Ineko Sata



7 years, 6 days ago


Sata Ineko

"Loneliness is such a cruel punishment, don't you think?"

— Ineko Sata to Hori Tatsuo
Sata Ineko
Kanji 佐多 稲子
Rōmaji Ineko Sata
Also Known As Sa-chan (Nakano)
Namesake Ineko Sata (Japanese Writer)
Personal Information
Status Active
Birthday June 1st
Age 20
Gender Female
Height 157 cm
Weight --
Blood type A
Eye Color Red
Hair Color Silver
Likes Her Hair
Interesting People
Dislikes Clutter
Professional Information
Ability Standing In Time
Reference Toki ni tatsu
Occupation Mafiaso
Affiliation Port Mafia
Manga Debut Chapter 10
Anime Debut Episode 9
Light Novel Debut --
Japanese Voice Sanada Asami
English Voice --
Stage Actor --
Image Gallery

Character Name (Kanji, Rōmaji) is a fan character for the Bungo Stray Dogs manga and anime series. (+ brief presentation here)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae tincidunt quam. Praesent lacinia nulla ipsum, ut molestie dolor malesuada in. Ut quis odio hendrerit, viverra neque at, rhoncus neque. Proin vel nisl non orci mollis elementum. Donec luctus gravida eros, et blandit ipsum faucibus sit amet. Nulla at ultricies ante, sodales vehicula sapien. Cras condimentum semper nulla, a sollicitudin mauris euismod a. Proin et posuere metus. Ut tempus diam a leo pulvinar porta. Pellentesque a pulvinar ante. Fusce a nisi sed purus suscipit porta quis vitae est. Ut vehicula, dolor quis egestas pellentesque, lacus ex varius tellus, ac gravida tellus turpis non dolor. Fusce pulvinar vitae risus in lobortis.

On the surface, Ineko is highly charismatic. Always presented with a smile on her face, Ineko has shown to be breezy and carefree with an allure about her that others can’t help but be drawn in by her. Her social skills are polished and flexible coupled with a silver tongue allowing Ineko to charm most that interact with her. The female is more than used to using manipulation to keep situations flowing to her liking and stopping people from stepping too far by simply deflecting, however her methods are extremely discreet and most don’t even realize that they are dancing to her tune.

Ineko’s way of thinking is very outlandish. Her thoughts are constantly racing and she has shown to do things that go against the norm for most. Her actions are unpredictable and motives are something she knows, it’s hard to keep with her and most fail to do so much to her amusement. Nevertheless while her methods are strange, they tend to work quite well. Ineko is naturally efficient at what she does though it can be said that she mainly tries hard because she has something to work towards that greatly holds her interest. With things unconcerning to her, Ineko will not try much to the ire of others.

Highly adaptable, Ineko is rarely daunted by most situations that she finds herself in. She is quite good at distancing herself emotionally so as to not get dragged around and retain a calm mindset. For Ineko, doing her job brings her more amusement if anything as it allows her to meet interesting people. Ineko lives for a thrill and becomes quite gleeful when this is fulfilled. It’s rare for her emotions to get the best of her but concerning people she cares about always gets her to act before she thinks.

Incredibly perceptive of those around her, Ineko is almost eerily aware of her surroundings and makes notes of the things that happen around her. This bleeds into her attentive behavior as she doesn’t mind helping others with things as she is polite. Many have compared her actions to that of an older sister and Ineko admits that might be due to childhood of being the oldest in her orphanage. As such, she is rather good with children and has a soft spot for them.

Despite being loud and easygoing, Ineko doesn’t allow most people to get close to her as a means of protecting herself. It’s hard for Ineko to form emotional attachments but she finds herself gravitating towards those she deems interesting or reminds her of Nakano. With those that earn her favor, a much more affectionate side of the girl is displayed. Extremely clingy, Ineko is touchy feely and teasing but it’s just how she shows she cares. Ineko’s loyalty is unwavering once it’s earned and she is rather good at taking care of others as opposed to herself. Ineko feels that she has to give her all to make others stay as if she doesn’t they will leave her. This is the direct result of the fact that she has an intense fear of abandonment and feels that she lacks a true place to call home. For Ineko, her entire life revolved around Nakano and now that he’s gone, Ineko is simply lost and confused. Her self worth and view of her own person is rather low as she often blames herself and her character for others leaving her.

Ineko herself is an individual that has a tight grasp on the anger and grief she feels towards Nakano’s disappearance and the eventual truth she comes to learn. She is often a victim of her own thoughts and rarely lets others know how she’s truly feeling, quickly falling back onto her carefree persona when people pry a little too much for her liking. Ineko doesn’t have a healthy way of channeling these negative emotions as she’s fearful of relying on others due to the thought of her issues driving them away. She is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode to say the least.

It is only properly facing her emotions and the truth about Nakano that Ineko finally mellows out. Developing a healthier way of dealing with her problems, the female finally comes to terms with her grief and allows herself to air it out there with the help of those close to her. Thanks to her thinking slowly developing into a more positive type, Ineko allows herself to feel comfortable with herself and the fact that she has found a place to call her own people that she can call friends. Her emotional vulibiterally is still present however as Ineko can’t help but feel that when something good happens, something awful always follows suit.

Ineko was born to young, unmarried parents. However due to their inexperience and that they were unprepared to have a child, she was orphaned at an early age. Spending a good part of her childhood in an orphanage, her time at the orphanage was not pleasent; the conditions were harsh and most of the children were ignored by the caregivers, their attention only given when it was time to eat or when they weere working. As such Ineko took on the role of a caregiver with the few older children there with her. Forced to mature early due to this, Ineko quickly learned that reality was harsh and she needed to do her best to survive.

Ineko's time in the orphanage would only get worse once she discovered her ability. Realizing that she was gifted by accident when she slowed down one of the caregiver's perception in order to advoid being punished, Ineko should caught the eye of the other children; particularly the older children's intrest in what exactly she could do with her ability. At first they wanted her to use her ability for harmless things, from helping with their games to their chores. However the children soon pushed for her to do more daring things for them, ranging from stealing extra food servings to helping them get forbidden items from the caregivers offices. While Ineko was more than willing to help at first the girl began to detest them for only using her for their personal gains and quick to ditch her when she got caught breaking the rules. This coupled with the fact that the caregivers were aware of the fact that she had an ability lead her to being kept away from the other children and on an extrermely tight leash. The only time she would see others was went she had to work in the factory but even then the other children pretended she didn't exist. This only further deepen the bleak outlook Ineko had on life.

The orphanage would close down she was fourteen due to lack of funding and Ineko was left to fend for herself on the streets. Having mastered her ability thanks to the long stretches of isolation she was forced to endure, the girl quickly pick up the street smarts that would help her survive and with her ability she was able to fend off death. With pick pocketing being her livelyhood thanks to her ability helping her, Ineko would soon meet Nakano Shigeharu. Attempting to steal his wallet when he was passing through, Ineko was greatly surprised when the man managed to catch her with ease before she could run away. Quite scared at what he would do to her, Ineko was greatly confused when instead of taking her to the police, he took her out to eat at a local cafe; a favorite of his was what he told her. Giving her the first warm meal she had in a while, Nakano asked her what a girl her was doing stealing from unsuspecting people. Feeling like a child being scolded by their parent, Ineko apologized for attempting to rob him and in return Nakano gave her enough money to buy some new clothes along with a place to rest before he left with a wish that maybe they would run into each again. Not used to having anything done for her, Ineko began to better herself in order to show Nakano if they happen to meet again.

Taking a job at the cafe Nakano likes with hopes of seeing him again, Ineko would become good friends with the manager and his wife who eventually offered her a place to stay when she worked for them. It was a year later that Ineko's path would once again cross with Nakano's. Having been specificly requested, Ineko nearly cried at the sight of Nakano smiling at her. Getting them both a cup of coffee, Ineko was happy to catch up with him and proud of the fact that she bettered herself to where she wouldn't be scared to see him again. From there, Nakano would come everyday for his coffee and see her, eventually offering to take care to which she agreed to. She would later meet Hori Tatsuo due to this as she was also living with him at the time.

In the beginning her time with Nakano was blissful; he took care of her and asked for nothing in return which made Ineko feel guilty causing her to repay him by keeping the home clean. While she didn't know what exactly he did for work Ineko didn't really question it as she didn't want to be noisy when he gave her more than enough as it is. However her curiousity would grow as, in her mind , rather suspicous people started coming home with Nakano which she assumed were his coworkers. While both Nakano and Hori were good at keeping these vists private for the most part, Ineko would sometimes catch wind of the conversations that took place between them. Things would take a turn for the two at Ineko's meeting with Mori Ougai. As Nakano was one of the key members of the mafia's intel section, he was quite close to Mori and often was in his company because of it. Unable to stop the fear she felt at the sight of him, Mori seemed to regard he with interest as Nakano ushered him to his study and instructed Ineko to get ingredients for dinner which was nothing more than a way to get her out. Ineko would begin to see his boss more often after that as the male clearly had an interest in her and her presence which not only unsettle her but Nakano as well. Becoming much more distant and closed off, Ineko wasn't sure how to handle Nakano's drastic change in personality and the way he treated her as he wouldn't tell her what the problem was which in turn made her feel like she was the cause of it. She would then grill Hori about it since she knew the two were coworkers but she also refused to tell which left her with a sense of resignation.

Soon Ineko began to see Nakano less and less with the time he was there being spent locked away in his study as if the sight of her was too much to bare for him. Unable to stop the guilt she felt because of this, Ineko would spend her time simply sitting in front of his door hoping he would come out and at the dining room table waiting for him to come home. Eventually he didn't. Distraught at Nakano's sudden disappearance, she did everything she could to attempt to find even the slightest clue as to where he could of gone but with her knowing nothing but what he allowed her to know, Ineko came up empty handed. Fustrated and confused, Ineko eventually went to Hori and demanded to know Nakano's occupation as he disappeared during work. With heavy relucantance after being threatened by the girl, Ineko found herself in the heart of the underworld and once again in the company of Mori. The male was more than happy to tell her Nakano's whereabouts at the price of her joining the mafia and that she would have to work her way up in order to get all of the information. Left with no choice and a deep sense of desparation, Ineko agreed.

Main Article: (Standing In Time)

Standing In Time (Kanji, Rōmaji): Ineko's ability allows her to alter others persepcetive of time by slowing them down, allowing Ineko to appear to be able to move much faster than she actually is. Because of this, she excels in meele and short range combat. However her abilty only effects a certain range, therefore anyone outside the range is uneffected.

200x115 [Your Character Name] vs. [Name] Win
200x115 [Your Character Name] vs. [Name] Win
200x115 [Your Character Name] vs. [Name] Win

Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance

Armed Detective Agency vs. Port Mafia Arc

The Guild Arc

The Guild Aftermath Arc

Cannibalism Arc

Decay of Angels Arc

Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance

Armed Detective Agency vs. Port Mafia Arc

Azure Messenger Arc

The Guild Arc

The Guild Aftermath Arc

Cannibalism Arc

Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance


Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance


Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance

  • Is a thrill seeker; anything that can make her blood rush is something she enjoys doing. This of course stems from her desire to distract herself.
  • Surprisingly hates mess/clutter. Will tidy up anythnig she deems messy and it's noted that her home is quite organized.
  • Ineko has shown to suffer from bouts of depression due to Nakano's passing.
  • Trivia here
  • Trivia here
  • Trivia here

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