


3 years, 2 months ago


Full name: Anthony Osbourne

Nickname: Aries

Age: 16

Height: 5'10"

Nationality: American

Likes: Being in control, confrontation, intense rollercoasters, fast cars, punk and rock music, winter, ice hockey

Dislikes: Authority and rules, indecision, slow days, dull people, idle time, history, summer


Member of a teenage gang, tightknit group of friends who meet up, hang out, help each other out in their family or society can't, cause some light mischief and occasionally get into fights with other groups over the best hangout locations in the 1970s.

He has dark black-blue hair styled loosely with a heavy fringe pushed off to the side and often unkempt, he has narrow ice-blue eyes with heavy lids, a smooth downturned nose, a pointy face and a scar down his left cheek. He has both ears pierced and has a strong physique due to him working out and often getting into fights.

He is a true rebel, he'll fight with anyone he can, teachers, his own parents, other peoples parents, police officers, and even his own friends if they try and tell him what to do. He loves the thrill of conflict and risk taking, this can be a good thing if he has his friends around to reign him in as he's the first to defend his friends in a fight or to try something new, but it can lead to risky behavior and he is impulsive. He's very confident in himself and is decisive because of this, and is good at making quick decisions especially in difficult situations, he is stubborn, intense and has a strong will. However his confidence can lead him to being self important, and his love of risk taking can make him unstable and his intensity can make him vindictive and spiteful at times. He is ambitious, and longs for power and control but never quite achieves it as he can be short-sighted when it comes to long term planning and goals, and hates downtime and boredom and when he's left with nothing else to do he'll often start to deconstruct any small objects he can get his hands on. While he is fairly bad at being nice to others and rarely apologizes, he does truly like his friends and never leaves anyone behind. Deep down he knows his current role of second-in-command of his group and the leader can't abandon the whole group for one member, so when the group gets in trouble he's the one who goes back for the last friend or stays behind to help.

He didn't grow up with the happiest childhood, his parents were fairly poor and would often argue over money, jobs, and the best way to raise him, this last part upset him at an early age as it made him feel like a burden straining his families relationship, he responded by finding ways to spend time away from home, staying around after school, wandering around in the city and trying to be independent at a young age, but this only made the problem worse as his parents thought they were failing in their efforts and only doubled down on both arguing and pushing him in different directions, which in turned only spurred on his own rebellious efforts and building up more negative feelings. As a child, his mother would often take him ice skating in the winter while his father would take him out hunting wild animals in the summer. Despite his what others assumed about him due to his abrasive personality, he never enjoyed going out hunting as it at best resulting in long hours of him doing heavy lifting, dirty work and long hours of nothing happening, and at worst would result in him having killed an animal and needing to deal with that on top of all the other bothers of a long and boring outdoors trip. Instead, he enjoyed ice skating a lot more, he loved the thrill of going fast and impressing others, his love of ice skating also lead him to picking up roller skating to fill the time in Spring and Autumn. As he got older would spend his brief time in school on the ice hockey team where he practiced and was a strong member of the team, however he was often punished for taking things too far and fighting with his opponents and occasionally with his own team.

As he got older and started to become a teenager, his occasionally schoolyard fights got more and more frequent, what was before chalked up as either fighting a bully or rough-housing became more intense and he discovered he had a knack for fighting, he was strong and used to physical activity, and noticed he was good at all kinds of strategizing when it came to combat, he'd confront someone after gym class to ensure they'd be tired or in a public place if they were shy, overall he was good at taking advantage of others weaknesses, using his own strength and finding every dirty trick in the book. Fighting and winning made him feel very good about himself, he loved the adrenaline rush and he felt it was something personal he had control over and he enjoyed being feared and respected by his classmates. Eventually he garnered himself a reputation in his local area to the point where kids from other schools would try to start fights with him to prove how tough they were, at first he enjoyed it too as having a greater challenge could only improve his own skills and he liked having more people to fight, but it soon got out of control and was beaten up by a group of kids as he was leaving school leading to a nasty cut on his cheek. This was a terrible problem for him, he didn't want to go to the hospital as that would lead to a heavy bill for his parents, and he didn't want to go to them either as his relationship with them had started to sour and he felt shameful about losing a fight and didn't want to admit it to them, he decided to take a third option, sneaking into the school nurses office to take some bandages for his face and applying them himself, it eventually healed without infection but left a scar.

Going into high school, he realized he couldn't deal with his current situation by himself, but he didn't have anyone to help him, his parents were distant, his entire school viewed him as a violent thug and anyone who would be near him would only to so to try and start a fight. He decided to spend time in different sides of the city and spent more and more time away from his home, fortunately for him, however he soon found someone willing to spend time with him, two close knit friends from a local high school who enjoyed getting into trouble, and they quickly became a trio, causing minor trouble and pushing other groups out of hangout spots and building up their own sort of reputation. One day, while hanging out with his friends near a local theme park, an officer recognized him and accused him of stealing a missing car, not the kind of person to back down from authority he quickly denied the accusation but things started to turn difficult when the officer, knowing he could get away with pinning the theft on him, attempted to arrest him. He quickly dodged out of the way and ran off with his friends, they soon broke up into two groups and he and his friend, Santiago, ducked off into the theme park to escape. They found themselves stuck however, it was a complete dead end and there was no way to get out of the crowd, until another kid who had seen the altercation lead them through the backdoors and narrow alleyways of the park to a hidden area where they could hide out. The kid introduced himself as Yorkie, and after sharing adventuring tales together, he quickly joined in the group. From there their group only started to gather more members as their reputation grew.
