


3 years, 3 months ago


Full Name: Roland Fox

Nickname: Yorkie

Age: 17

Height: 6' 2"

Nationality: English

Likes: Snacks, dogs, long trips, road trips, maps, gardening, prog rock, adventure movies, deep discussions

Dislikes: Arguments, waiting around, being alone, chocolate, birds, boats


Member of a teenage gang, a tightknit group of friends who meet up, hang out, help each other out in their family or society can't, cause some light mischief and occasionally get into fights with other groups over the best hangout locations in the 1970s.

He has warm brown hair that was once cut into a simple bowl-cut style, which has now grown out into a semi-mullet style, he has dark brown eyes which are often hidden by his fringe. He has a strong, slightly crooked nose and crooked teeth and is missing a tooth on the bottom row. He has a fairly strong build from both exploring a lot as a kid and helping his father out with manual labor.

He loves to explore anything an everything from physical places to new ideas and concepts, and is always looking for something else to find and enjoys questioning others, though this can lead to him coming off as rude or insensitive, he can also be impatient and pushy as he's always looking for the next thing to try, and he is prone to lying especially when it comes to protecting himself and his friends from consequences, and it's a good thing he happens to be good at it. Despite this, his friends often come to him with help solving problems as he loves to approach things from different angles and his love of new experiences gives his a lot of different perspectives to try from, and he is overall a relaxed person who doesn't take things too seriously and is always the first one to help out and join in on any adventures or schemes his friends have cooked up. He gets annoyed when arguments between his friend group and is quick to disengage when they happen, though he'll backup his friends if a confrontation occurs with other groups. He's not necessarily good at fighting but he's fairly big and tough which gives him an edge if things turn bad.

Born into a working class Northern English family, he spent a lot of time helping out around his house or with his fathers work at the docks. When he got free time to himself he loved spending time in the local woods, fields and farmlands of his town and liked making rudimentary maps of the areas and inspecting the local plants and attempted to keep a small, hidden garden in his favourite woodland clearing. When he was 13 his family managed to save enough money to move to America as his fathers received a better offer from an American company, however, he didn't enjoy the move and lost touch with his friends from England, and he didn't integrate into his new school. He was mocked almost instantly for his accent, weird hobbies and his failure to keep up with trends, at first he tried to hide his interests and accent but quickly got frustrated with trying to hide himself away and instead turned to standing up for himself, leading to many fights and trips to the principals office and eventually, as he got older and tougher from fighting and working hard the bullying lessened, though he was still seen as a weird outcast. 

However, he didn't mind too much as his lack of a social life gave him more time to explore the city, while it was a complete change from the quaint English countryside he was use to, he welcomed the change. He still attempted his hobby of map making, often attempting to make his own or buying cheap paper maps and describing all the locations he knew down with more detail and marking his favourite places. His exploration eventually lead him to an old amusement park which quickly became his favourite spot, staffed primarily by bored older teenagers and young adults who couldn't care any less about their jobs which gave him ample opportunity to seek out all the hiding spots and out of bounds areas, and located right on the waters edge along a boardwalk, which reminded him of his time at the docks in England. The park was often populated by a small smattering of tourists in the day, and kids of all ages during the night, perfect for people-watching and causing for minor mischief and disappearing into the crowd or down a hidden alley way. Eventually, he started to spend more time exploring and visiting the park and less time studying, however this came in handy when one day he spotted two teenagers getting hassled by a cop who they then started to run away from, wanting to help, he drew their attention and lead them through the city and towards the amusement park. After hiding inside, he asked about the incident where the two told him about their gang of friends and how they got suspected for a petty crime committed by a rival group. In order to hide and let things die down, he showed the two, Marlin and Santiago, around the theme park and lend them some of his maps, in return they showed him their hangouts and told tales about the adventures they had. In time the three of them became friends and he was soon introduced to the group where he quickly fit in.


-He likes to chew on things when he's focused or concentrating on something, which means he often brings snacks with him or else his pencils get very chewed up.

-He secretly likes romance and likes the idea of falling in love.

-He still speaks with an English accent and often uses slang that confuses his friends.
