


3 years, 1 day ago


Full Name: Susie Carter

Nickname: Billie

Age: 15

Height: 5' 4"

Nationality: American

Likes: Art, wearing accessories, music (especially instrumentals), graffiti, the beach, amusement parks

Dislikes: The dark, not doing anything, being alone, haunted places, summer heat


Member of a teenage gang, a tightknit group of friends who meet up, hang out, help each other out in their family or society can't, cause some light mischief and occasionally get into fights with other groups over the best hangout locations in the 1970s.

She has long black hair that she wears in an afro, big dark brown eyes, a heart shaped face, thin upturned eyebrows and dimples. She likes to paint her nails, though more often than not they're also covered with paint. She's the shortest of the group and has a skinnier build.

Billie is very optimistic and excitable, she's always looking for something new and fun to do and likes to join in on whatever everyone else is doing, though her bubbly nature can lead to her getting easily distracted, she often jumps from topic to topic in conversations and forgets things easily, she can be impulsive, which can let her emotions get the better of her but she also is quick to try new things and help others out. She is extroverted and likes making new friends, she is able to get along with others easily and people tend to be happier when she's around, she doesn't like down time and spends her time hanging out with others or creating art. She likes to follow other people's lead but when left on her own she tends to do whatever crosses her mind, she doesn't really like to plan things out and tends to be fairly short-sighted and she can also be rather emotional and can get upset easily. She tries to control her negative emotions by speaking in a polite and controlled manner when she gets angry, but she stutters when she's angry, upset or nervous which gives it away.

She was born into a small family in a busy urban city, her father spending his time working in a nearby factory and her mother working part-time odd jobs to help support them. Luckily for her, their neighbors in the apartment had a son around her age, Sunny, who she became close friends with and as her family slowly grew she spent more time escaping her younger siblings in nearby parks and with Sunny. As she entered school she found that she was good at making friends and she enjoyed learning in class, but she soon found her true passion while doodling in her books and during art lessons, she loved art and creating things and took every chance she got to practice and she and Sunny would spend their time drawing in books and coming up with lists of cool and uncool things to draw. She was at first encouraged by her teachers and parents and then quickly discouraged after her art started to escape her books and moving to tables then classmate's work then bathroom stalls and then walls, and eventually she and Sunny started to spend time together in detention and getting yelled at by their parents. Though this didn't put a stop to their work and eventually she started to take an interest in street art and started to spend time hunting for spray paint and empty spaces to practice on.

She and Sunny started to get known around their local area for their art, while the adults overlooked them the teenagers and kids started to take interest in their bright and colourful artworks around the town, and would often watch them during while they were painting around town, and despite a few close called she and Sunny manages to avoid detection by law enforcement. She started to get better at being sneaky and used her small size to her advantage when it came to sneaking through small gaps and up into high places to find the best spots to do her art. The pair soon caught the eyes of a local group of kids lead by a boy from the local high school, Leo, who would occasionally help them get paint and hangout near them while they were working to keep an eye out for troublemakers or law enforcement looking to bust them. One day the pair wandered too far from their neighborhood and into the territory of a local gang, not realizing this they began to paint but were soon caught by the gang who were not happy about someone else spraying tags in their area, and they started to chase them, they made it back to their neighborhood before the gang caught up to them but by then Leo's group had spotted them and a fight broke out. It was short, and both groups returned with minor injuries at most, but it brought Billie and Sunny closer to Leo and his group and they soon started to hang out together properly and joined in on the group, quickly making friends and joining in on their plans and using the help of the gang to find better places to hide her art around town.
