • Trivia here
  • Trivia here

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