Jaehyuk Cha (Kelion Chamae)



5 years, 8 months ago


CONTENT WARNING! This profile contains mentions of abuse.
Status side / idle / nfs / accepting art / made in 2016
Name Kelion Chamae
Age 9.5 sweeps (20 human years)
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Species Troll - rust-variant
Ethnicity Korean
D.O.B 1st June (Gemini)
Relationship Status It's complicated
Orientation Bisexual, male-leaning
Occupation N/A
Accent Thick Korean accent, stutters
Looks Like Lee Jaehwan
Voiceclaim Jake Scherer

Your name is KELION CHAMAE and you are SHY and the OUTSIDE WORLD TERRIFIES YOU. Not that you can help it, you had no idea what the outside looked like until you were a good 6.5 sweeps old. This was because you had, quite literally, LIVED IN A CAVE for YOUR WHOLE LIFE.

You have a DARK PAST that occasionally comes back to haunt you. You were ABUSED and ALMOST KILLED by your lusus and this drove you to run away from home and unfortunately develop DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDER at a very young age, so you ended up with a fear of LARGE LUSII… and well, other things. Thankfully, your mental state is a lot more stable nowadays due to the love from your FRIENDS. Though, you're still very fragile and it's easy to frighten you and make you cry. You’re also SELECTIVELY MUTE and have a SLIGHT STUTTER. You have a very quiet voice and you TEND TO GET TALKED OVER as a result, not that you mind really. You're more of a LISTENER, anyway.

In contrast with the past trauma you endured, you have an interest in ENCHANTED FORESTS, FAIRY TALES and even FLOWERS. Everyone thinks that it’s quite cute. You usually disagree because people saying those things tends to leave you FLUSTERED and EMBARRASSED most of the time. You do love the compliments, though, they make you HAPPY.

You're SURPRISINGLY also HORRIBLY JUDGEMENTAL and DON'T REALLY KNOW HOW TO TAKE A JOKE. You're very SERIOUS, in other words. Well, that and you ALSO JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND HUMOUR. It doesn’t make sense to you.


Kelion is shy, quiet, and very serious. He seems to lack a sense of humour and doesn't seem to understand general jokes. This could be due to spending sixteen years of his life in a cave, but no-one really knows. Jokes seem to fly over his head. He’s slowly starting to develop his own sense of humour but it’s odd to say the least, and things he says tends to make others feel unsettled.

He’s very airheaded and is usually always lost deep in his thoughts or a particularly nice daydream. One usually has to click their fingers in front of his face to get his attention and he’s quick to let his thoughts wander without realising in the middle of a conversation, so it’s difficult to keep his attention. He also has a habit of speaking his thoughts out loud and he often doesn’t realise that he does this. It’s often awkward to onlookers when he does as there’s usually no context whatsoever to his speech, and that he doesn’t notice that he’s spoken.

Kelion is also incredibly forgetful – aside from the memory blanks that come with his alters – and often forgets he’s doing things as he’s doing them. It’s not uncommon where he’ll forget he’s walking and run into a wall, or he’ll just stop speaking in the middle of a conversation because he’s forgotten that he was talking in the first place.

His expression is usually kept quite neutral, and while that may make someone think that he isn't really feeling anything, he's actually thinking about a lot. He doesn't tend to speak often, so his thoughts are often brimming. He never really has much to say, and for good reason. He's constantly judging people, and if he spoke his mind it wouldn't always be pleasant.

In saying that, he is quite empathetic and caring and is always willing to listen to others' problems, even if he thinks they're stupid. He’s always there to lend a hand even if he doesn’t quite understand why the other person is upset. If all he can offer is a pat on the back, he’ll give it. He’s very emotional himself and often overreacts to different situations. He’s the kind of kid that will cry because a plant he was tending to died or a pencil he liked broke.


Kelion has an average build and is 5'0" in height. He's got a decent amount of muscle on his arms and legs, and has visible abdominals. He has a decent facial structure with a strong jaw and visible cheekbones, but still has soft cheeks. He has a scar that comes up the middle of his right jaw, a small one on his right ear, a somewhat large one jagged one near the middle of his neck, many littering his arms and legs, with a very large one in the centre of his left forearm. He has three very large badly healed scars that go from his left shoulderblade that run diagonally down his chest. He's covered in freckles over his nose/cheeks, ears, shoulders, arms, and legs. He tends to wear his hair well kept and brushed over his forehead.

The outfit he prefers and likes to wear are large sweaters and jackets that can cover his arms and help him feel all snug and warm. His favourite is his bi-colour red and black hoodie that Hyrina made for him. He wears this with black jeans and high-top red canvas volleys. He’s also partial to a blue and black striped elbow-length sleeved t-shirt and another white t-shirt with embroided plants on the front, but he only wears those when he’s feeling comfortable.

Likes | Dislikes
Fairy tales
Talking to his plants
Large crowds
Loud noises
Harsh sunlight
  • Kelion may be scared easily, but he is fearless when it comes to the carnivorous plants he shares his greenhouse home with. They've tried eating him on many occasions but he still sings them lullabies and kisses them goodnight.
  • He's very affectionate and is always cuddling up to people that he likes. He also has a tendancy to kiss his close friends on the forehead or cheeks as it's his way of showing that he loves them, even platonically.
  • Due to autism, he gets frustrated really quickly and easily if something isn't going his way or if someone is trying to make things sound more difficult than he thinks they are. He has a very one-track mind, so if there's obstacles in the way of something he thought was easy to achieve, it stresses him out and he panics.
  • He's a talented artist but he doesn't think much of his drawing. He has a large book where he sketches portraits, seeds, and leaf/flower types of all different kinds of plants he comes across. He also presses real flowers and tapes them into the pages and writes lengthy information in his native language on all of these plants.

❛❛Trying hard to reach out
But when I tried to speak out
Felt like no one could hear me
Wanted to belong here
But something felt so wrong here
So I pray I could breakaway❜❜

(Kelly Clarkson - 'Breakaway')


Kelion grew up in a cave without ever seeing the outside world, and his Lusus: a big, violent dinosaur-like creature used him as a kind of punching bag and controlled his every move. Until he was about fourteen, he was used and abused however this creature pleased until the day Rahart made his fantastic proper debut and taunted the creature in the hopes it’d kill him. He wimped out at the last minute and ran, he ran for his life out of the cave and into the open. He was chased by his Lusus and didn’t get much headway before it started to catch up. At this point, Rahart and Kelion had switched back and poor Kelion tripped from shock and the lusus grabbed him in it’s teeth and began to bite down, making him pass out and almost bleed to death. Thankfully, Djenah was foraging for supplies nearby and saw him after the commotion concerned her. In a panic, she used her magic to momentarily stall the creature long enough for her to escape with him.

Kelion was mute, and terrified. He had never seen anything outside the cave in his life so seeing another troll was new for him. Djenah covered him with a blanket – much like she would with a startled bird - and texted Daovia, who would later adopt him and raise him to good health - whilst receiving Nemura’s aid.

Unfortunately, no-one – not even Kelion – knew about his personalities, and it caused a lot of confusion and drama for everyone involved in his life including broken friendships, uncertainty, and hurt until slowly everyone began piecing everything together and came to the conclusion that Kelion wasn’t just Kelion – He was Rahart and Seulki as well. Seulki wasn’t very prominent to begin with, and no-one ever paid that much attention to her. Rahart on the other hand, was very difficult to ignore as he was always in their faces and getting up to mischief. Daovia suggested that Kelion – after realising his uncomfortable feelings towards not knowing what happens during the times his other alters are fronting – keep a diary in which she’d ask each to write about their day so that Kelion had some vague idea of what was going on when he wasn’t in control.

Kelion and Rahart both dated Takaio for a while after warming up to him and coming out of their shells, but their relationship ended because of Takaio’s stress of keeping Rahart in check and not really understanding the disorder. TK mutually ended the relationship, and he and Kelion are still friends to this day. Unfortunately, Rahart had no knowledge of the split like Kelion did, and accused Takaio of cheating when he saw him kiss Sevrik. He’s slowly re-building their friendship, but he’s still quite bitter about it all. Rahart then moved onto Alscia, and while she often rejects him – he tries his best to get her to like him for him and not see him the deadbeat rebel that everyone seems to think he is.


Kelion really loves Djenah and she’s almost like a mother to him. She’s the one who saved his life and for that he’s taken to her like a newborn duckling. If he ever goes off wandering it’s likely that he’s ventured into the forest to find her to spend time with her and help her out around her shop and to listen to the stories that she tells.


Kelion and Daovia are almost joined at the hip. The two of them are usually always together and Kelion’s normally insisting to stay by her side. Whether it’s because he finds her safe or if he’s just that close to her is unknown. Daovia often helps him whenever he’s having trouble with something or if he’s upset, and he appreciates her for it. He tries to help her in return but he’s not the best at it. It's the thought that counts.

TAKAIO MINORI - Friend/Ex-boyfriend

Kelion and Takaio still get along quite well and are often seen hanging out despite the fact that they’ve broken up their romantic relationship. They don’t really have much in common, but they still find all sorts of things to talk about. Kelion especially likes it when Takaio teaches him about baking. Kel’s still quite cuddly with him, but Sevrik doesn’t mind and knows that it’s just how the boy expresses himself.


Sevrik acts weird around Kelion sometimes but they’re generally awkward around each other all the time anyway because they’re both very different in personality. Sevrik doesn’t really understand Kel’s social behaviour and finds his silence a little unsettling as he doesn’t know if he’s listening to him or what he’s thinking. He’s also got a slight crush on him but it’s not something he’ll ever admit to or act on – he’s his boyfriend’s ex, after all.


Kel and Rina get along fairly well even though their personalities are the complete opposite. Kelion finds comfort in knowing that she can do all the talking while he can comfortably stay quiet, and Rina’s more than happy to have someone she can babble away to without being interrupted in the middle of a gossip speech. They have very different senses of humour as well, but still like each other’s company.


Kelion is very intimidated by Alscia and finds her over-confident, forceful personality kind of scary and he won’t usually talk to her unless he has to. She’s usually trying to talk to him however, expecting Rahart, which confuses him to no end and makes him a little uncomfortable. He’s not really sure if they’re friends or not, but he knows that she’s probably a nice person through watching her from afar. Apparently she and Rahart are in a relationship, and he's not sure if that means that he's technically in a relationship with her too by default or not.