
3 years, 10 months ago


Full name: Rio Daniels

Age: 19

Nationality: English

Height: 5' 6"

Occupation: Artist

Likes: Music (70s and 80s, goth), animals, tea, boots and chunky sneakers, small/cozy spaces, sweaters

 Dislikes: Crowds, snow, explaining himself, soggy/sloppy foods, shallow conversations, strong perfumes

A shy, shut-in visual artist, Rio loves music but never had the chance to or talent for learning it. He uses his artistic skills as a painter to pay the rent on his small outer city townhouse, though he still has to resort to selling his art supplies every now and then.

He does consider himself to be somewhat of a goth and is almost always seen with some kind of dark makeup and with his hair backcombed, though he does dress more casually than most and likes wearing button ups, sweaters, big coats, pins and badges and is very into the Post-Punk scene, he also likes all kinds of second hand clothes and can often be seen wearing secondhand military jackets, pants, boots and jumpsuits.

He is always tries to consider the best move before acting, though this can lead him to acting slowly, he does care for others but he has trouble showing it due to his shyness and bad social skills, he is anxious but he is always paying attention and noticing things other people wouldn't even though it always seems like he's lost in thought or thinking about something else due to his demeanor.

He is very shy and doesn't really know anyone well enough to call them a friend aside from his cousin Ash, and he prefers to spend his time alone at his house, making paintings, listening to music and theorizing on anything and everything. He likes to understand other people through observation and enjoys learning about their motivations for the things they like, and spends time thinking about whether the person at the local coffee shop grew up in a family that valued good coffee or if they just need something to get them through a bad day, or if the owner of a local music shop is working out of passion or if they just wanted a job that they could stand up in. This largely comes from the fact his main interaction with people growing up was either through movies or books, or second hand such as watching his parents catch up with old friends or watching other children play in the park. Though he's not completely isolated, his job as an artist often leaves him with free time when everyone else is working or asleep which means he sometimes spends time talking (Or more like listening to) his unemployed or retired neighbors and he is known to local retail workers and various other night-time workers as he will occasionally discuss his theories and artistic thoughts with them.

Despite his overall demeanor he isn't easily scared or shocked by things and enjoys making banter with his closest friends