Hadara Dracma



3 years, 19 days ago


Hadara Dracma

Hair Au Naturale • What is She, Your Mom? • Sass-a-frass-a

Hadara Dracma
6 Sweeps (14ish)
Female (She/Her)
Troll (Greyblood)
Heir of Blood
Proper grammar-sprinkles in dashes-

"If you almost-die again for the third-time this week- I will have-your head myself-"

There's a girl on the street who walks like she's invincible and always has a hand on her hip, chunky bracelets jangling loudly together. It's Hadara Dracma, of course, the neighborhood's resident babysitter and favor-redeemer beloved. Hadara talks like she can't get the words out of her head fast enough, like she'll lose them if she waits even a second before speaking. She may stumble over her words a little bit, but if you listen to what she has to say, you'll find that she's got some good-quality nuggets of wisdom in there.

Hadara is like the big sister you never had... despite the fact that she's probably younger than you. Hadara was thrust into the clutches of responsibility far too young and has had to roll with the punches of it ever since. Still, she manages to rise to the occasion every time and is always capable of so much more than she thinks she is. Though she may not be prepared for what life throws at her, she's definitely ready to take it on nonetheless.



If Hadara had a Caegar for every favor she did for someone who asked nicely, she'd then have enough Caegars to pay people not to ask her to do their chores for them. Unfortunately for her wallet, that's not the case, and Hadara cares far too much about all her friends maintaining their sanities for the time being, so off she goes running menial errands, picking up packages, and passing on messages. For Hadara, it's just all in a day's work of keeping the community together! Who knows what they'd do without her there?

Despite the fact that Hadara's been face to face with some of the toughest situations a young troll has to deal with on Alternia, her perseverant mindset and positive attitude have kept her resolve strong, even when it seemed like the entire world was against her. She may have been forced to take on responsibility and grow up early, but honestly, what kid on Alternia hasn't? Hadara just happens to have adjusted to 'real life' exceptionally well compared to some of her peers. So, while they're busy being messes and figuring their lives and themselves out, she'll pick up their slack for them. It's no big deal, she's got it.


SASHAY, SHANTE: Hadara walks everywhere like she owns the place, because no one in their right mind would dare to touch her if they knew what was good for them. Hadara is beloved and has so many favors owed to her by so many people, that if she's ever in any actual trouble, she has an entire phonebook of people she can call on to get her out of trouble, especially those who live in her vicinity. Therefore, Hadara has nothing to fear and can sissy that walk without reservation.

CHILD WRANGLER: Hadara's definitely no lusus, but she might as well be with how well she's able to wrangle small rambunctious children into behaving at least somewhat rationally so that they don't die. She has just the right kind of authority to get sugar-high gremlins to pay attention, but kids are unpredictable and she can only hold them for so long. Still, the fact that she is able to manage them at all is an impressive feat.


  • Hadara only wears plastic jewelry because she has a metal allergy.
  • If Hadara could've chosen her caste, she would have picked indigo again.
  • When Hadara doesn't want to talk to anyone, she goes to the highest point on the city skyline and tries to spy on her friends.
  • The white portions in the front of Hadara's hair are entirely natural.
  • Hadara is minorly feral, and has the associated traits of sharp teeth and slit pupils.



Calope Xantho [ Mouse House Matron ]

Hadara has her own place, but Calope constantly needs a helping hand or sixteen, so Hadara often finds herself at the "Mouse House", cooking or cleaning or generally creating an air of calm. Calope is always endlessly grateful for the help.


Fritta Lacere [ Darling Detective ]

Hadara and Fritta have excellent conversations together filled with all the latest neighborhood gossip, gathered from the street and the web, respectively. Hadara is amazed at all that Fritta has been able to accomplish at such a young age and has said that she'll always be in the teal's corner.

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